PA Health Policy Update for Friday, June 3

The following is an update of selected state health policy developments in Pennsylvania for the week of May 31 to June 3, 2022.  (Some of the language used below is taken directly from state documents.)

General Assembly

  • The state House and Senate will return to Harrisburg for session the week of June 6.  The Senate will be in session on Monday (6/6), Tuesday (6/7), and Wednesday (6/8).  The House will be in session on Tuesday (6/7), Wednesday (6/8), and Thursday (6/9).
  • The House Health Committee will hold a joint hearing with the Environmental Resources & Energy Committee on “Oil and gas byproducts:  powering modern medicine and our healthcare system.”  The hearing will take place on Tuesday, June 7 at 10:00 a.m.
  • The House Insurance Committee will hold an informational meeting on Wednesday, June 8 at 10:00 a.m. to examine cybersecurity and insurance data security.
  • The Senate Health & Human Services Committee will meet on Tuesday, June 7 at 10:30 a.m. to consider the following bills.
    • Senate Bill 571, which establishes a uniform time-frame for distribution of SNAP benefits.
    • Senate Bill 1198, which seeks to promote and improve the availability of and access to assisted living residences.
    • Senate Bill 1202, which requires health insurers to cover the use of medically prescribed pasteurized donor human milk in inpatient and outpatient settings for children under the age of 12 months.
    • House Bill 2401, which makes permanent two COVID-19 waivers that permit non-physician practitioners to order and oversee orders for home health care services and permits the continued use of remote supervisory visits by registered nurses.

Revenue Collection Update

The Independent Fiscal Office (IFO) has released its Monthly Revenue Update for May. General Fund revenue collection exceeded estimate by $459.1 million for the month.  For the fiscal year to date Pennsylvania has received $5.5 billion more than projected.  The IFO reported that increased revenue collections continue to be driven by strong sales and use tax, personal income tax,  and corporate net income tax payments.

Department of Human Services

  • The Department of Human Services (DHS) has published a Medical Assistance Bulletin to inform Medical Assistance providers that it has added a CPT code to the MA fee schedule for the administration of a third dose of the Pfizer pediatric COVID-19 vaccine.  Find that notice here.  The notice is retroactive to January 3.
  • DHS has published a Medical Assistance Bulletin to inform Medical Assistance providers that it has added CPT codes to the MA fee schedule for the administration of Pfizer’s ready-to-use novel COVID-19 vaccine.  Find that notice here.  The notice is retroactive to January 3.
  • The managed care delivery system subcommittee of DHS’s Medical Assistance Advisory Committee has posted a draft file note summarizing its May 12 public meeting.  Find that draft here.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has released a new tool states can use to prepare for the eventual end of the COVID-19 public health emergency and return to normal Medicaid and CHIP eligibility and enrollment operations.  This tool highlights the ten fundamental actions states need to complete to prepare for unwinding when the Medicaid continuous enrollment requirement ends.  Find it here.

CMS has issued a letter to state Medicaid programs updating its 2022 SSI and spousal impoverishment standards.  These measures affect financial eligibility rules (the “spousal impoverishment rules”) that apply when married individuals seek coverage of certain long-term services and supports.  Find the letter and the new standards here.

Department of Health

The Department of Health is working with Philadelphia’s Department of Public Health to confirm and investigate what appears to be the first case of monkeypox in Pennsylvania and one of only 21 currently suspected in the U.S.  Learn more from this Philadelphia Department of Public Health news release.

The Department of Health’s Bureau of Epidemiology and Bureau of Facility Licensure and Certification have notified skilled nursing facilities of modifications of the reporting process for skilled nursing facilities with ongoing outbreaks of COVID-19.  Find that notice here.

COVID-19:  By the Numbers

  • For the first time in more than two months daily COVID-19 case counts fell, declining from a seven-day average of 4238 on May 25 to 3552 on June 1.
  • The seven-day average of COVID-19-related deaths fell by more than half, from 36 to 15, over the same period of time.
  • Despite the decline in new cases, the number of Pennsylvanians hospitalized with COVID-19 rose, but only slightly (three percent) over the past week.
  • The number of these patients on ventilators and hospital intensive care units held steady over the past week.
  • Sixty-six of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties are currently experiencing high rates of community transmission of COVID-19; Juniata County was the exception, with a substantial rate of community transmission.

Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs

The Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs has awarded a grant of $1.4 million to continue the Pennsylvania Perinatal Quality Collaborative’s work in improving perinatal health outcomes.  Learn more about the grant, the program, and the grant recipient from this department news release.

Independent Regulatory Review Commission

Pennsylvania’s Independent Regulatory Review Commission has issued comments on proposed regulations governing long-term-care facilities that were published on March 19.  See these comments in this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

Stakeholder Events

Department of Human Services – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee – Managed Care Delivery System Subcommittee – June 9

The Medical Assistance Advisory Committee’s managed care delivery system subcommittee will meet virtually on Thursday, June 9 at 10:00.  Go here for the meeting agenda and information about how to participate.

Department of Human Services – Long-Term Care Learning Network/Nursing Facilities – June 9

DHS’s Long-Term Care Learning Network, part of its quality strategy for nursing facilities, is offering in collaboration with the Community HealthChoices managed care organizations and the Jewish Healthcare Foundation a special population webinar on polypharmacy challenges in nursing homes on Thursday, June 9 at 2:00.  The webinar is especially targeted for skilled nursing facility medical directors, directors of nursing, pharmacy staff, and recreational therapy.  To learn more about the virtual webinar and how to participate, go here.

Department of Aging – Pennsylvania Long-Term Care Council – June 9

The Department of Aging’s Pennsylvania Long-Term Care Council will meet in Harrisburg on Thursday, June 9 at 10:00; the meeting also will be available virtually.  For information on the location of the meeting and how to participate virtually, see this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

Department of Human Services – Long-Term Care Learning Network/Nursing Facilities – June 23

DHS’s Long-Term Care Learning Network, part of its quality strategy for nursing facilities, is offering in collaboration with the Community HealthChoices managed care organizations and the Jewish Healthcare Foundation a “learning collaborative” webinar in which participants in past Long-Term Care Learning Network events share information about best practices for avoiding hospitalizations from nursing homes.  The webinar will be held on Thursday, June 23 at 2:00 and the deadline to sign up to share best practices is June 1.  For further information about the webinar, sharing best practices, and participating virtually, go here.

DHS – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee – Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Subcommittee Meeting – July 6

The managed long-term services and supports subcommittee of DHS’s Medical Assistance Advisory Committee will meet in Harrisburg on Wednesday, July 6 at 10:00; the meeting also will be available virtually.  For further information about the location of the meeting and how to participate virtually, see this announcement.

PA Health Policy Update for Friday, May 27

The following is an update of selected state health policy developments in Pennsylvania for the week of May 23-27, 2022.  (Some of the language used below is taken directly from state documents.)

General Assembly

  • The Senate unanimously passed House Bill 889, which authorizes the State Board of Nursing to approve graduates of international nursing education programs to sit for the RN licensure examination provided that such international programs are determined to be equivalent to that which is required in Pennsylvania.  The bill will now be sent to the governor.
  • The Senate passed Senate Bill 848 by a vote of 35-12.  This legislation creates a Chief Nursing Officer position in the Department of Health.  The bill will now be sent to the House for consideration.
  • The House unanimously passed House Bill 1644, which directs the Department of Human Services to develop an escalation process to place Medicaid patients with behavioral health or long-term-care needs in an appropriate care setting.  The bill now will be sent to the Senate for consideration.
  • The House unanimously passed House Bill 2530, which ends the practice of prudent pay in the Department of Human Services’ Office of Developmental Programs.  The bill will now be sent to the Senate for consideration.
  • The House Insurance Committee favorably reported House Bill 2585, which prohibits the Department of Human Services from developing or using bidding or service zones that limit a health service corporation or hospital plan corporation contractor from submitting a bid.
  • The Senate Banking & Insurance Committee favorably reported House Bill 2419, which expands access to outpatient psychiatric care via telemedicine.
  • The Legislative Budget and Finance Committee released a report on the Pennsylvania CARE Act (Act 20 of 2016) and its impact on patient outcomes.  Find the report’s highlights here and the full report here.

