PA Health Policy Update for May 19

The following is an update of selected state health policy developments in Pennsylvania from May 15 – 19.  (Some of the language used below is taken directly from state documents.) 

Medicaid Continuous Coverage Unwinding 

The Department of Human Services (DHS) has announced it will maintain an online dashboard with Medicaid continuous coverage unwinding data. The data on this dashboard tracks the renewal process by county and zip code. Additional updates and resources about the Medicaid eligibility renewal process may be found here. 

2023 Primary Election

Pennsylvania’s 2023 primary election was held on Tuesday, May 16.  In addition to judicial and municipal elections, Pennsylvanians in two legislative districts voted in a special election to fill vacancies in the state House of Representatives. Democrat Heather Boyd defeated Republican Katie Ford to represent the 163 Legislative District and Republican Michael Stender defeated Democrat Trevor Finn to represent the 108 Legislative District. The outcome of these two special elections enables the Democrats to maintain their one-vote majority in the House. 

General Assembly

  • The House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee held a public hearing on May 18 to discuss access to rural medicine and health care in Pennsylvania. A recording of the hearing can be viewed here.
  • The state House will return to Harrisburg for voting session Monday, May 22. The following are selected health-related proceedings.
    • The House Health Committee will hold a voting meeting Monday, May 22 at 10:00am to consider, among several resolutions, HB 1131 sponsored by Representative Lisa Borowski, which would remove the requirement for counties to operate state health centers in counties establishing their own local health departments. The meeting will be held in Room G-50 of the Irvis Office Building and will be live streamed here.
    • The House Human Services Committee will hold a voting meeting Tuesday, May 23 at 9:00am to consider, HB 849 sponsored by Representative Mike Schlossberg, to allocate funding for the Behavioral Health Commission on Adult Mental Health’s recommendations for funding, and HB 931 sponsored by Representative Eddie Day Pashinski, to establish the Kinship Care Legal Assistance Grant Program. The meeting will be held in Room 523 of the Irvis Office Building and can be live streamed here.
  • The state Senate will return to Harrisburg for voting session Monday, June 5. 

Department of Health 

The Department of Health began to register Temporary Health Care Services Agencies (THCSA) this month, as directed by Act 128 of 2022.  THCSAs are entities engaged in the business of procuring temporary employment in health care facilities for nurse aides, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and direct care staff. The statute requires any person that owns or operates a THCSA to register annually with the department and provide a list of each separate location. An application, instructions, and additional resources can be found on the THCSA website.

Department of Human Services 

  • The Department of Human Services (DHS) released the agenda for the Medical Assistance Advisory Committee’s (MAAC) May 25 meeting. 
  • Personal care homes and assisted living residences are reminded that after May 11, they should report any COVID-19 outbreaks through the department’s Reportable Incident and Condition form for reporting. If a facility experiences a significant outbreak, it can contact the regional licensing office and ongoing assistance with infection prevention and control is available through the LTC-RISE program.
  • DHS has updated its calendar of mailing dates for Remittance Advices and corresponding electronic transfers and checks through June.  Find the updated calendar here. 

Independent Regulatory Review Commission 

The Independent Regulatory Review Commission (IRRC) met May 18 and considered the following health-related regulations:

Stakeholder Events

DHS – Medical Assistance Consumer Subcommittee – May 24

The Consumer Subcommittee of the Medical Assistance Advisory Committee is scheduled to meet on Wednesday, May 24 at 1:00 pm. Go here to register to participate. 

DHS – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee – May 25

The Medical Assistance Advisory Committee is scheduled to meet on Thursday, May 25 at 10:00 a.m.  Go here to register to participate.


PA Health Policy Update for April 28

The following is an update of selected state health policy developments in Pennsylvania from April 24 -28.  (Some of the language used below is taken directly from state documents.) 

Medicaid Eligibility Redetermination 

Medicaid unwinding has officially begun, and recipients will begin to receive their renewal packets and additional communications from the Department of Human Services 90 days prior to their individual renewal date. Individuals can view their renewal dates in COMPASS and can begin the renewal application online up to 60 days early. Additional updates and resources about the Medicaid eligibility renewal process may be found here. 

General Assembly

  • The state House and Senate returned to Harrisburg on April 24 for voting session. Below is coverage of selected health-related committee proceedings.
    • The Senate Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Committee held a public hearing Monday, April 24 at 10:00am on professional licensing delays in health care. A recording of the hearing can be viewed here.
    • The House Insurance Committee held a voting meeting on Monday, April 24 to consider, among other bills, SB 8 which requires insurers to cover all costs associated with genetic counseling and genetic testing for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutation if a person is diagnosed with breast or ovarian cancer or has a family history of breast or ovarian cancer, and also requires insurers to cover all costs associated with a supplemental breast screening by MRI or Ultrasound for women at increased risk of breast cancer. The bill advanced from committee and received a unanimous vote on final passage in the House.  SB 8 will move to the Governor’s desk for his consideration upon signature in the Senate.
    • The Senate Veteran Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee held a voting meeting to consider SB 81, which codifies the ability for EMS providers to leave a dose of Naloxone with an on-scene caregiver. The bill now moves to the full Senate for consideration. A recording of the meeting can be viewed here.
    • The House Health Committee held an informational meeting Wednesday, April 26 on unregulated intoxicants and psychoactive substances. A recording of the hearing can be viewed  here.
    • The House Human Services Committee held a voting meeting Wednesday, April 26 to consider the following bills.
      • HB 409, which would establish a mental health care services clearinghouse. The bill was reported without amendment.
      • HB 754, which would provide a standard notice to each nursing home resident and their designated representatives at the time of their admission that they have the option of having legal representation to assist with the application for Medicaid benefits. The bill was re-referred to the House Health Committee.

A recording of the meeting can be viewed here.

    • The House Professional Licensure Committee held an informational meeting on the Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs. A recording of the meeting can be viewed here.
  • The state House and Senate will return to Harrisburg for voting session Monday, May 1. Following are selected health-related proceedings.
    • The House Health Committee will hold a public hearing Tuesday, May 2 at 9:30am on HB 106, the Patient Safety Act, which sets nursing ratios. The hearing will be held in Room 523 of the Irvis Office Building and can be live streamed here.
    • The Senate Health and Human Services Committee is holding a voting meeting on Tuesday, May 2 at 11:00 to consider among other bills:
      • SB 100, Establishing the Lyme Disease and Related Tick-Borne Illness Diagnosis and Treatment Act.
      • SB 262, Amends the Maternal Mortality Review Committee Act regarding reportable events.
      • SB 414, Expanding access to Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE).
      • SB 500, Provides for Medicaid Coverage for Pasteurized Donor Human Milk.
      • SB 549, Requires consent for pelvic, rectal, and prostate exams.
      • SB 555, Reducing the loaded mileage requirements for EMS Medicaid reimbursement.

The meeting will be held in Room 8E of the East Wing and will be livestreamed here. 

Department of Health 

The Department of Health issued a Health Alert (PAHAN – 693-04-28) with updated recommendations regarding the Monovalent and Bivalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.

Department of Human Services

  • The Department of Human Services (DHS) issued a press release highlighting how the Shapiro administration has reduced the backlog for Medicaid provider enrollment from 34,682 applicants waiting more than 30 days to less than 8,500. The press release notes the backlog has been reduced by 75 percent in the administration’s first 100 days.
  • DHS has issued Provider Quick Tip (#263) with an update notifying providers that the electronic submission process for Office of Medical Assistance Fee-for-Service (FFS) and the Office of Long Term Living’s 180-day exception requests and other claims requiring documentation is available in the PROMISe Portal.

Stakeholder Events

PHC4 –Executive Committee & Council Meeting – May 4

The Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council (PHC4) has scheduled an executive committee meeting at 9:30 a.m. and a council meeting at 10:00 a.m. on May 4, 2023. Go here for additional information and details on how to register to participate.