Independent Fiscal Office

The Independent Fiscal Office (IFO) has revised its revenue estimate for the current fiscal year, increasing it to $47.7 billion, a $5.8 billion increase over its initial estimate.  According to the IFO, revenue in most categories, including corporate net income tax, sales tax, and personal income tax, exceeded projections.  The IFO also cautioned that the state will likely see reduced revenue collections in future years.  Find the IFO’s full report here and a PowerPoint presentation of its initial FY 2023 revenue estimate here.

Office of the Attorney General

The Office of the Attorney General released a report on the significant increase in fentanyl importation and use across the commonwealth.  The report highlights the Bureau of Narcotics Investigations’ seizure of more fentanyl in the first three months of 2022 than it seized in all of 2021.  The report recommends weighing the costs and benefits of legalizing fentanyl test strips to combat the increase in overdoses and continuing to make access to substance use disorder treatment a priority. Find the full report viewed here.

Department of Human Services

Department of Health

  • The Department of Health (DOH) has issued an alert updating previously released information about monkeypox in the U.S. and elsewhere and offering information for clinicians and the public, including links to additional resources.  Find the alert here.
  • DOH has notified skilled nursing facilities that they will no longer be permitted to hire temporary nurse aides after June 6, 2022 due to the expiration of a CMS waiver related to the COVID-19 pandemic.  That waiver enabled nursing facilities to hire nursing assistants who had not yet passed the skills and written portions of the state nurse aide examination.  In addition, nurse aides hired under the waiver must pass the skills and written portions of the state nurse aide examination by October 6 or they cannot continue to work in that capacity.  Go here to read the letter explaining this change.
  • DOH has published its final set of proposed amendments to the state’s long-term-care facility regulations.  Learn more about the changes that have been proposed and the process DHS intends to use to move from proposed to final regulations from this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

COVID-19:  By the Numbers

  • Daily COVID-19 case counts climbed for the ninth consecutive week, rising seven percent, from a seven-day average of 3971 new daily cases on May 18 to 4238 new daily cases on May 25.
  • The seven-day average of COVID-19-related deaths tripled, from 12 to 36.
  • The growing number of COVID-19 cases in the state led to an 11 percent increase in COVID-19-related hospitalizations in the past week.
  • The number of these patients on ventilators, on the other hand, declined 19 percent over the past week while the number in hospital intensive care units rose 12 percent.
  • Sixty-four of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties are currently experiencing high rates of community transmission of COVID-19, leaving three counties experiencing “only” a substantial rate of community transmission.

Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council (PHC4)

PHC4 has published a new report on the number of cancer-related surgeries performed in Pennsylvania during the state’s 2021 fiscal year.  Go here to learn about the report and find a link to the report itself.

Stakeholder Events

DHS – Medical Advisory Committee – Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Subcommittee – June 1

The Medical Assistance Advisory Committee’s managed long-term services and supports subcommittee will be held virtually on Wednesday, June 1 at 10:00.  There will be an opportunity to submit questions and offer comments.  Go here to register to participate or dial in at 415-655-0052, access code 498030891#.

DHS – Office of Long-Term Living – Financial Management Services Stakeholder Meeting – June 3

DHS’s Office of Long-Term Living will hold a financial management services stakeholder meeting on Friday, June 3 at 1:00.  The purpose of this virtual meeting is to discuss upcoming changes for the administration of financial management services under the Community HealthChoices, OBRA Waiver, and Act 150 programs.  Representatives from the Office of Long-Term Living and Community HealthChoices managed care organizations will discuss upcoming changes.  Go here to register to participate.

Department of Human Services – Long-Term Care Learning Network/Nursing Facilities – June 23

DHS’s Long-Term Care Learning Network, part of its quality strategy for nursing facilities, is offering in collaboration with the Community HealthChoices managed care organizations and the Jewish Healthcare Foundation a “learning collaborative” webinar in which participants in past Long-Term Care Learning Network events share information about best practices for avoiding hospitalizations from nursing homes.  The webinar will be held on Thursday, June 23 at 2:00 and the deadline to sign up to share best practices is June 1.  For further information about the webinar, sharing best practices, and participating virtually, go here.

PA Health Policy Update for the Week of May 9-13

The following is an update of selected state health policy developments in Pennsylvania for the week of May 9-13, 2022.  (Some of the language used below is taken directly from state documents.)

Primary Election

Pennsylvania’s 2022 primary election will be held on Tuesday, May 17.  Registered Republicans and Democrats will have an opportunity to select which candidates will represent their parties in the general election for local and statewide races, including governor, lieutenant governor, U.S. senator, U.S. representative, state senator, and state House representative.

General Assembly

The Joint State Government Commission issued a report this week regarding nurse licensure in the commonwealth.  House Resolution 142 directed the Joint State Government Commission to conduct a review of the State Board of Nursing, specifically the “authorization to test” process and how it might be improved.  Among other recommendations, the report highlights the need for additional staff at the state Board of Nursing, improved processing of licensure applications, and revision of the criminal background check process.

Department of Human Services

  • The Department of Human Services (DHS) has issued a Medical Assistance Bulletin to inform providers of the addition of CPT codes M0222 and M0223 to the program’s fee schedule for the administration of the monoclonal antibody bebtelovimab for treatment of COVID-19 effective February 11, 2022.  Find that bulletin here.
  • DHS has published a Medical Assistance Bulletin to issue its 2022 immunization schedule for Medical Assistance beneficiaries ages 18 years or younger.  Find the bulletin here.
  • DHS has published a final notice of its funding allocation for FY 2022 for several classes of inpatient disproportionate share hospital (Medicaid DSH) and supplemental payments to Medical Assistance-enrolled and qualifying inpatient acute-care general hospitals.  The funding allocation is for DSH and supplemental payments for inpatient care, critical access hospitals, burn centers, obstetric and neonatal services, academic medical centers, physician practice plans, autism intervention, and trauma centers.  DHS is not changing the qualifying criteria or payment methodology for these payments and the notice does not list allocations to individual recipients.  Learn more from this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.
  • DHS has issued a flyer explaining how individuals and organizations can obtain doses of Naloxone, the life-saving medication used in the event of a suspected opioid overdose.
  • DHS has posted the minutes of the April 28 meeting of its Medical Assistance Advisory Committee.
  • The federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has released a “State Health Official Letter” to provide guidance to states on coverage and payment for stand-alone vaccine counseling in Medicaid and CHIP.  In the letter, CMS explains that it is interpreting the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) benefit to require the provision of stand-alone vaccine counseling to eligible beneficiaries.  This guidance links the mandatory COVID-19 vaccine and vaccine administration coverage and reimbursement under the American Rescue Plan with the health education requirement under Medicaid’s EPSDT benefit.  Learn more from the CMS letter to state health officials.
  • CMS has published its reassignment of Medicaid provider claims final rule.  This rule reinterprets the scope of the general requirement that state payments for Medicaid services must generally be made directly to the individual practitioner or institution providing services or to the beneficiary in the case of a class of practitioners for which the Medicaid program is the primary source of revenue.  Specifically, this final rule explicitly authorizes states to make payments to third parties on behalf of individual practitioners for practitioners’ health insurance and welfare benefits, skills training, and other benefits customary for employees if the individual practitioner consents to such payments on their behalf.  This rule is generally viewed as an effort to aid home health care workers.  See the final rule here.