DHS – Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Subcommittee – May 12

The Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) Subcommittee will hold a meeting on Friday, May 12 from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. in the Department of Education Building’s Honors Suite, 1st floor, at 333 Market Street in Harrisburg, or via webinar. You may register for the webinar here.

PA Health Policy Update for March 24

The following is an update of selected state health policy developments in Pennsylvania from March 18 to March 24.  (Some of the language used below is taken directly from state documents.)

General Assembly

  • The House Appropriations Committee will hold a budget hearing next Tuesday, March 28 at 10:00 for the Department of Health and at 1:00 for the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs.  The hearings will be held in the House chamber and also will be live-streamed here.  A complete schedule for the House Appropriations Committee can be viewed here and a complete schedule for the Senate Appropriations Committee can be found here.
  • The House Health Committee will convene on Wednesday, March 29 to consider, among other bills, House Bill 155, which removes the requirement that direct-care workers be interviewed in person for a position, and House Bill 507, which requires medical schools, teaching hospitals, and medical institutions to receive explicit patient consent for all procedures and exams performed under anesthesia by medical students or for training purposes.
  • The state House and Senate are currently recessed.  They will return to Harrisburg on Monday, April 24 following the conclusion of budget hearings.

Department of Human Services

Department of Health

  • The Department of Health has added Mucopolysaccharidosis Type II Disorder (MPS II) screening to the supplemental conditions mandated for screening and follow-up under the state’s newborn screening program effective July 1.  Learn more from this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.
  • The Department of Health, which last month joined the Department of Agriculture and Department of Environmental Protection in establishing a temporary physical presence in Darlington Township, Beaver County to assist residents affected by the Norfolk Southern train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, has announced that the three departments will maintain a weekly presence there to continue addressing the needs and concerns of local residents.  Learn more about when the departments will be on site and what services they will offer from this Department of Health news release.

Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs

The Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs has announced an expansion of its free substance use disorder prevention and education tool “Just Five.”  Learn more about the expansion of this tool and its new components from this Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs news release.

COVID-19:  By the Numbers           

  • The number of new COVID-19 cases reported in Pennsylvania fell 26 percent last week after 19 percent declines in each of the two previous weeks.  The number of weekly deaths is holding steady.
  • In the past week the state surpassed 2.9 million confirmed cases of COVID-19; another 637,000 cases are considered “probable.”
  • According to the Department of Health, the number of Pennsylvanians hospitalized with COVID-19 fell 10 percent last week after falling 14 percent the previous week and 16 percent the week before that.  The number of COVID-19 patients on ventilators rose slightly in the past week and the number in hospital ICUs fell slightly.
  • The CDC reports a 10 percent decline in the seven-day daily average of new hospital admissions in Pennsylvania because of COVID-19 after an 18 percent decline the previous week and a 13 percent decline the week before that.
  • For the week ending March 22, one Pennsylvania county (Sullivan) experienced a low rate of community transmission of COVID-19; 28 counties experienced a moderate rate of community transmission of COVID-19; 23 counties experienced a substantial rate of community transmission; and 15 counties experienced a high rate of community transmission.

Stakeholder Events

DHS – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee – Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Subcommittee Meeting April 5

The Medical Assistance Advisory Committee’s managed long-term services and support subcommittee will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, April 5 at 10:00 in Harrisburg.  For information about how to join the meeting in person or participate remotely, see this DHS notice.

Department of Health – Spinal Cord Research Advisory Committee Meeting – April 10

The Department of Health’s Spinal Cord Research Advisory Committee will meet in Sellersville and be available for participants virtually on Monday, April 1 at 1:00.  For information about the committee, the location of the meeting, and how to join virtually, see this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

 Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs – Adolescent ASAM Criteria – May 16

The Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs is offering training on adolescent ASAM criteria, to be delivered virtually, for participants who already understand the foundational aspects of the ASAM criteria.  The purpose of this training is to explore and discuss the adolescent-specific aspects of the ASAM criteria and offer participants a practical focus through lecture, real-world clinical vignettes, and case studies.  The program will be held on May 16 at 8:30.  Continuing education credits are available.  Learn more about the program, including requirements for participation and how to join, from this Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs notice.  Please note that this program is identical to one offered on March 9.

PA Health Policy Update for February 17

The following is an update of selected state health policy developments in Pennsylvania from February 11-17.  (Some of the language used below is taken directly from state documents.)

General Assembly

The state House of Representatives will convene for session on Tuesday, February 21 at 12:00 p.m. The state Senate is scheduled to return on Monday, February 27.

Department of Human Services

  • The fee-for-service subcommittee of the Department of Human Services (DHS) Medical Assistance Advisory Committee met on Wednesday, February 8.  See the presentation made by Office of Medical Assistance officials during that meeting.
  • DHS’s Office of Long-Term Living offered a presentation during the February 14 meeting of the Medical Assistance Advisory Committee’s long-term services and supports subcommittee.  Find that presentation here.
  • DHS has published a notice of its funding allocation for FY 2023 inpatient disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments to qualifying inpatient acute-care general, psychiatric, and rehabilitation hospitals and qualifying psychiatric and rehabilitation units of acute-care general hospitals; outpatient supplemental payments to qualifying inpatient acute-care general hospitals; direct medical education payments to qualifying inpatient acute-care general hospitals; and certain DSH and supplemental payments to new hospitals.  It is not otherwise changing the qualifying criteria or payment methodology for these payments.  These payments will amount to $257.76 million in total funds.  Learn more from this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.
  • DHS has published a notice of its funding allocation for DSH payments to qualifying acute-care general hospital burn centers, to qualifying acute-care general hospitals providing obstetrical and neonatal services, to critical access and qualifying rural hospitals, and to qualifying acute-care general hospitals that treat a high percentage of Medical Assistance patients under 18 years of age.  Together, the payments amount to $107.655 million in total state and federal funds.  Learn more from this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.
  • DHS has published procedure codes and payment rates for the administration of the Pfizer and Moderna bivalent booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccines.   Find the codes, the rates, and their effective dates in this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.
  • DHS’s Office of Long-Term Living has informed stakeholders that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has approved renewal of the Community HealthChoices waiver, effective January 1, 2023, for five years.  See the DHS message here.
  • DHS has published a notice announcing that it will increase fees in the Medical Assistance Program for certain ambulance transportation services in both the fee-for-service and managed care delivery systems, effective with dates of service on and after January 1, 2023.  Those fees will be not less than $325 for basic life support ambulance transportation services, not less than $400 for advanced life support ambulance transportation services, and not less than $4 per loaded mile for each loaded mile beyond 20 loaded miles for ground ambulance transportation.  Learn more from this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

Department of Health

  • The Department of Health (DOH) has issued a health alert to providers advising them about a possible nation-wide increase in invasive group A streptococcal (iGAS) infections in children.  This increase, however, reflects only a return to pre-pandemic levels.  The alert includes information about the condition and offers guidance for clinicians and laboratories.  Find the alert here.
  • DOH has published information about its Medical Care Availability and Reduction Error (MCARE) Act surcharge for FY 2023, a per unit assessment of approximately $156.56 payable by June 1.  Learn more about the surcharge and the providers to which it applies from this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.
  • DOH has published information about its Nursing Home Patient Safety Trust Fund surcharge for FY 2023.  That surcharge will be $13.83 per nursing facility bed.  Learn more from this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.
  • DOH has published a list, as required by regulation, of hospitals that have chosen to exercise their religious or moral beliefs regarding the provision of certain contraception-related emergency services and will instead refer patients to other hospitals to receive such services.  Learn more from this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

COVID-19:  By the Numbers           

  • The number of new COVID-19 cases reported daily in Pennsylvania and the number of new daily deaths in the past week remained at the same levels as last week.
  • According to the Department of Health, the number of Pennsylvanians hospitalized with COVID-19 and on ventilators held steady over the past week while the number in hospital ICUs declined 25 percent.
  • The CDC reports a six percent decline in the seven-day daily average of new hospital admissions in Pennsylvania because of COVID-19.
  • For the week ending February 15, five Pennsylvania counties experienced a moderate rate of community transmission of COVID-19; 16 counties experienced a substantial rate of community transmission; and the remaining 46 counties experienced a high rate of community transmission – all the same numbers as last week.

Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs

In response to the continuing challenge health care providers are having maintaining an adequate workforce, the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs is conducting a workforce climate survey among drug and alcohol service providers to learn about which jobs and positions are in short supply or understaffed, the challenges these providers face, what they are doing to address them, and how they think the state can help them address those challenges.  Find that survey here.

Independent Regulatory Review Commission

The Independent Regulatory Review Commission has issued comments in response to regulations proposed by the State Board of Nursing that address licensure by endorsement and reactivation.  Find those comments in this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

Stakeholder Events

DHS – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee – Consumer Subcommittee – February 22

The consumer subcommittee of the Medical Assistance Advisory Committee will meet virtually on  Wednesday, February 22 at 1:00.  Learn more from the meeting’s agenda and go here to register to participate.

DHS – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee Meeting – February 23

The Medical Assistance Advisory Committee will meet virtually on Thursday, February 23 at 10:00.  For the meeting agenda go here and to register to participate go here.

DHS – Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Subcommittee Meeting – March 1

The Medical Assistance Advisory Committee’s Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Subcommittee will meet in Harrisburg on Wednesday, March 1 at 10:00.  For information on the location of the meeting or how to participate virtually, see this DHS notice.

Department of Aging – Pennsylvania Long-Term Care Council – March 9

The Department of Aging’s Long-Term Care Council will meet in Harrisburg on Thursday, March 9 at 10:00.  For information on the location of the meeting or how to participate virtually, see this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs – Adolescent ASAM Criteria – March 9

The Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs will offer a training program for adolescent service providers on two dates:  March 9 and May 16, both at 8:30.  This training on adolescent ASAM criteria, to be delivered virtually, is designed for participants who already understand the foundational aspects of the ASAM criteria.  The purpose of this training is to explore and discuss the adolescent-specific aspects of the ASAM criteria and offer participants a practical focus through lecture, real-world clinical vignettes, and case studies.  Continuing education credits are available.  Learn more about the program, including requirements for participation and how to join, from this Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs notice.  Please note that the March 9 and May 16 sessions will be identical.

Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs – Adolescent ASAM Criteria – May 16

The Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs is offering training on adolescent ASAM criteria, to be delivered virtually, for participants who already understand the foundational aspects of the ASAM criteria.  The purpose of this training is to explore and discuss the adolescent-specific aspects of the ASAM criteria and offer participants a practical focus through lecture, real-world clinical vignettes, and case studies.  The program will be held on May 16 at 8:30.  Continuing education credits are available.  Learn more about the program, including requirements for participation and how to join, from this Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs notice.  Please note that this program is identical to one offered on March 9.


2023-02-17T21:42:53+00:00February 17th, 2023|COVID-19, DSH hospitals, long-term care, Medicaid supplemental payments, Meetings and notices, Pennsylvania Medicaid, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on PA Health Policy Update for February 17

PA Health Policy Update for February 3

The following is an update of selected state health policy developments in Pennsylvania from January 28 to February 3.  (Some of the language used below is taken directly from state documents.)

Governor Shapiro

Governor Shapiro has signed an executive order seeking to improve the state’s licensing, permitting, and certification processes, launching a review of how long it takes agencies to process applications and how workers and businesses apply online.  This executive order seeks to establish definitive dates for when applicants for licenses, permits, and certificated will hear back from the state, and if applicants do not receive a response by that date, the agency responsible will refund their application fee.  Learn more from this news release from the governor’s office and from the executive order.

General Assembly

State Representative Lynda Schlegel Culver won a special election this week to replace former state Senator John Gordner, who resigned to become counsel to Senate President Kim Ward.  Senator-elect Culver will represent the 27th district, which includes all of Columbia, Montour, Northumberland, and Snyder counties and part of Luzerne County.  Once she resigns from her state House seat a special election will be scheduled to replace her.

Department of Human Services

  • The Department of Human Services (DHS) has notified hospitals with accredited Level I, II, III, or IV trauma centers of the required annual attestation for inclusion in the FY 2022-23 Trauma DSH Program.  The deadline to submit completed attestations is February 24.  Potentially eligible trauma centers that have not been notified should contact DHS at RA  Questions regarding the attestation form and the Trauma DSH Program also should be directed to this address.
  • DHS has posted information for providers on how to check the status of their electronic Medical Assistance provider enrollment application and what to do if their application was returned for additional information.  Find it here.
  • DHS has posted information for group providers on how to reactivate, revalidate, or make
    changes to group members.  Find it here.
  • DHS’s Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) has announced a grant program through which qualified entities may apply for funding to invest in technology and training for behavioral health telehealth providers.  The state has allocated $4 million for one-time grants of up to $50,000 for providers that meet a number of criteria, including having fewer than 50 employees and at least 51 percent of their clients enrolled in Medicaid.  Learn more about the program, eligibility criteria, and how to apply from this OMHSAS notice.  Applications will be accepted until December 31 or until the $4 million is exhausted.
  • DHS has posted the presentations offered during the January 26 meeting of the Medical Assistance Advisory Committee.  See presentations from the:

COVID-19:  By the Numbers           

  • The number of new COVID-19 cases reported daily in Pennsylvania declined over the past week and the number of new daily deaths returned to the usual range for COVID-19-related deaths in recent months.
  • According to the Department of Health, the number of Pennsylvanians hospitalized with COVID-19, on a ventilator because of the virus, and in hospital ICUs with COVID-19 all declined slightly over the past week.
  • The CDC reports an 11 percent decrease in the seven-day daily average of new hospital admissions in Pennsylvania because of COVID-19 over the past week.
  • For the week ending February 2, one Pennsylvania county – Cameron – experienced a low rate of community transmission of COVID-19; seven counties experienced a moderate rate of community transmission; eight counties experienced a substantial rate of community transmission; and the remaining 49 counties experienced a high rate of community transmission.

Insurance Department

The Insurance Department is conducting a medical professional liability insurance study to determine whether sufficient capacity exists to increase the basic coverage limits of insurance required by the Medical Care Availability and Reduction of Error (MCARE) Act.  Learn more about the issues the study will address from this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.  Stakeholder comments are due by March 4.

Stakeholder Events

Department of Health – Preventative Health and Health Services Block Grant Advisory Committee Meeting – February 13

The Department of Health’s Preventative Health Services Block Grant Advisory Committee will meet in Harrisburg on Monday, February 13 at 1:00.  For information on the location of the meeting or how to participate virtually, see this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

DHS – Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Subcommittee Meeting – March 1

The Medical Assistance Advisory Committee’s Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Subcommittee will meet in Harrisburg on Wednesday, March 1 at 10:00.  For information on the location of the meeting or how to participate virtually, see this DHS notice.

Department of Aging – Pennsylvania Long-Term Care Council – March 9

The Department of Aging’s Long-Term Care Council will meet in Harrisburg on Thursday, March 9 at 10:00.  For information on the location of the meeting or how to participate virtually, see this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs – Adolescent ASAM Criteria – March 9

The Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs will offer a training program for adolescent service providers on two dates:  March 9 and May 16, both at 8:30.  This training on adolescent ASAM criteria, to be delivered virtually, is designed for participants who already understand the foundational aspects of the ASAM criteria.  The purpose of this training is to explore and discuss the adolescent-specific aspects of the ASAM criteria and offer participants a practical focus through lecture, real-world clinical vignettes, and case studies.  Continuing education credits are available.  Learn more about the program, including requirements for participation and how to join, from this Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs notice.  Please note that the March 9 and May 16 sessions will be identical.

Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs – Adolescent ASAM Criteria – May 16

The Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs is offering training on adolescent ASAM criteria, to be delivered virtually, for participants who already understand the foundational aspects of the ASAM criteria.  The purpose of this training is to explore and discuss the adolescent-specific aspects of the ASAM criteria and offer participants a practical focus through lecture, real-world clinical vignettes, and case studies.  The program will be held on May 16 at 8:30.  Continuing education credits are available.  Learn more about the program, including requirements for participation and how to join, from this Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs notice.  Please note that this program is identical to one offered on March 9.


2023-02-03T20:51:28+00:00February 3rd, 2023|COVID-19, Medicaid supplemental payments, Meetings and notices, Pennsylvania Bulletin, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on PA Health Policy Update for February 3

PA Health Policy Update for Friday, October 28

The following is an update of selected state health policy developments in Pennsylvania for the week of October 24-28, 2022.  (Some of the language used below is taken directly from state documents.)

Governor Wolf

Governor Wolf signed House Bill 1630 into law earlier today.  Act 98, as it is now known, gives the Pennsylvania Auditor General authority to audit and review pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) that subcontract with Medicaid managed care organizations.  In addition, the bill abrogates a number of regulations to permit the following:

  • audio-only outpatient psychiatric services
  • telehealth services in outpatient drug and alcohol clinic services
  • virtual supervision for psychiatric rehabilitation services
  • physician assistants and nurse practitioners to order home care, home health services, and personal care services under the supervision of a physician

House Chamber of the State HouseGeneral Assembly

The state House and Senate convened for session this week.  The following is an overview of selected health-related legislation that received consideration.

  • The Senate unanimously passed House Bill 2293, which requires the registration and oversight of contract health care service agencies that provide temporary employment in certain health care facilities, and sent it to the governor for his signature.
  • The Senate also unanimously passed House Bill 1393, which seeks to prevent overdose deaths by legalizing fentanyl test strips for personal use, and sent it to the governor for his signature.
  • The House passed Senate Bill 225, which seeks to streamline and standardize the process for prior authorization of medical services, on third and final consideration Wednesday.  The Senate subsequently voted to concur with the House amendments and sent it to the governor for his signature.
  • The House passed Senate Bill 522, which requires all pregnant women and children in Pennsylvania to receive blood tests to detect lead poisoning, on third and final consideration Wednesday.  The Senate concurred with the House amendments and sent it to the governor for his signature.
  • The Senate passed House Bill 2527, which expands Pennsylvania’s “Good Samaritan” law to cover all opioid reversal medicines approved by the FDA, on third and final consideration and sent it to the governor for his signature.
  • The Senate passed House Bill 220, which specifies that a person does not need to test positive for drugs to begin addiction treatment.  The House subsequently concurred with the Senate’s amendment, which added language that enables counties to establish overdose death or suicide review teams, and sent it to the governor for his signature.
  • The Senate unanimously passed House Bill 2800, which amends the Medical Practice Act to address an issue related to the licensure of prosthetists, orthotists, pedorthists, and orthotic fitters in Pennsylvania, and sent it to the governor for his signature.
  • The Senate passed Senate Bill 358, which categorizes maternal deaths and severe maternal morbidity complications as reportable events within the Department of Health and requires the Maternal Mortality Review Committee to submit a report including each reportable event to the Department of Health.  The bill was received in the House and referred to the Health Committee.

The state House and Senate are now in recess until the week on Monday, November 14.

Department of Health

Pennsylvania’s Independent Regulatory Review Commission has approved the first significant revision of the state’s nursing home regulations since the late 1990s.  Among other things, the updated regulations call for higher levels of nurse staffing and publication of changes in the ownership of nursing homes.  The Department of Health also will have to take a more rigorous approach to determining whether it will accept or reject such transactions.  Learn more from this Philadelphia Inquirer article.  A formal notice of the adoption of these new rules should be published shortly in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.

The Department of Health has lowered the age at which individuals may request a copy of their birth certificate in Pennsylvania from 18 to 16 and introduced a new waiver to enable individuals aged 16-24 who are, or have been, involved in foster care or juvenile justice to obtain their birth certificate without the $20 fee; the same fee waiver will apply to homeless persons.  Learn more from this Department of Health news release.

Department of Human Services

  • The federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has approved Pennsylvania’s application to extend Medicaid and CHIP eligibility for newborns and their mothers to 12 months of postpartum care, an option temporarily available to states under the American Rescue Plan.  Learn more from this CMS news release.
  • The Department of Human Services (DHS) has issued the publication “5 Things to Know About the End of the Federal Public Health Emergency.”  While the Medicaid-focused publication is primarily directed to consumers, it includes explanations providers can use when interacting with Medicaid patients and resources to which those who work with Medicaid beneficiaries can direct those clients and patients.  Find that publication here.
  • DHS has posted the presentations delivered during the October 27 meeting of the Medical Assistance Advisory Committee.  See the presentations from the:
  • DHS has closed the county assistance office in the Nicetown/Ridge Avenue area of Philadelphia and is directing residents of that area to other offices in Philadelphia.  Learn more from this DHS news release.

COVID-19:  By the Numbers

  • According to the CDC, the number of new COVID-19 cases reported in Pennsylvania over the past week declined nearly 12 percent; the number of deaths was unchanged.
  • According to the Department of Health, the number of people hospitalized with COVID-19 and in hospital ICUs and on ventilators because of the virus remains relatively steady while the CDC reports a 15 percent decrease in the seven-day rolling average of new daily COVID-19 hospital admissions.
  • The decline in the number of reported COVID-19 cases is reflected in the rate of community transmission among Pennsylvania counties – a major shift after months of virtually all counties experiencing high rates of community transmission with scattered counties occasionally experiencing only substantial rates.  As of October 26, 34 counties are experiencing high rates of community transmission; 31 are experiencing substantial rates of community transmission; and two counties – Clarion and Snyder – are experiencing moderate rates of community transmission, the first Pennsylvania counties to see their rate decline to this level in months.

Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council (PHC4)

PHC4 has published “Common Procedures Report – October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021 Data.”  The report shares volume and outcome information for three common orthopedic procedures – spinal fusion, total hip replacement, and total knee replacement – performed in Pennsylvania acute-care hospitals that typically perform these procedures on adults.  For further information, including a news release, data, a report summary, the report itself, and more, go here.

Stakeholder Events

Department of Human Services – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee – Managed Long-Term Services and Support Subcommittee – November 2

The Managed Long-Term Services and Support Subcommittee of DHS’s Medical Assistance Advisory Committee will meet publicly on Wednesday, November 2 at 10:00 in Harrisburg.  Interested parties may attend in person or via webinar; those participating through the webinar must register in advance.  For information about the location of the meeting, how to join it virtually, how to register, and how to offer comments or submit questions, see this DHS notice.

Department of Health – Human Immunodeficiency Virus Community Prevention Planning Committee – November 2

The Department of Health’s Human Immunodeficiency Virus Community Prevention Planning Committee will hold a public meeting in Harrisburg on Wednesday, November 2 at 9:00.  Interested parties can participate in person or virtually.  For further information about the committee, the meeting, and how to participate, see this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

Department of Health – Organ Donation Advisory Committee Meeting – November 3

The Department of Health’s Organ Donation Advisory Committee will hold a public meeting in Harrisburg on Thursday, November 3 at 10:00.  Interested parties can participate in person or virtually.  For further information about the committee, the meeting, and how to participate, see this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

Department of Human Services – Trauma-Informed Care – November 3

DHS’s Long-Term Care Learning Network, part of its quality strategy for nursing facilities, is offering in collaboration with the Jewish Healthcare Foundation a webinar on trauma-informed care for skilled nursing facilities.  The webinar will be held on Thursday, November 3 at 2:00.  Learn more about the webinar and how to participate from this notice.