COVID-19:  By the Numbers

  • Daily COVID-19 case counts climbed for the seventh consecutive week – this week, significantly.  The state’s seven-day average of new cases rose 65 percent, from 1874 on May 5 to 3101 on May 12.
  • The seven-day average of COVID-19-related deaths rose from ten on May 6 to 12 on May 12.
  • The growing number of COVID-19 cases in the state has led to a large but not proportional increase in COVID-19-related hospitalizations:  after consecutive weeks of 22 percent increases in hospitalizations, COVID-19-related hospitalizations rose 24 percent in the past week.
  • The number of these patients on ventilators remained unchanged over the past week while the number in hospital intensive care units rose 14 percent.
  • The significant increase in the number of new COVID-19 cases in Pennsylvania has resulted in significant changes in the status of community transmission of the virus in the state’s 67 counties.  Currently, no counties are experiencing a low rate of community transmission and only four counties (Mifflin, Perry, Snyder, and Somerset) are experiencing a moderate rate; nine counties (Blair, Fayette, Franklin, Fulton, Greene, Huntingdon, Jefferson, Juniata, and Philadelphia) experienced a substantial rate of community transmission; and the remaining 54 counties are currently experiencing a high rate of community transmission of COVID-19.

Stakeholder Events

Department of Health – Health Research Advisory Committee – May 18

The Department of Health’s Health Research Advisory Committee will meet virtually on Wednesday, May 18 to hold a formal vote on upcoming priorities.  For information about how to participate in the meeting see this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

Department of Human Services – Learning Network/Nursing Facilities – May 19

DHS’s Learning Network, part of its Quality Strategy for Nursing Facilities, is offering in collaboration with the Community HealthChoices managed care organizations and the Jewish Healthcare Foundation a webinar on the role that vaccinations, including influenza, pneumonia, COVID-19, and others, can play in avoiding hospitalizations from nursing homes.  The webinar will be held on Thursday, May 19 at 2:00.  For further information about the webinar and to register to participate, go here.

DHS, Department of Health, Department of Veterans Affairs – PA Cares Training Summit – May 24

Pennsylvania’s departments of Human Services, Health, and Veterans Affairs, in cooperation with the five branches of the U.S. armed forces, will hold a “PA Cares Training Summit 2022” on Tuesday, May 24 at 8:00 a.m.  The event will focus on considerations that are needed to promote wellness in the lives of service members, veterans, and their families.  The target audience is professionals in the field and includes but is not limited to community mental health and substance abuse agencies, social workers, professional counselors, nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, clergy/pastoral or spiritual practitioners, and the staff of Pennsylvania veterans centers.  Learn more about the event, its agenda, the presenters, and how to participate from this program announcement.  Participation is limited to the first 300 people who register.

DHS – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee – Consumer Subcommittee – May 25

The consumer subcommittee of DHS’s Medical Assistance Advisory Committee will meet virtually on Wednesday, May 25 at 1:00.  Go here to register to participate.

Department of Health – Statewide HIV Planning Group – May 25 and 26

The Department of Health’s Statewide HIV Planning Group will hold a public meeting in Harrisburg, on Wednesday, May 25 and Thursday, May 26 from 9:00 to 4:30 on both days.  The purpose of these meetings is to conduct an integrated prevention and care HIV planning process in which the Department of Health works in partnership with the community and stakeholders to enhance access to HIV prevention, care and treatment services.  Interested parties also may participate virtually.  For additional information, including the location of the meeting and how to join virtually, see this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

DHS – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee – May 26

DHS’s Medical Assistance Advisory Committee will meet virtually on Thursday, May 26 at 10:00.  Go here to register to participate.

DHS – Medical Advisory Committee – Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Subcommittee – June 1

The Medical Assistance Advisory Committee’s managed long-term services and supports subcommittee will be held virtually on Wednesday, June 1 at 10:00.  There will be an opportunity to submit questions and offer comments.  Go here to register to participate or dial in at 415-655-0052, access code 498030891#.

DHS – Office of Long-Term Living – Financial Management Services Stakeholder Meeting – June 3

DHS’s Office of Long-Term Living will hold a financial management services stakeholder meeting on Friday, June 3 at 1:00.  The purpose of this virtual meeting is to discuss upcoming changes for the administration of financial management services under the Community HealthChoices, OBRA Waiver, and Act 150 programs.  Representatives from the Office of Long-Term Living and Community HealthChoices managed care organizations will discuss upcoming changes.  Go here to register to participate.

PA Health Policy Update for the Week of May 2-6

The following is an update of selected state health policy developments in Pennsylvania for the week of May 2-6, 2022.  (Some of the language used below is taken directly from state documents.)

General Assembly

The Center for Rural Pennsylvania, a legislative agency of the state’s General Assembly, has issued a report on access to mental health services in rural Pennsylvania that identifies barriers and challenges to obtaining mental health care in rural areas and offers proposals for addressing them, including expanding and funding telehealth services.  Learn more from the report “Access to Mental Health Services in Rural Pennsylvania.”

The House Democratic Policy Committee held an informational hearing this week examining the opioid epidemic.  Find the hearing’s agenda and testimony here.

Revenue Collection Update

Pennsylvania’s General Fund revenue collections in April totaled $6.5 billion, which is $1.8 billion, or 38.7 percent, above estimate.  Fiscal year-to-date General Fund revenue collections are $4.5 billion, or 12.4 percent, above estimate.  Governor Wolf issued a press release noting that April’s revenue collection was the most ever collected by the state in a single month.

Department of Human Services

  • The Department of Human Services (DHS) has announced its intent to allocate funds in FY 2022 for several classes of inpatient disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments and supplemental payments to Medical Assistance-enrolled, qualifying inpatient acute-care general hospitals.  Specifically, DHS intends to allocate $9.510 million in total funds for DSH payments to qualifying acute-care general hospitals that provide a high volume of services to the Medicaid population to promote continued access to inpatient and ancillary outpatient services and to support academic medical programs that provide integrated, patient-centered medical services; to allocate $5.917 million in total funds for DSH payments to qualifying acute-care general hospitals to promote the availability of professional medical services to Medicaid populations in less urbanized areas by supporting medical education and academic medical programs; and to allocate $40.163 million in total funds for supplemental payments to qualifying acute-care general hospitals that treat a high percentage of Medicaid patients under 18 years of age.  Learn more from this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.
  • DHS has issued a Medical Assistance Bulletin to clarify its guidelines for the delivery of services via telemedicine through the Medical Assistance program’s fee-for-service delivery system.  The bulletin applies to all providers enrolled in the Medical Assistance program.  Providers rendering such services under the managed care delivery system should address coverage and payment questions for the delivery of services via telemedicine to the appropriate managed care organization.  Find the bulletin here.
  • DHS has shared presentations offered at the April 28 meeting of the Medical Assistance Advisory Committee (MAAC) by:
  • DHS has posted a draft file note of the April 14 meeting of the Medical Assistance Advisory Committee’s managed care delivery system subcommittee.

Department of Health

The Department of Health has issued a health alert updating its vaccine recommendations for hepatitis A and B.

The Department of Health has issued a health alert about failure to disinfect assisted blood glucose monitors between uses posing a risk for blood-borne pathogen transmission.  The alert describes the problem, offers suggestions for how to prevent it, and points providers to resources for further information.  Find the alert here.

COVID-19:  By the Numbers

  • Daily COVID-19 case counts climbed for the sixth consecutive week.  The state’s seven-day average of new cases rose eight percent, from 1734 on April 28 to 1834 on May 5.
  • The seven-day average of COVID-19-related deaths rose from nine on April 28 to 13 on May 5.
  • The growing number of COVID-19 cases in the state has led to a corresponding increase in COVID-19-related hospitalizations, with Pennsylvania experiencing a 22 percent increase in COVID-19-related hospitalizations for the second consecutive week.
  • While the number of these patients on ventilators rose 20 percent over the past week and the number in hospital ICUs rose 33 percent, the actual number of such patients remains modest in comparison to times earlier in the pandemic when the daily case counts were comparable.
  • During the past week 35 Pennsylvania counties, up from 22 last week, experienced high rates of community transmission of COVID-19; two counties, one fewer than last week, experienced a low rate of transmission; 21 counties, down from 22 last week, experienced a substantial rate of community transmission; and the remaining nine counties experienced a moderate rate.

Department of State

The Department of State has announced that the professional licensing waivers it issued under the COVID-19 disaster declaration will begin expiring in phases starting on May 23, with all waivers scheduled to expire by June 30.  Go here for a list of the department’s waivers and their expiration dates.

Stakeholder Events

Department of Human Services – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee – Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Subcommittee – May 10

The managed long-term services and supports subcommittee of DHS’s Medical Assistance Advisory Committee will meet virtually on Tuesday, May 10 at 10:00.  To register to participate, go here.

Department of Human Services – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee Managed Care Delivery System Subcommittee – May 12

The managed care delivery system subcommittee of the Medical Assistance Advisory Committee will meet virtually on Thursday, May 12 at 10:00.  For an agenda for the meeting and information about how to participate, go here.

Department of Human Services – Learning Network/Nursing Facilities – May 12

DHS’s Learning Network, part of its Quality Strategy for Nursing Facilities, is offering in collaboration with the Community HealthChoices managed care organizations and the Jewish Healthcare Foundation a special population webinar on avoiding hospitalizations from nursing facilities on Thursday, May 12 at 2:00.  Recommended nursing home participants are admissions coordinators, directors of nursing, and social services staff.  For more information about the webinar and how to register, go here.

Department of Human Services – Learning Network/Nursing Facilities – May 19

DHS’s Learning Network, part of its Quality Strategy for Nursing Facilities, is offering in collaboration with the Community HealthChoices managed care organizations and the Jewish Healthcare Foundation a webinar on the role that vaccinations, including influenza, pneumonia, COVID-19, and others, can play in avoiding hospitalizations from nursing homes.  The webinar will be held on Thursday, May 19 at 2:00.  For further information about the webinar and to register to participate, go here.

DHS – Office of Medical Assistance Programs – Gun Violence Roundtable – date in May to be determined 

DHS’s Office of Medical Assistance Programs will convene a roundtable in May to discuss gun violence as a public health issue and to explore public health strategies that can be used by Medicaid managed care organizations to prevent and respond to gun violence.  A save-the-date will be sent out in the next week or so and the managed care organizations will be given a list of questions to come prepared to discuss.  An opportunity to present on current and planned initiatives, as well as challenges and limitations, will be offered to each managed care organization.


PA Health Policy Update for the Week of April 25-29

The following is an update of selected state health policy developments in Pennsylvania for the week of April 25-29, 2022.  (Some of the language used below is taken directly from state documents.)

Pennsylvania State MapGeneral Assembly

  • The House of Representatives held session Monday (4/25), Tuesday (4/26), and Wednesday (4/27).  The Senate was in recess this week.
  • The House Professional Licensure Committee held an informational meeting on Monday, April 25 to examine House Bill 1956, which creates a license for certified anesthesiologist assistants.
  • The House Health Committee convened on Tuesday, April 26 and favorably reported the following bills.
    • House Bill 398, which requires a non-custodial parent of a child to enroll their child in their own health insurance plan before seeking Medicaid coverage.
    • House Bill 2441, which gives legislative agencies access to records information for research purposes under the Vital Statistics Law.
    • Senate Bill 317, which provides for the authority to prescribe antibiotics to treat sexually transmitted infections without having examined the individual for whom the drug is intended, in accordance with the Expedited Partner Therapy in the Management of Sexually Transmitted Diseases guidance issued by the CDC.
    • Senate Bill 818, which seeks to align procedures permitted in licensed ambulatory surgery centers with those of the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
  • The House Human Services Committee met on Tuesday, April 26 and favorably reported House Bill 1644, which directs the Department of Human Services (DHS) to develop an escalation process to place Medicaid patients with behavioral health or long-term-care needs in an appropriate care setting, and House Bill 2530, which ends the practice of prudent pay in DHS’s Office of Developmental Programs.

Department of Human Services

COVID-19:  By the Numbers

  • Daily COVID-19 case counts climbed for the fifth consecutive week.  The state’s seven-day average of new cases rose 29 percent, from 1343 cases on April 21 to 1734 on April 28.
  • The seven-day average of COVID-19-related deaths resumed its decline after a one-week detour, falling from 16 on April 20 to nine on April 28.
  • The growing number of COVID-19 cases in the state – Wednesday, April 27 and Thursday, April 28 were the first days the state experienced more than 2000 new cases in a single day since late February – has led to a corresponding increase in COVID-19-related hospitalizations, which rose 22 percent in the past week and have risen 48 percent since April 1.
  • These figures, though, need to be viewed in context.  The last time the state had as many new cases as it experienced in recent days more than twice as many Pennsylvanians were hospitalized because of COVID-19 than are hospitalized today.
  • In addition, this resurgence in new COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations has not translated into more serious types of hospital care.  The number of COVID-19 patients in hospital ICUs was the same on April 28 as it was on April 1 and the number of such patients on ventilators is now just two-thirds of the number receiving such care on April 1.
  • The numbers of COVID-19 patients in hospital ICUs and on ventilators, moreover, are only a fraction of what they were in late February, the last time daily case counts were as high as they were this week.  During the week of April 25 the number of COVID-19 patients in hospital ICUs is only 24 percent of what it was in late February while the number on ventilators is only 18 percent of what it was in late February.
  • During the past week 22 Pennsylvania counties, up from nine last week, experienced high rates of community transmission of COVID-19; three counties, the same number as last week, experienced a low rate of transmission; 22 counties, up from 20 last week, experienced a substantial rate of community transmission; and the remaining 20 counties experienced a moderate rate.

Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs

The Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs has announced the opening of its Substance Use Disorder Loan Repayment Program.  This program seeks to help substance use disorder treatment and single county authority-funded case management professionals repay their outstanding qualifying educational loans.  Applications must be submitted via the online application portal by May 26.  Eligible practitioners must have the capacity to provide substance use disorder treatment or single-county authority-funded case management services at approved practice site(s) and meet the requirements in Section 6 of the Project Summary.  Selected candidates must demonstrate a minimum of two prior years of experience in the substance use disorder treatment field and agree to a service commitment of two additional years.  For more information, see the Application Guidance.  Questions regarding the grants and the application process should be emailed to

Stakeholder Events

Behavioral Health Services for the Nursing Facility Population – May 3

DHS’s Office of Long-Term Living, Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS), the HealthChoices behavioral health managed care organizations, and the Community HealthChoices managed care organizations will host a joint webinar on Tuesday, May 3 at 2:00 on the importance of providing behavioral health services in nursing facilities and ensuring that nursing facilities know how to gain access to these services.  Go here for more information and to register to participate.

Department of Health – Organ Donation Advisory Committee – May 5

The Department of Health’s Organ Donation Advisory Committee will hold a virtual public meeting on Thursday, May 5 at 10:00 to review progress in the area of organ and tissue donation in Pennsylvania, recommend education and awareness activities, recommend priorities in expenditures from the Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Fund (Fund), and advise the Acting Secretary on matters relating to the administration of the fund.  For information about how to participate, see this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

Department of Health – Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Board – May 6

The Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Board will hold a public meeting on Friday, May 6 at 10:00 at the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network, 6340 Flank Drive in Harrisburg, in the Dauphin Conference Room.  To learn more about the meeting, and for information about how to participate virtually, see this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

Department of Human Services – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee – Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Subcommittee – May 10

The managed long-term services and supports subcommittee of DHS’s Medical Assistance Advisory Committee will meet virtually on Tuesday, May 10 at 10:00.  To register to participate, go here.