PHC4 – PHC4 Council Meeting – November 3

PHC4 will hold a regular council meeting at 10:00 on Thursday, November 3.  An agenda will be available here 24 hours in advance.  The public is invited to participate; contact at least 24 hours in advance for participation instructions.

Department of Health – Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Board Meeting – November 4

The Department of Health’s Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Board will hold a public meeting in Camp Hill, PA on Friday, November 4 at 10:00.  For information about the role of the board, the purpose of the meeting, and the location of the meeting, see this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

Department of Human Services – Management Strategies When Working With Individuals With Acquired Brain Injuries – November 10

DHS’s Long-Term Care Learning Network, part of its quality strategy for nursing facilities, is offering in collaboration with the Jewish Healthcare Foundation a webinar on understanding basic management strategies for working with individuals with acquired brain injuries.  The

webinar will be held on Thursday, November 10 at 2:00.  Learn more about the webinar and how to participate from this notice.

2022-10-28T19:54:44+00:00October 28th, 2022|COVID-19, Meetings and notices, Pennsylvania Bulletin, Pennsylvania Medicaid, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on PA Health Policy Update for Friday, October 28

PA Health Policy Update for Friday, October 7

The following is an update of selected state health policy developments in Pennsylvania for the week of October 3-7, 2022.  (Some of the language used below is taken directly from state documents.)

Behavioral Health Commission for Adult Behavioral Health

The Wolf administration has released the recommendations of its Behavioral Health Commission for Adult Behavioral Health, which was created to advise the General Assembly on how to spend $100 million in one-time federal American Rescue Plan Act funding, including to support adult behavioral health needs addressed in the state’s 2022-2023 fiscal code.  The commission recommended that the $100 million be used in the following manner:

  • $37 million to stabilize, strengthen, and expand the workforce
  • $23.5 million to improve the criminal justice and public safety systems
  • $39 million to expand capacity for services and supports
  • $500,000 for a future study of the impact of this spending

The commission’s recommendations are only advisory; the General Assembly will consider its recommendations in the coming weeks and decide if and how to appropriate the $100 million.

Find a Wolf administration news release about the report here and the report itself here.

Department of Human Services

The Department of Human Services has announced its intent to allocate funds for FY 2023 supplemental payments to promote the continuation of quality medical services to individuals enrolled in the Medical Assistance program and to provide financial relief to hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic.  It does not intend to otherwise change the qualifying criteria or payment methodology for these payments.  Learn more from this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

Department of Health

  • The Department of Health (DOH) has updated its interim infection prevention and control recommendations for health care settings to reflect recent changes in federal CDC recommendations.
  • DOH  has shared information on severe manifestations of monkeypox among patients who are immunocompromised due to HIV or other conditions.  This is the same alert issued last week by the CDC.
  • DOH has added to its naloxone standing orders that enable residents and first responders to obtain naloxone products to help combat the rise of overdoses in Pennsylvania a non-prefilled syringe with two single-dose vials of liquid naloxone that is injectable.  Residents can present a copy of the state’s standing order, which can be found here, at their local pharmacy to obtain the naloxone.  The medication also is available for free for personal use through a statewide mail-based naloxone program.
  • DOH has issued an advisory about lead exposure in adults.

COVID-19:  By the Numbers

  • According to the CDC, the number of new COVID-19 cases in Pennsylvania over the past week was down 20 percent from the previous week and the number of deaths fell 10 percent.
  • According to the Department of Health, the number of people hospitalized with COVID-19 and in hospital ICUs and on ventilators because of the virus remains relatively steady while the CDC reports a seven percent increase in the seven-day rolling average of new daily COVID-19 hospital admissions.
  • For the first time in several months, all, or almost all, of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties are not experiencing a high rate of community transmission.  Currently, 60 counties are still experiencing a high rate of community transmission while six counties – Forest, Centre, Lycoming, Union, Snyder, and Delaware – are experiencing “only” a substantial rate of community transmission and Philadelphia’s rate is now classified as moderate.


  • The CDC has posted an updated map showing the distribution of 26,385 confirmed cases of monkeypox in the U.S. as of October 6, up only slightly from 25,613 cases on September 29.  789 of those cases were in Pennsylvania, up from 713 a week ago.
  • As of October 3, 495 of those Pennsylvania monkeypox cases were in Philadelphia, up from 475 on September 25.  Learn more about monkeypox in Philadelphia from the city Department of Public Health’s monkeypox web page.

Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council (PHC4)

PHC4 has issued the research brief “Hospitalizations for Opioid Overdose, 2016 – 2021” that looks at trends among state residents, ages 15 and older, who have been admitted to Pennsylvania acute-care hospitals for opioid overdoses.  Find a news release about the report here and the report itself here.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

CMS’s Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation has released materials presenting its evaluation of year two of the Pennsylvania Rural Health Model, which seeks to improve access to hospital services and improve population health in underserved rural communities.  New evaluation materials include a summary of the evaluation of the program’s second year; the full report; the report’s executive summary; and an appendix to the report.  Learn more about the Pennsylvania Rural Health Model, including a list of its participating hospitals, from the program’s web page.

Stakeholder Events

DHS – Long-Term Care Workforce Motivation – October 13

DHS’s Long-Term Care Learning Network, part of its quality strategy for nursing facilities, is offering in collaboration with the Community HealthChoices managed care organizations and the Jewish Healthcare Foundation a webinar on how to express appreciation for long-term-care workers.  The webinar will be held on Thursday, October 13 at 2:00.  Learn more, including how to participate, from this notice.

DHS – Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services and Office of Developmental Programs – Suicide Prevention – October 21

The Department of Human Services’ Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) and the Office of Developmental Programs will host a quarterly “Statewide Positive Approaches & Practices” meeting that will share the most recent research and resources to help people with mental health and behavioral challenges, intellectual disabilities, autism, and other developmental disabilities live everyday lives.  The specific subject of the meeting, to be held on Friday, October 21 at 9:00, will be suicide prevention and intervention.  Find the meeting agenda and information about how to register to participate from this DHS notice.

Department of Health – Pennsylvania Achieving Better Care by Monitoring All Prescriptions Board – October 25

The Department of Health’s Pennsylvania Achieving Better Care by Monitoring All Prescriptions Board will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, October 25 at 9:30.  The meeting location will depend on COVID-19 mitigation efforts at that time.  If the meeting can be held in person it will be in Room 129 in the Pennsylvania Health and Welfare Building at 625 Forster Street in Harrisburg.  If the meeting is held virtually it will be held at  To dial in, call 267-332-8737, conference ID 440 338 696#.  Learn more from this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

DHS – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee – October 27

DHS’s Medical Assistance Advisory Committee will meet virtually on Thursday, October 27 at 10:00.  Go here to register to participate.

Department of Health – Special Pharmaceutical Benefits Program – Advisory Council – October 27

The Department of Health’s Special Pharmaceutical Benefits Program Advisory Council will meet in Harrisburg on Thursday, October 27 at 10:00.  Interested individuals may attend in person or participate virtually.  For information on the location of the meeting and how to join the meeting virtually, see this Department of Health notice.

DHS – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee – Managed Long-Term Services and Support Subcommittee – November 2

The Managed Long-Term Services and Support Subcommittee of DHS’s Medical Assistance Advisory Committee will meet publicly on Wednesday, November 2 at 10:00 in Harrisburg.  Interested parties may attend in person or via webinar; those participating through the webinar must register in advance.  For information about the location of the meeting, how to join it virtually, how to register, and how to offer comments or submit questions, see this DHS notice.

PA Health Policy Update for Friday, September 30

The following is an update of selected state health policy developments in Pennsylvania for the week of September 26-30, 2022.  (Some of the language used below is taken directly from state documents.)