2022-04-29T20:21:51+00:00April 29th, 2022|Coronavirus, COVID-19, Meetings and notices, Pennsylvania Bulletin, Pennsylvania Medicaid, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on PA Health Policy Update for the Week of April 25-29

PA Health Policy Update for the Week of April 18-22

The following is an update of selected state health policy developments in Pennsylvania for the week of April 18-22, 2022.  (Some of the language used below is taken directly from state documents.)

Governor Wolf

Governor Wolf has signed House Bill 245, which reduces the graduate medical training required for international medical graduates from three years to two years; removes the limit on the number of affiliated facilities at which a doctor with an institutional license may practice or teach; and expands and clarifies the scope of practice of temporarily licensed physicians.

General Assembly

  • The state House will be in session next Monday (4/25), Tuesday (4/26), and Wednesday (4/27). The Senate is in recess.
  • The House Professional Licensure Committee will meet on Monday, April 25 at 10:00 a.m. to consider House Bill 1956, which creates a license for certified anesthesiologist assistants.
  • The House Health Committee will convene on Tuesday, April 26 at 9:30 a.m. to consider the following bills.
    • House Bill 398, which requires a non-custodial parent of a child to enroll their child in their own health insurance plan before seeking Medicaid coverage.
    • House Bill 2441, which gives legislative agencies access to records information for research purposes under the Vital Statistics Law.
    • Senate Bill 317, which provides for the authority to prescribe antibiotics to treat sexually transmitted infections without having examined the individual for whom the drug is intended, in accordance with the Expedited Partner Therapy in the Management of Sexually Transmitted Diseases guidance issued by the CDC.
    • Senate Bill 818, which seeks to align procedures permitted in licensed ambulatory surgery centers with those of the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Department of Human Services

  • Act 2 of 2022 appropriated $225 million to support the health care workforce needs of hospitals and behavioral health providers.  The law directed that the funding be used strictly for recruitment and retention payments to direct care staff.  Entities receiving payments under Act 2 must submit a report to the Department of Human Services (DHS) documenting staff retention payments by September 30, 2022 and a report on staff recruitment spending by December 31, 2022.  DHS has posted an FAQ describing how Act 2 works and has added to that FAQ a template for submitting the required reports.  Find the FAQ and the report template here.
  • DHS has updated its calendar for delivering Remittance Advice and corresponding checks to extend into early June.
  • DHS has issued a Medical Assistance Bulletin to announce the addition of new procedure codes to the Medical Assistance program fee schedule for the provision of personal care services that are provided through home health agencies to Medicaid beneficiaries under 21 years of age.  Find that bulletin here.
  • DHS has posted a notice to Medical Assistance fee-for-service providers reminding them of the recommended documentation needed to support the review of authorization requests for private duty/shift nursing and home health aide service hours provided to children under the age of 21.  Find that notice here.
  • DHS has shared the minutes of the February 23 meeting of the Medical Assistance Advisory Committee’s consumer subcommittee.
  • DHS has updated its “Monthly Physical Health Managed Care Program Enrollment Report” to include March 2022 data.

Department of Health

  • Keara Klinepeter has resigned as Pennsylvania’s Acting Health Secretary.  She will be replaced by the state’s Physician General, Dr. Denise Johnson.  Learn more from this Wolf administration news release.
  • The Secretary of Health issued a letter to the hospital community clarifying that the intention of the recently issued innovative hospital guidance was to preserve access to care in rural communities in a financially sustainable way.  Find a copy of that letter here.
  • The Department of Health has updated its guidance to providers caring for adults and children with multisystem inflammatory syndrome.
  • The Department of Health has updated its information about state-sponsored free COVID-19 testing sites to reflect that it currently operates such sites in Berks, Blair, Centre, and Clinton counties and at Edinboro University in Erie.  Learn more about the locations and hours of operation in this department news release.

COVID-19:  By the Numbers

  • Daily COVID-19 case counts climbed for the fourth consecutive week.  The state’s seven-day average of new cases rose 26 percent, from 1067 cases on April 14 to 1343 on April 21.
  • The seven-day average of COVID-19-related deaths, which has long been declining, rose during the past week from 10 on April 13 to 16 to April 21.
  • The rising number of COVID-19 cases in Pennsylvania has led to increases in some but not all measures of COVID-19-related hospital care.  In the past week the number of Pennsylvanians hospitalized with the virus rose 13 percent and has now risen 21 percent since the beginning of the month.  The number of COVID-19 patients in hospital ICUs rose 15 percent in the past week but remains modest.  The number of such patients being treated on ventilators, on the other hand, declined 22 percent and remains very low.
  • During the past week nine Pennsylvania counties, up from five last week, experienced high rates of community transmission of COVID-19; three counties, down from five last week, experienced a low rate of transmission; 20 counties, up from 15 last week, experienced a substantial rate of community transmission; and the remaining 35 counties experienced a moderate rate.

Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council (PHC4)

PHC4 has released a fourth quarter 2021 report on the effect of COVID-19 on hospitals and health care facilities in Pennsylvania.  In the report, PHC4 aggregates data on fourth quarter of 2021 COVID-19 expenses and lost revenue as reported by hospitals and health systems to show the impact of the public health emergency on those institutions.  The data in the report reflects financial performance for fewer than half of the hospitals in the state and does not include emergency funding the providers received from the federal or state government.  Learn more from this PHC4 news release and the agency’s “COVID-19 Disaster Emergency Report.”

Stakeholder Events

Behavioral Health Services for the Nursing Facility Population – April 26 and May 3

The Department of Human Services’ Office of Long-Term Living, Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS), the HealthChoices behavioral health managed care organizations, and the Community HealthChoices managed care organizations will host a joint webinar on the importance of providing behavioral health services in nursing facilities and making sure nursing facilities know how to gain access to these services.  The webinar will be held two more times and the material presented will be the same at each session.  The webinars will be recorded.  The session on Tuesday, April 26 will be held at 2:00; go here for more information and to register to participate.  The session on Tuesday, May 3 also will be held at 2:00; go here for more information and to register to participate.

Department of Human Services – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee – Consumer Subcommittee – April 27

The Medical Assistance Advisory Committee’s consumer subcommittee will meet virtually on Wednesday, April 27 at 1:00.  Go here to register to participate.

Department of Human Services – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee – April 28

The Medical Assistance Advisory Committee will meet virtually on Thursday, April 28 at 10:00.  Go here to register to participate.

Special Pharmaceutical Benefits Program Advisory Council – April 28

The Department of Human Services’ Special Pharmaceutical Benefits Program Advisory Council will meet by teleconference on Thursday, April 28 at 10:00.  Join the meeting at 866-588-4789 and use conference ID code 211 418 005#.

Patient Safety Authority – April 28

The Patient Safety Authority will hold a virtual public meeting of its board on Thursday, April 28 at 1:00 p.m.  For information about how to participate see this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

PA Health Policy Update for the Week of April 11-15

The following is an update of selected state health policy developments in Pennsylvania for the week of April 11-15, 2022.  (Some of the language used below is taken directly from state documents.)