Department of Human Services

  • The Department of Human Services (DHS) has issued a Medical Assistance Bulletin to inform providers that it has added CPT codes for administering COVID-19 pediatric boosters.  The new codes can be used immediately.  Find that bulletin here.
  • DHS has issued a Medical Assistance Bulletin to advise providers of the addition of procedure codes to the Medical Assistance fee schedule for the provision of private duty nursing services, which are provided through home health agencies to beneficiaries under 21 years of age.  The additions take effect on October 1.  Find that bulletin here.
  • DHS’s Office of Long-Term Living has launched its American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 funding reporting portal.  The online portal will be available beginning on September 30, 2022 for Office of Long-Term Living providers to submit costs associated with American Rescue Plan funding distributed in 2021, as required by the state.  Learn more from this announcement of the portal’s launch and from DHS’s guide on to how to use the portal.
  • DHS has updated its data on physical health HealthChoices enrollment and participation in the Medical Assistance Transportation Program.  Find the update here.

Department of Health

  • The Department of Health (DOH) has issued new guidance for health care providers and their employees who have been exposed to or contracted COVID-19.  The first addresses the return to work for health care workers with confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19 and the second describes work restrictions for health care workers who have been exposed to COVID-19.  Both are introduced to align state standards with recently revised guidance from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • DOH has updated its definition of how it defines whether individuals are up to date on their COVID-19 vaccinations.  Go here to see the updated definition and learn about the department’s rationale for this change.
  • DOH has issued a health alert to notify providers, laboratories, infection control specialists, and local health departments about an unvaccinated adult with poliovirus infection and acute flaccid paralysis.  Wastewater testing in treatment facilities in Rockland County, New York, which is adjacent to Pennsylvania, and surrounding counties also identified related poliovirus, indicating that the virus is circulating in the community and others may become ill.  DOH urges providers to consider polio as a possible cause of sudden onset of limb, facial, oropharyngeal, or respiratory muscle weakness; to contact their local or state health department to discuss such cases; and to encourage any unvaccinated patients to receive polio vaccines.  Learn more from this health alert.

COVID-19:  By the Numbers

  • The weekly average of newly reported COVID-19 cases in Pennsylvania and COVID-related deaths continues to hold relatively steady:  roughly 2500 new daily cases and 20 new deaths with weekly variances of 10-20 percent.
  • The number of people hospitalized with COVID-19 and in hospital ICUs and on ventilators because of the virus also remains relatively unchanged.
  • According to the CDC, the seven-day moving average of new hospital admissions for COVID-19 in Pennsylvania was 191 admissions a day over the past week, a slight reduction from the previous week.
  • Sixty-six of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties continue to have a high rate of community transmission of COVID-19.  Snyder County is currently experiencing “only” a substantial rate.

Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs

The Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs has issued Licensing Alert 02-22 to inform drug treatment programs about the process for establishing mobile narcotic treatment programs.  Find the alert here.

Insurance Department

The state Insurance Department has released Pennsylvania’s 2023 individual and small group Affordable Care Act health insurance rates.  The release also shares changes in the number of insurers offering coverage to Pennsylvanians and offers information about federal rate subsidies.  Learn about the newly released information and find a link to the rates and insurers themselves in this Insurance Department news release.


  • The CDC has posted an updated map showing the distribution of 25,613 confirmed cases of monkeypox in the U.S. as of September 29, up only slightly from 23,364 cases on September 21.  713 of those cases were in Pennsylvania, up from 684 a week ago.
  • As of September 25, 475 of those Pennsylvania monkeypox cases were in Philadelphia, up from 446 on September 18.  Learn more about monkeypox in Philadelphia from the city Department of Public Health’s monkeypox web page.

Stakeholder Events

Department of Health – Health Research Advisory Committee Meeting – October 3

The Department of Health’s Health Research Advisory Committee will meet virtually on Monday, October 3 at 10:00 to hold a formal vote on upcoming priorities.  Learn more about the meeting and how to participate from this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

DHS – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee – Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Subcommittee Meeting – October 4

The Medical Assistance Advisory Committee’s managed long-term services and supports subcommittee will meet in Harrisburg on Tuesday, October 4 at 10:00; interested parties also may participate virtually.  For information about the location of the meeting or to register to participate virtually, see this DHS notice.

Department of Human Services Preventing Workplace Injuries – October 6

DHS’s Long-Term Care Learning Network, part of its quality strategy for nursing facilities, is offering in collaboration with the Community HealthChoices managed care organizations and the Jewish Healthcare Foundation a webinar on “Protecting and Preserving our Workforce by Preventing Common Injuries” among health care workers on Thursday, October 6 at 2:00.  Learn more about the webinar and how to register to participate from this notice.

DHS – Long-Term Care Workforce Motivation – October 13

DHS’s Long-Term Care Learning Network, part of its quality strategy for nursing facilities, is offering in collaboration with the Community HealthChoices managed care organizations and the Jewish Healthcare Foundation a webinar on how to express appreciation for long-term-care workers.  The webinar will be held on Thursday, October 13 at 2:00.  Learn more, including how to participate, from this notice.

DHS – Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services and Office of Developmental Programs – Suicide Prevention – October 21

The Department of Human Services’ Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) and the Office of Developmental Programs will host a quarterly “Statewide Positive Approaches & Practices” meeting that will share the most recent research and resources to help people with mental health and behavioral challenges, intellectual disabilities, autism, and other developmental disabilities live everyday lives.  The specific subject of the meeting, to be held on Friday, October 21 at 9:00, will be suicide prevention and intervention.  Find the meeting agenda and information about how to register to participate from this DHS notice.

Department of Health – Pennsylvania Achieving Better Care by Monitoring All Prescriptions Board – October 25

The Department of Health’s Pennsylvania Achieving Better Care by Monitoring All Prescriptions Board will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, October 25 at 9:30.  The meeting location will depend on COVID-19 mitigation efforts at that time.  If the meeting can be held in person it will be in Room 129 in the Pennsylvania Health and Welfare Building at 625 Forster Street in Harrisburg.  If the meeting is held virtually it will be held at  To dial in, call 267-332-8737, conference ID 440 338 696#.  Learn more from this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

Department of Health – Special Pharmaceutical Benefits Program – Advisory Council – October 27

The Department of Health’s Special Pharmaceutical Benefits Program Advisory Council will meet in Harrisburg on Thursday, October 27 at 10:00.  Interested individuals may attend in person or participate virtually.  For information on the location of the meeting and how to join the meeting virtually, see this Department of Health notice.

2022-09-30T21:16:03+00:00September 30th, 2022|COVID-19, HealthChoices, long-term care, Medical Assistance Bulletin, Meetings and notices|Comments Off on PA Health Policy Update for Friday, September 30

PA Health Policy Update for Friday, July 8

The following is an update of selected state health policy developments in Pennsylvania for the week of July 5-8, 2022.  (Some of the language used below is taken directly from state documents.)

FY 2023 Budget Update

Governor Wolf and the General Assembly reached a final budget agreement for FY 2022-2023 this week.  In total the budget spends $45.3 billion, which is $1.3 billion more than the prior fiscal year’s budget.  The budget makes significant investments in education, housing, child tax credits, health care, and property tax and rent rebate programs.  It also allocates $2.1 billion to the state’s rainy day fund.  The following is an overview of budget-related bills and their status as of 2:00 p.m. on Friday, July 8.

  • Senate Bill 1100 is the General Appropriations bill.  The House passed the bill by a vote of 180-20 and the Senate subsequently concurred with House amendments by a vote of 47-3.  The bill has been presented to the governor for his signature.
  • The Fiscal Code bill is House Bill 1421, which is scheduled to be considered off the floor by the Senate Rules & Executive Nominations Committee Friday afternoon.
  • The Human Services Code bill is House Bill 1420It passed the House and Senate on Thursday but Governor Wolf vetoed the bill early Friday.  The Senate is expected to amend Human Services Code language, with the exception of the “Agency with Choice” delay, into the Fiscal Code later today and send it to the House for concurrence.
  • House Bill 1342 is the Tax Code bill.  The Senate and House both passed this yesterday.  It was presented to the governor and is currently awaiting his signature.