Harrisburg, PA capital buildingGeneral Assembly

  • The state House and Senate convened for session in Harrisburg this week.
  • The House concurred with the Senate’s amendment to House Bill 245 and sent it to the governor’s desk.  House Bill 245 reduces the clinical residency requirement from three years to two years for an applicant who has graduated from an international medical college to receive licensure in Pennsylvania.
  • The House passed on third and final consideration House Bill 2401, which makes permanent two COVID-19 waivers that permit non-physician practitioners to order and oversee orders for home health care services and permits the continued use of remote supervisory visits by registered nurses, and House Bill 2419, which expands access to outpatient psychiatric care via telemedicine.  These bills will now be sent to the Senate for consideration.
  • The Senate passed on third and final consideration Senate Bill 1172, which authorizes the establishment of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) programs by hospitals, mandates the creation of a comprehensive list of such programs, and authorizes a grant program to establish and support SANE services.  The bill was received in the House and referred to the Health Committee.
  • The House Health Committee held an informational meeting on Tuesday, April 12 regarding “Opioids in the Commonwealth:  Lessons learned and next steps.”  A recording of the meeting may be viewed here.
  • The House Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee favorably reported House Bill 2097, which makes permanent a COVID-19 regulatory waiver that permits certified emergency personnel, such as firefighters with specific first-aid, CPR, and emergency vehicle training, to drive ambulances with an EMT on board.
  • The House Aging & Older Adult Services Committee held an informational meeting on Tuesday, April 12 to examine long-term-care facility workforce challenges.  A recording of the meeting may be viewed here.
  • The Senate Health & Human Services Committee met on Tuesday, April 12 and favorably reported the following bills.
    • Senate Bill 749, which seeks to provide clarity for employees and employers regarding current ambiguity in the state’s medical marijuana law concerning the use of medical marijuana in the workplace.
    • Senate Bill 1121, which requires the Department of Human Services (DHS) to verify wage records from employers and the Department of Revenue for Medicaid and SNAP beneficiaries.
    • Senate Bill 1124, which requires DHS to check death certificates at the Bureau of Vital Statistics against Medicaid and SNAP beneficiaries.
    • Senate Bill 1188, which seeks to increase awareness, testing, and access to treatment for Lyme disease.

A recording of the hearing may be viewed here.

Department of Human Services

The Department of Human Services (DHS) has posted a file note summarizing the March 10 meeting of the Medical Assistance Advisory Committee’s managed care delivery system subcommittee.

DHS has announced the addition of two procedure codes to the Medical Assistance fee schedule for the provision of personal care services by home health agencies to beneficiaries under 21 years of age, effective with dates of service on and after May 1, 2022.  Find those procedure codes in this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

Department of Health

  • The Department of Health (DOH) has updated its guidance for reporting on point-of-care COVID-19 test results to bring Pennsylvania into compliance with revised federal requirements.  See the new guidance here.
  • DOH has updated its information about state-sponsored free COVID-19 testing sites to reflect that it currently operates such sites in Berks, Centre, and Clinton counties and at Edinboro University in Erie.  Learn more about the locations and hours of operation in this department news release.
  • DOH has posted new online resources for providers and the public to learn about and support

Pennsylvanians who may be experiencing symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders.  The new information comes in response to a law passed by the legislature earlier this year and signed by Governor Wolf requiring the administration to provide such information.  Go here to find the resources for providers and here to view resources for the public.

COVID-19:  By the Numbers

  • Daily COVID-19 case counts climbed for the third consecutive week.  The state’s seven-day average of new cases rose nearly 24 percent, from 797 cases on April 5 to 986 on April 13.
  • On the other hand, the number of new COVID-19-related deaths continues to decline, from a seven-day average of 17 on April 5 to just 10 on April 13.
  • The rising number of COVID-19 cases in Pennsylvania has not led to increases in hospital care for COVID-19 patients:  during the past week the number of residents in hospital ICUs because of the virus and being treated with ventilators has remained steady while the number admitted to hospitals has risen only seven percent since the beginning of the month.
  • During the past week five Pennsylvania counties – up from two last week – experienced  high rates of transmission of COVID-19 (Potter, Bradford, Susquehanna, Columbia, and Pike); five counties – the same number as last week – experienced a low rate of community transmission (Bedford, Fulton, Juniata, Elk, and Sullivan); and 15 counties experienced a substantial rate of community transmission while another 42 experienced a moderate rate.

Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs

The Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs has issued a news release describing its recent talks with state Attorney General Shapiro and other officials about how Pennsylvania might use its share of the national opioid settlement – as much as $1.07 billion – to address substance use challenges in the state.  Learn more here.

Insurance Department

The Insurance Department has published a policy statement that will permit insurers to ask applicants to voluntarily provide race and ethnicity data on insurance applications in an effort to promote equity initiatives.  The new statement of policy ends enforcement of a prohibition on such data collection published in 1969.  Learn more about this policy change in this department news release and see the policy statement in this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

Stakeholder Events

Department of Health – Spinal Cord Research Advisory Committee – April 21

The Department of Health’s Spinal Cord Research Advisory Committee will meet virtually on Thursday, April 21 at 10:30.  The purpose of this meeting is to review the committee’s work, review the status and progress of the current request for applications, reaffirm priorities, evaluate and refine the process to review the next spinal cord research applications, and address emerging issues.  For information about how to join the meeting, see this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

Behavioral Health Services for the Nursing Facility Population – April 26 and May 3

The Department of Human Services’ Office of Long-Term Living, Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS), the HealthChoices behavioral health managed care organizations, and the Community HealthChoices managed care organizations will host a joint webinar on the importance of providing behavioral health services in nursing facilities and making sure nursing facilities know how to gain access to these services.  The webinar will be held two more times and the material presented will be the same at each session.  The webinars will be recorded.  The session on Tuesday, April 26 will be held at 2:00; go here for more information and to register to participate.  The session on Tuesday, May 3 also will be held at 2:00; go here for more information and to register to participate.

Department of Human Services – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee – Consumer Subcommittee – April 27

The Medical Assistance Advisory Committee’s consumer subcommittee will meet virtually on Wednesday, April 27 at 1:00.  Go here to register to participate.

Department of Human Services – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee – April 28

The Medical Assistance Advisory Committee will meet virtually on Thursday, April 28 at 10:00.  Go here to register to participate.

Special Pharmaceutical Benefits Program Advisory Council – April 28

The Department of Human Services’ Special Pharmaceutical Benefits Program Advisory Council will meet by teleconference on Thursday, April 28 at 10:00.  Join the meeting at 866-588-4789 and use conference ID code 211 418 005#.

Patient Safety Authority – April 28

The Patient Safety Authority will hold a virtual public meeting of its board on Thursday, April 28 at 1:00 p.m.  For information about how to participate see this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

Department of Health – Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Board – May 6

The Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Board will hold a public meeting on Friday, May 6 at 10:00 at the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network, 6340 Flank Drive in Harrisburg, in the Dauphin Conference Room.  To learn more about the meeting, and for information about how to participate virtually, see this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

Department of Human Services – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee – Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Subcommittee – May 10

The managed long-term services and supports subcommittee of DHS’s Medical Assistance Advisory Committee will meet virtually on Tuesday, May 10 at 10:00.  To register to participate, go here.

PA Medicaid Enrollment May Plummet in the Coming Months

As many as 500,000 Pennsylvanians are expected to come off the state’s Medicaid rolls after the formal COVID-19 public health emergency ends and state officials are permitted to reconsider the eligibility of the state’s 3.5 million Medicaid recipients for the first time in more than two years.

Since the pandemic’s start the state’s Medicaid enrollment has risen 20 percent; approximately 100,000 of the 500,000 new enrollees live in Philadelphia, where more than 750,000 of the city’s residents now receive their health care through the program.

When the pandemic began the federal government offered the states additional money to support their Medicaid programs; in exchange, the states needed to agree not to review recipient eligibility for the duration of the public health emergency.  When the pandemic ends, though, states will have one year to review the eligibility of all of their Medicaid recipients.  While the federal government has encouraged states to take the full year to complete this task, Pennsylvania Medicaid officials have indicated that they hope to complete the process in six months.  A bill in the state legislature would give Medicaid officials even less time, calling for the review to be completed within 60 days.

Learn more about what the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency may mean for enrollment in Pennsylvania’s Medicaid program in the WHYY report “Pennsylvanians on Medicaid risk losing health coverage when COVID emergency ends.”

2022-04-08T18:25:31+00:00April 12th, 2022|COVID-19, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Pennsylvania Medical Assistance|Comments Off on PA Medicaid Enrollment May Plummet in the Coming Months

PA Health Policy Update for the Week of April 4-8

The following is an update of selected state health policy developments in Pennsylvania for the week of April 4-8, 2022.  (Some of the language used below is taken directly from state documents.)