Governor Wolf

  • Governor Wolf signed House Bill 1561 and House Bill 1563 into law this week.  These bills, which are now Act 32 and 33 of 2022, amend the Mental Health Procedures Act and the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Control Act, respectively, to align them with HIPAA and give providers, facilities, and insurers the ability to share more easily patient mental health and substance use disorder treatment information.  Both pieces of legislation were presented to Governor Wolf for his signature.
  • Governor Wolf signed Senate Bill 861, which enters Pennsylvania into the EMS compact, on third and final consideration.  The bill has been presented to Governor Wolf for his signature.

General Assembly

The state House and Senate remain in session while they work to finalize the FY 2023 budget and pass legislation before they recess and are not scheduled to return to Harrisburg until mid-September.  The following is an overview of action taken by the General Assembly as of Friday, July 8 at 2:00 p.m.

  • The Senate voted to concur with House amendments to Senate Bill 818, which aligns the procedures permitted in ambulatory surgery centers with those permitted by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), and sent it to Governor Wolf for his signature.
  • The Senate passed House Bill 2679 on third and final consideration.  The bill, which is now on the governor’s desk, authorizes pharmacists and pharmacy interns to administer influenza and COVID-19 vaccines to individuals five and older.
  • The Senate passed House Bill 2604, which amends the requirement for health care facility ID badges to permit the use of health system names rather than specific licensed facility names.  The bill is now on the governor’s desk.
  • The Senate passed House Bill 2032, which states that a health care professional’s failure to report a victim’s injuries to law enforcement as required by the Crimes Code does not constitute a criminal offense when a sexual assault victim wishes to remain anonymous.  The bill is now on the governor’s desk for his signature.
  • The Senate passed Senate Bill 106 and sent it to the House for concurrence.  Senate Bill 106 includes a number of constitutional amendments, including one establishing that the state constitution does not grant the right to taxpayer-funded abortion or any other rights relating to abortion.
  • The Senate passed House Bill 2419, which expands access to outpatient psychiatric care via telemedicine, and sent it to Governor Wolf for his signature.
  • The House passed Senate Bill 1235, which prohibits the Department of Human Services from developing or using bidding or service zones that limit a health service corporation or hospital plan corporation contractor from submitting bids.  The bill is now on the governor’s desk.

Department of Human Services

  • The Department of Human Services (DHS) has proposed amending the state’s Human Services Code to enable individuals who are 14 years of age or older but under 18 years of age who meet the admission requirements to gain access to psychiatric rehabilitation services; to amend the diagnoses that enable an individual to obtain those services without use of the exception process; and to revise outdated language and add definitions of ”serious mental illness” and ”serious emotional disturbance” that align with definitions currently used by the Federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.  Learn more about what DHS has proposed and why it has proposed it in this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.
  • DHS has published a Medical Assistance Bulletin announcing the addition of procedure code A4928 to the Medical Assistance fee schedule for disposable surgical masks dispensed to Medical Assistance beneficiaries effective with dates of service on and after July 1, 2022.  This bulletin applies to Medical Assistance-enrolled certified registered nurse practitioners, physician assistants, physicians, podiatrists, and medical suppliers that prescribe or dispense disposable surgical masks to Medical Assistance beneficiaries in the fee-for-service and managed care delivery systems.  Find the bulletin here.
  • DHS has published a series of Medical Assistance Bulletins to issue updated handbook pages that include the requirements for prior authorization and the type of information needed to evaluate the medical necessity of certain prescriptions.  These bulletins apply to all licensed pharmacies and prescribers enrolled in the Medical Assistance program.  The types of prescriptions covered by these bulletins are:
  • DHS has posted the minutes of the June 23 meeting of its Medical Assistance Advisory Committee meeting.  Find those minutes here.
  • DHS also has posted the minutes of the June 22 meeting of the Medical Assistance Advisory Committee’s consumer subcommittee.  Find those minutes here.

Department of Health

  • The Department of Health (DOH) has updated its guidance to hospitals in response to Act 30 of 2022, recently passed by the state legislature, which extends COVID-19-related waivers through October 31, 2022.  Among other things, this guidance addresses mandatory data reporting, suspension of services, alternative uses of hospital space, hospital-based laboratory analysis of COVID-19 tests, mandatory patient COVID-19 testing, and more.  For a complete review of the implications of Act 30 for hospitals, see this updated DOH guidance.
  • DOH has announced that its COVID-19 community-based testing sites will now offer three forms of free testing:  point-of-care tests where tests are performed and results are analyzed on-site; the distribution of at-home COVID-19 antigen tests; and continued administration of mid-nasal passage swab PCR testing.  The department currently operates testing locations in Berks, Blair, Centre, Clarion, Clinton, Erie, and Washington counties.  Learn more from this DOH announcement.
  • “COVID Alert PA,” DOH’s COVID-19 app that advises users of potential exposure to individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 and provides updated data on the state of the pandemic in Pennsylvania, has a new message informing users that “The current app will be discontinued on July 27, 2022.”

COVID-19:  By the Numbers

  • The daily average of newly reported COVID-19 cases fell 10 percent over the past week, to 2440 cases a day.
  • COVID-19-related deaths in the past week were the same as they were the week before.
  • The number of Pennsylvanians hospitalized with COVID-19 remained generally steady over the past week, as did the number of COVID-19 patients in hospital intensive care units and on ventilators.
  • Sixty-two of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties are currently experiencing high rates of community transmission of COVID-19, up from 35 counties last week.  The remaining five counties (Clarion, Forest, Potter, Sullivan, and Tioga) experienced a substantial rate of community transmission.

State Board of Pharmacy

The State Board of Pharmacy has published a final rule in the Pennsylvania Bulletin related to the administration of injectable medications, biologicals, and immunizations.  The rule allows pharmacists to administer influenza immunizations by injectable or needle-free delivery methods to children nine years of age and older.  Additionally, qualified and authorized pharmacy interns are permitted to administer injectable medications, biologicals, and immunizations to persons 18 years of age or older and administer influenza immunizations by injectable or needle-free delivery methods to children ages nine years and older under certain conditions.  Find the bulletin here.

Stakeholder Events

Department of Health – COVID-19 Therapeutics – July 12

The Department of Health, Department of Human Services, and Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency will hold a webinar on COVID-19 therapeutics on Tuesday, July 12 at 4:00.  The webinar is intended for providers and facility administrators and will cover why, when, and
how to prescribe and obtain outpatient COVID-19 treatment and preventive therapies.  Learn more about the webinar and how to register to participate in this notice.

Department of Health – Newborn Screening and Follow-Up Technical Advisory Board – July 14

The Department of Health’s Newborn Screening and Follow-Up Technical Advisory Board will meet virtually on Thursday, July 14 from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m.  The agenda will include discussions about board member terms; updates from the Bureau of Family Health; payment options for additional conditions; research on dried blood spot specimens; a discussion on metachromatic leukodystrophy; and updates from the ethics, lysosomal storage disorders/X-ALD, cystic fibrosis, hemoglobinopathy, and critical congenital heart defects subcommittees.  For information about how to join the meeting, see this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

Department of Human Services – Long-Term Care Learning Network/Nursing Facilities – July 14

DHS’s Long-Term Care Learning Network, part of its quality strategy for nursing facilities, is offering in collaboration with the Community HealthChoices managed care organizations and the Jewish Healthcare Foundation a special populations webinar on “Filling the Day With Meaning:  Thinking Outside the Box.”  The webinar, to be held on Thursday, July 14 at 2:00, will seek to share with participants the benefits of meaningful engagement for residents living with dementia and is especially directed toward special population workers involved in recreational therapy, restorative team members, CNAs, and volunteers.  Learn about registration and how to join the webinar from this notice.

Department of Human Services – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee – Consumer Subcommittee – July 27

The Medical Assistance Advisory Committee’s consumer subcommittee will meet virtually on Wednesday, July 27 at 1:00.  Go here to register to participate.

Department of Human Services – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee – July 28

The Medical Assistance Advisory Committee will meet virtually on Thursday, July 28 at 10:00.  Go here to register to participate.

PA Health Policy Update for Friday, June 10

The following is an update of selected state health policy developments in Pennsylvania for the week of June 6-10, 2022.  (Some of the language used below is taken directly from state documents.)

Governor Wolf

Governor Wolf has signed House Bill 889, which authorizes the State Board of Nursing to approve graduates of international nursing education programs to sit for the RN licensure examination provided that such international programs are determined to be equivalent to that which is required in Pennsylvania.  The bill is now Act 22 of 2022.

General Assembly

  • The state House and Senate convened for voting session this week in Harrisburg.
  • The House passed on final consideration House Bill 2585, which prohibits the Department of Human Services from developing or using bidding or service zones that limit a health service corporation or hospital plan corporation contractor from submitting a bid.  The bill will now be sent to the Senate for consideration.  The Senate passed a companion bill, Senate Bill 1235, which will now be sent to the House for consideration.
  • The House Insurance Committee held an informational meeting on Wednesday, June 8 to examine cybersecurity and insurance data security.  Find a recording of the hearing here.
  • The Senate Health & Human Services Committee met on June 7 and favorably reported the following bills.
    • Senate Bill 571, which establishes a uniform time frame for distributing SNAP benefits.
    • Senate Bill 1198, which seeks to promote and improve the availability of and access to assisted living residences.
    • Senate Bill 1202, which requires health insurers to cover the use of medically prescribed pasteurized donor human milk in inpatient and outpatient settings for children under the age of 12 months.
    • House Bill 2401, which makes permanent two COVID-19 waivers that permit non-physician practitioners to order and oversee orders for home health care services and permits the continued use of remote supervisory visits by registered nurses.

Find a recording of the hearing here.

  • The Senate Veterans Affairs & Emergency Preparedness Committee met on Monday and favorably reported House Bill 2097, which makes permanent a COVID-19 regulatory waiver that permits certified emergency personnel, such as firefighters with specific first-aid, CPR, and emergency vehicle training, to drive ambulances with an EMT on board.

Department of Human Services

  • The Department of Human Services (DHS) has updated its Act 2 payment guidance to incorporate additional questions the department has received.  The updated guidance provides further clarification on eligible staff, employer tax withholding, and more.   Find the expanded guidance here.
  • DHS has unveiled new provider enrollment portal enhancements designed to improve providers’ enrollment experience.  Learn more about these enhancements here.
  • DHS has issued a Medical Assistance Bulletin to inform providers enrolled in the Medical Assistance program that it has updated its blood lead reference value and updated the qualifications for environmental lead investigators to enroll in the program.  Find that Medical Assistance Bulletin here.
  • DHS has issued a Medical Assistance Bulletin to inform Federally Qualified Health Centers and Rural Health Clinics that it is implementing an alternative payment methodology to pay the Medical Assistance program fee schedule rate for administering COVID-19 vaccines during vaccine-only visits for dates of service on and after December 1, 2020 and that it will pay the enhanced Medical Assistance program fee schedule rate for administering COVID-19 vaccines to homebound Medical Assistance beneficiaries during vaccine-only visits for dates of service on and after April 1, 2021.  Find that Medical Assistance Bulletin here.
  • DHS has posted the minutes of the May 26 meeting of the Medical Assistance Advisory Committee.  Find those minutes here.

HealthChoices Changes

Department of Health

  • The Department of Health (DOH) has issued a health advisory alerting providers to an anticipated seasonal increase in Legionella infections combined with a potential increase in cases resulting from changing building occupancies.  The advisory describes the symptoms of Legionella infection, risk factors, testing, and treatment and provides links to additional resources.  Find the health advisory here.
  • DOH has sent a reminder to long-term-care facilities about the outpatient COVID-19 therapeutics available to them and how to obtain these medications through the agency’s health care partner portal.
  • DOH has shared recommendations for residents of long-term-care facilities (a Word download) to receive a second COVID-19 vaccine booster this summer based on updated CDC guidance.

COVID-19:  By the Numbers

  • The Department of Health has issued its monthly report on COVID-19 trends in Pennsylvania.  Find it here.
  • For the second consecutive week COVID-19 case counts fell, declining from a seven-day average of 3552 on June 1 to 3228 on June 8, a nine percent decline.
  • The seven-day average of COVID-19-related deaths rose, however, from 15 to 23, over the same period of time.
  • The number of Pennsylvanians hospitalized with COVID-19 and on ventilators and in hospital intensive care units remained mostly steady over the past week.
  • Sixty-five of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties are currently experiencing high rates of community transmission of COVID-19.  The exceptions were Juniata County, with a moderate rate of community transmission, and Fulton County, with a substantial rate.

Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council (PHC4)

PHC4 has published volume one of its annual analysis of the financial performance of Pennsylvania’s acute-care hospitals.  The analysis found that hospital total margins across the state increased 7.84 percentage points, from 3.93 percent in FY 2020 to 11.77 percent in FY 2021, and statewide operating margins increased 4.18 percentage points, from 3.73 percent in FY 2020 to 7.91 percent in FY 2021.  The analysis also found that in FY 2021, 25 percent of the state’s acute-care hospitals posted a negative total margin, 10 percent posted a total margin between 0 percent and four percent, and the remaining 65 percent posted a total margin higher than four percent.  The analysis found that for FY 2021, acute-care hospitals’ uncompensated care rose from $832 million in the previous year to $866 million, an increase of 4.1 percent.  Go here to find a PHC4 news release describing the agency’s report, the report itself, and a link to downloadable data from the report.

Stakeholder Events

Rural Health Redesign Center Authority – June 21

The board of the Pennsylvania Rural Health Redesign Center Authority will meet virtually on Tuesday, June 21 at 10:00.  Learn more about the board and how to participate in this meet from this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

Department of Health – Preventative Health and Health Services Block Grant Application for Federal Fiscal Year 2022; Public Hearing – June 21

The Department of Health is making available copies of its proposed Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant Application for federal FY 2022.  This block grant application shall serve as the state’s request to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for block grant funding to address the Healthy People 2030 Health Status Objectives.  A public hearing will be held virtually on June 21 at 10:00.  Learn more about the hearing, how to participate, and how to obtain a copy of the grant funding application from this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

Department of Human Services – Long-Term Care Learning Network/Nursing Facilities – June 23

DHS’s Long-Term Care Learning Network, part of its quality strategy for nursing facilities, is offering in collaboration with the Community HealthChoices managed care organizations and the Jewish Healthcare Foundation a “learning collaborative” webinar in which participants in past Long-Term Care Learning Network events share information about best practices for avoiding hospitalizations from nursing homes.  The webinar will be held on Thursday, June 23 at 2:00 and the deadline to sign up to share best practices is June 1.  For further information about the webinar, sharing best practices, and participating virtually, go here.

Patient Safety Authority – June 23

The board of the Patient Safety Authority will meet virtually on Thursday, June 23 at 1:00.   Registration is required.  Learn about how to participate in the meeting from this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

DHS – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee – Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Subcommittee Meeting – July 6

The managed long-term services and supports subcommittee of DHS’s Medical Assistance Advisory Committee will meet in Harrisburg on Wednesday, July 6 at 10:00; the meeting also will be available virtually.  For further information about the location of the meeting and how to participate virtually, see this announcement.



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