General Assembly

  • The state Senate convened for session in Harrisburg this week.
  • The Senate passed House Bill 245 on third and final consideration this week.  House Bill 245, which will be sent back to the House for concurrence, reduces the clinical residency requirement from three years to two years for an applicant who has graduated from an international medical college to receive licensure in Pennsylvania.
  • The state House and Senate will both be in session next Monday (4/11), Tuesday (4/12), and Wednesday (4/13).
  • As indicated by the House Republican Caucus “Week Ahead,” the House is planning to consider, among other bills, House Bill 2401, which makes permanent two COVID-19 waivers that permit non-physician practitioners to order and oversee orders for home health care services and permits the continued use of remote supervisory visits by registered nurses, and House Bill 2419, which expands access to outpatient psychiatric care via telemedicine.
  • Several committee meetings are scheduled for next week.  The following are health-related.
    • The House Health Committee will hold an informational meeting on Tuesday, April 12 at 8:00 a.m. regarding “Opioids in the Commonwealth:  Lessons learned and next steps.”
    • The House Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee will meet on Tuesday, April 12 at 9:00 a.m. to consider House Bill 2097, which would make permanent a COVID-19 regulatory waiver that allows certified emergency personnel, such as firefighters with specific first-aid, CPR, and emergency vehicle training, to drive ambulances with an EMT on board.
    • The House Aging & Older Adult Services Committee will hold an informational meeting on Tuesday, April 12 at 9:30 a.m. to examine long-term-care facility workforce challenges.
    • The Senate Health & Human Services Committee will meet on Tuesday, April 12 at 10:30 a.m. to consider the following bills.
      • Senate Bill 749, which seeks to provide clarity for employees and employers regarding current ambiguity in the state’s medical marijuana law concerning the use of medical marijuana in the workplace.
      • Senate Bill 1121, which requires the Department of Human Services (DHS) to verify wage records from employers and the Department of Revenue for Medicaid and SNAP beneficiaries.
      • Senate Bill 1124, which requires DHS to check death certificates at the Bureau of Vital Statistics against Medicaid and SNAP beneficiaries.
      • Senate Bill 1188, which seeks to increase awareness, testing, and access to treatment for Lyme disease.

Department of Human Services

  • The Department of Human Services (DHS) has added two procedure codes to the Medical Assistance program fee schedule for use in laboratory testing for multiple respiratory pathogens, including COVID-19, effective with dates of service on and after March 21, 2022.  Find the new codes in this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.
  • DHS’s Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) has issued a Medical Assistance Bulletin addressed to hospital emergency departments, county mental health/intellectual disability administrators, base service units, mental health review officers, and county crisis intervention programs to clarify the part of the Mental Health Procedures Act referring to the involuntary commitment process under section 302 and the 120-hour limit on holding a consumer for involuntary emergency examination and treatment.  Find the bulletin here.
  • DHS has circulated the minutes of the March 24 meeting of the Medical Assistance Advisory Committee.
  • DHS has updated its “Monthly Physical Health Managed Care Program Enrollment Report” to include February 22 data.
  • CMS has released its 2022-2023 Medicaid managed care rate development guide.  This is a federal resource for states to use when setting capitation rates for Medicaid managed care plans.  The guide provides details about information that must be included in states’ actuarial rate certifications for CMS to review and approve for rate periods between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023.  Find the guide here.

Department of Health

  • The Department of Health (DOH) has introduced minor updates of its guidance for hospitals and health systems on “whether measures being implemented or contemplated are compliant with the statutory and regulatory requirements under the jurisdiction of the Department.”  Among other things, the guidance cites June 30, 2022 as the end date for certain regulatory suspensions that were continued through that date by Act 14 of 2022.  Find the updated guidance here.
  • DOH has updated its COVID-19 booster vaccine recommendations to reflect recent changes in CDC guidelines.
  • DOH has updated its reporting requirements for COVID-19 test results to bring them in line with revised federal requirements.
  • DOH has updated information about therapeutics to prevent and treat COVID-19 to reflect federal guidance barring the use of sotrovimab to treat COVID-19 because it is not effective in treating the Omicron BA.2 variant, which is the predominant COVID-19 variant in the country today.

COVID-19:  By the Numbers

  • Daily COVID-19 case counts climbed for the second consecutive week.  The state’s seven-day average of new cases rose nearly 26 percent, from 585 cases on March 31 to 737 on April 7.
  • The number of new COVID-19-related deaths declined slightly, on the other hand, with the seven-day average of new deaths down by one, from 18 on March 31 to 17 on April 7.
  • The number of Pennsylvanians receiving hospital care for COVID-19, in hospital ICU units, and on ventilators because of the virus held steady over the past week.
  • After three weeks with no counties experiencing a high rate of transmission of COVID-19, two Pennsylvania counties found themselves in that category in the past week:  Bradford and Pike.  Another eight counties – Potter, Montgomery, Philadelphia, Adams, Susquehanna, Montour, Wayne, and Northampton – experienced substantial rates of community transmission.  Five counties – up from three last week – experienced low levels of community transmission:  Forest, Cameron, Snyder, Juniata, and Fulton.  The remaining 52 Pennsylvania counties had moderate rates of community transmission over the past week.  Find community transmission and other Pennsylvania-specific COVID-19 data here.

Stakeholder Events

Department of Human Services – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee – Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Subcommittee – April 12

The managed long-term services and supports subcommittee of DHS’s Medical Assistance Advisory Committee will meet virtually on Tuesday, April 12 at 10:00.  To register to participate, go here.  The dial-in number is 631-992-3221 and the access code is 766121118#.

Department of Aging – Pharmaceutical Assistance Advisory Board Virtual Meeting – April 13

The Department of Aging’s Pharmaceutical Assistance Advisory Board will meet virtually on Wednesday, April 13 at 8:30.  For information about how to participate, see this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

Department of Health – Spinal Cord Research Advisory Committee – April 21

The Department of Health’s Spinal Cord Research Advisory Committee will meet virtually on Thursday, April 21 at 10:30.  The purpose of this meeting is to review the committee’s work, review the status and progress of the current request for applications, reaffirm priorities, evaluate and refine the process to review the next spinal cord research applications, and address emerging issues.  For information about how to join the meeting, see this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

Department of Human Services – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee – Consumer Subcommittee – April 27

The Medical Assistance Advisory Committee’s consumer subcommittee will meet virtually on Wednesday, April 27 at 1:00.  Go here to register to participate.

Department of Human Services – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee – April 28

The Medical Assistance Advisory Committee will meet virtually on Thursday, April 28 at 10:00.  Go here to register to participate.

Department of Human Services – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee – Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Subcommittee – May 10

The managed long-term services and supports subcommittee of DHS’s Medical Assistance Advisory Committee will meet virtually on Tuesday, May 10 at 10:00.  To register to participate, go here.

PA Health Policy Update for the Week of March 28-April 1

The following is an update of selected state health policy developments in Pennsylvania for the week of March 28-April 1, 2022.  (Some of the language used below is taken directly from state documents.)

Bookshelf with law booksGovernor Wolf

Governor Wolf has signed into law Senate Bill 1019, which temporarily extends certain suspensions of regulations and statutes that were issued by agencies under the COVID-19 disaster declaration through June 30, 2022.

General Assembly

  • The House Health Committee convened on Tuesday, March 29 and favorably reported House Bill 2357, which prohibits the preparation, manufacture, sale, or distribution of unsafe kratom products, and House Bill 2401, which makes permanent two COVID-19 waivers that permit non-physician practitioners to order and oversee orders for home health care services and permits the continued use of remote supervisory visits by registered nurses.
  • The House Insurance Committee met on Tuesday and favorably reported House Bill 2419, which expands access to outpatient psychiatric care via telemedicine.
  • The state Senate will be in session next Monday (4/4), Tuesday (4/5), and Wednesday (4/6). The House will be in recess next week.

Revenue Collection Update

The Independent Fiscal Office has released its March 2022 Revenue Update.  General Fund collections for March were $579.2 million or 11.6 percent above estimate.  Year-to-date General Fund revenue is $3.04 billion or 9.8 percent more than projected.

Department of Human Services

  • The Department of Human Services (DHS) has informed providers that effective Friday, April 1 at 12:00 a.m. the current Medical Assistance Provider Forms webpage will no longer be accessible.  Instead, providers may order and receive Medical Assistance provider forms here.  Find updated instructions here.  DHS also offered the following explanation to stakeholders:

Over the next few months, the Department of Human Services (DHS) is transitioning web-based forms to a new enterprise solution. While we strive to provide a seamless transition, we understand there may be issues along the way. If you have any bookmarked links, they may no longer work. If you are trying to access an old link that no longer works, please go to for a list of affected forms.

We understand that there may be confusion and issues that arise during this transition, and we appreciate your patience. If you identify a problem following the transition, please reach out to DHS’s Digital Communications Team at and we will assist you as we are able.

  • DHS has issued a Medical Assistance Bulletin advising providers that the Medical Assistance program is extending postpartum coverage from 60 days to 12 months beginning on April 1 and that this applies to all providers enrolled in the Medical Assistance program.  Find the bulletin here.
  • As part of the response to the COVID-19 emergency, numerous state regulatory requirements were suspended by the legislature and DHS to facilitate an effective, timely response to the pandemic.  Over time, some of those suspended requirements have been restored.  DHS has updated its collection of regulatory requirements to reflect which suspensions remain in effect and which have been lifted.  Find that compendium here.
  • DHS has posted a notice informing providers that the Provider Electronic Solutions software they may have used to submit HIPAA-ready transactions to the PROMISe system will not be supported after June 15 and urging them to use the PROMISe Provider Portal to submit claims, validate eligibility, conduct claim inquiries, and view their weekly remittance advice.  Find that notice here.
  • DHS has posted a notice reminding Medical Assistance billing entities that federal law requires physicians and other practitioners who order, refer, or prescribe items or services for Medicaid beneficiaries to be enrolled in the Medical Assistance program and suggesting that billing entities remind unenrolled billing providers about this requirement.  Find the notice here.
  • DHS has posted a notice reminding providers that the two percent Medicare sequestration imposed in 2013 and suspended in 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic will be restored partially on April 1 and fully after July 1.  Find that notice here.
  • DHS has updated its “Monthly Physical Health Managed Care Program Enrollment Report” to include January 2022 data.
  • DHS has posted presentations delivered at the March 24 meeting of its Medical Assistance Advisory Committee (MAAC).  See the presentations from:
  • The federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has released an informational bulletin informing state Medicaid agencies that CMS is exercising enforcement discretion during the COVID-19 public health emergency regarding state submissions of updated Medicaid access monitoring review plans.  CMS is delaying enforcement of the updated plans that are due by October 1, 2022 until October 1, 2024.  Find the CMS informational bulletin here.

COVID-19:  By the Numbers

  • Daily COVID-19 case counts climbed slightly over the past week.  On Wednesday, March 23 the state’s seven-day average of new cases was 574 cases a day; on March 31 it was 585 cases a day.
  • The number of new COVID-19-related deaths, on the other hand, fell by more than half over the past week, with the March 24 seven-day average of 37 deaths falling to 18 on March 31.
  • For the third consecutive week, no Pennsylvania counties are experiencing a high rate of community transmission.  For the second consecutive week, just eight counties experienced a substantial rate of community transmission.  Three counties – down from four last week – are experiencing a low rate of community transmission.  The rest of the state – 56 counties – is experiencing a moderate rate of community transmission of COVID-19.
  • The number of Pennsylvanians receiving hospital care for COVID-19 fell significantly during March:  the number hospitalized declined from 1356 on March 1 to 481 on March 31; the number being treated on a ventilator from 163 on March 1 to 54 on March 31; and the number in hospital ICUs from 252 on March 1 to 75 on March 31.

Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs

The departments of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) and Community and Economic Development have announced the availability of more than $1 million in grant funding for recovery houses to provide safe housing for individuals in recovery from a substance use disorder.  The grants are designed to help existing recovery house facilities with physical upgrades to comply with all federal, state, and local laws and ordinances, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.  Grants of up to $50,000 for a 12-month period beginning July 1, 2022 will be awarded to between 22 and 25 eligible applicants for health and safety upgrades including demolition, debris removal, rehabilitation improvements, environmental remediation costs, and construction and inspections to comply with DDAP’s regulations.  Learn more from this Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs news release and go here for additional information about the grant program and the application process.  There is no application deadline; applications will be accepted until all of the available money is spent.

In September of 2021, Governor Wolf signed into law Act 73, which extended three of DDAP’s temporary regulatory suspensions through March 31, 2022 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  This week Governor Wolf signed Senate Bill 1019, which further extends DDAP’s regulatory suspensions that are “related to federal exemptions granted under the federal public health emergency declaration” until “the last day federal exemptions granted under the federal public health emergency declaration are authorized.”  Three DDAP regulatory suspensions and a relevant Department of State regulation are included in this chart and also remain suspended.  In November of 2021, the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) announced that methadone take-home flexibilities will be extended for one year after the eventual expiration of the federal COVID-19 public health emergency.  DDAP has submitted its written concurrence with this exemption.  SAMHSA also has indicated that it is considering mechanisms to make this flexibility permanent.  Narcotic treatment programs do not need to do anything additional at this time to continue taking advantage of this flexibility. Similarly, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) also has announced that it is working to make its tele-prescribing regulations permanent.

Stakeholder Events

Department of Health – Health Research Advisory Committee – April 4

The Department of Health’s Health Research Advisory Committee will meet virtually on Monday, April 4 at 10:00 a.m. to review the committee’s work, confirm its 2022 priorities, plan future health research priorities, and address emerging issues.  To learn more about the meeting and how to participate, see this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

Department of Human Services – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee – Managed Long-Term Services and Supports subcommittee – April 5

The Medical Assistance Advisory Committee’s managed long-term services and supports committee will meet virtually on Tuesday, April 5 at 10:00 a.m.  Public comments will be taken after each presentation.  Questions can be entered into the meeting’s chat box during the presentations and will be asked at the end of each presentation.  There will be an additional period at the end of the meeting for additional public comments.  Go here to register to participate.

Pennsylvania Long-Term Care Learning Network – Strategies to Reduce Hospitalizations and Emergency Room Visits – April 7

The Pennsylvania Long-Term Care Learning Network, part of DHS’s Quality Strategy for Nursing
Facilities, is holding a virtual webinar “Strategies to Reduce Hospitalizations and Emergency Room Visits” on Thursday, April 7 at 2:00 p.m.  Go here to register to participate.

Department of Aging – Pharmaceutical Assistance Advisory Board Virtual Meeting – April 13

The Department of Aging’s Pharmaceutical Assistance Advisory Board will meet virtually on Wednesday, April 13 at 8:30 a.m.  For information about how to participate, see this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

Department of Health – Spinal Cord Research Advisory Committee – April 21

The Department of Health’s Spinal Cord Research Advisory Committee will meet virtually on Thursday, April 21 at 10:30 a.m.  The purpose of this meeting is to review the committee’s work, review the status and progress of the current request for applications, reaffirm priorities, evaluate and refine the process to review the next spinal cord research applications, and address emerging issues.  For information about how to join the meeting, see this Pennsylvania Bulletin notice.

Department of Human Services – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee – Consumer Subcommittee – April 27

The Medical Assistance Advisory Committee’s consumer subcommittee will meet virtually on Wednesday, April 27 at 1:00.  Go here to register to participate.

Department of Human Services – Medical Assistance Advisory Committee – April 28

The Medical Assistance Advisory Committee will meet virtually on Thursday, April 28 at 10:00.  Go here to register to participate.


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