Medicaid Expansion Brings Improvements to Expansion States

States that expanded their Medicaid programs under the Affordable Care Act have experienced fewer hospital admissions, shorter lengths of stays in the hospital, and lower hospital costs, according to a new Health Affairs study.

Specifically, they experienced:

  • a 3.1 percent decline in inpatient days
  • a 3.5 percent decrease in discharges for conditions considered “ambulatory care-sensitive,” such as diabetes, chronic respiratory problems, and pneumonia
  • a reduction of nearly three percent in hospital costs.

Pennsylvania is one of those expansion states, and Medicaid expansion has greatly enhanced the ability of Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals to serve their communities.

Learn more about how Medicaid expansion has improved the health of the population in states that expanded their Medicaid programs in the Health Affairs study “Medicaid Expansion Associated With Reductions in Preventable Hospitalizations.”

2019-11-06T06:00:14+00:00November 6th, 2019|Affordable Care Act, Federal Medicaid issues, Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals|Comments Off on Medicaid Expansion Brings Improvements to Expansion States

Safety-Net Hospitals Gird for Loss of Medicaid DSH Money

Safety-net hospitals and others will lose a significant portion of their Medicaid disproportionate share (Medicaid DSH) payments on November 22 unless Congress delays implementation of the cut in those payments that was mandated by the Affordable Care Act.

And hospitals that receive these payments are now preparing for the worst.

The Medicaid DSH cut was included in the 2010 health care reform law in anticipation of a great reduction in the number of uninsured people leaving hospitals providing much less uncompensated care and therefore not in need of as much DSH money.  The law’s reach has not proven to be as great as anticipated, however, and two developments since the law’s passage have put a damper on the expected rise in the number of insured Americans:  a court decision that made it optional for states to expand their Medicaid program and the repeal of the requirement that everyone purchase health insurance.

Four times Congress has voted to delay the Medicaid DSH cut because so many people remained uninsured.  Now, however, the most recent delay in implementation of the cut, via a provision in the continuing resolution currently funding the federal government, expires on November 21, and hospitals – many of them already with razor-thin margins – are preparing for the worst:  a major reduction of their federal Medicaid DSH money.

Pennsylvania’s safety-net hospitals would face potentially major harm if this cut were to be implemented, so last month  SNAP asked members of Pennsylvania’s congressional delegation to support a bipartisan movement in Congress to delay the Medicaid DSH cut for two years.

Learn more about the prospect of a major Medicaid DSH cut later this month, how it might affect safety-net hospitals – including the kinds of private safety-net hospitals represented by NASH – and what some hospitals are doing to prepare for the possibility in the Stateline article “Rural and Safety Net Hospitals Prepare for Cut in Federal Support.”

2019-11-04T06:00:59+00:00November 4th, 2019|Federal Medicaid issues, Medicaid supplemental payments, Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals|Comments Off on Safety-Net Hospitals Gird for Loss of Medicaid DSH Money

SNAP Asks PA Delegation to Support Another Medicaid DSH Cut Delay

In a letter to members of Pennsylvania’s congressional delegation, SNAP has asked those members to support another two-year delay of Medicaid disproportionate share (Medicaid DSH) cuts mandated by the Affordable Care Act.

Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania logoIn the message, SNAP notes the important role Medicaid DSH payments play in helping private safety-net hospitals care for the many uninsured patients who continue to turn to them for care.

If the cut is not delayed, Pennsylvania will see its Medicaid DSH allotment from the federal government fall 40 percent in FY 2020 and 80 percent annually from FY 2021 through FY 2025.

See SNAP’s message to PA delegation members here.


2019-10-04T06:00:52+00:00October 4th, 2019|Federal Medicaid issues, Medicaid supplemental payments, Pennsylvania Medicaid, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals, Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania|Comments Off on SNAP Asks PA Delegation to Support Another Medicaid DSH Cut Delay

SNAP Thanks PA Delegation for Supporting Short-Term Medicaid DSH Cut Delay

SNAP has written to members of Pennsylvania’s congressional delegation to thank them for voting for a temporary delay of Medicaid disproportionate share (Medicaid DSH) cuts mandated by the Affordable Care Act.

Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania logoThe Medicaid DSH delay was included in a continuing resolution that Congress passed to fund the federal government temporarily while legislators continue to negotiate an FY 2020 federal budget.  The continuing resolution and the Medicaid DSH cut delay run through November 21.

Medicaid DSH cuts mandated by the Affordable Care Act have already been delayed several times by Congress, but if not delayed again, Pennsylvania will see its federal Medicaid DSH allotment fall 40 percent in FY 2020 and 80 percent a year from FY 2021 through FY 2025.

See SNAP’s thank you note to Pennsylvania’s congressional delegation here.


2019-10-03T06:00:35+00:00October 3rd, 2019|DSH hospitals, Federal Medicaid issues, Medicaid supplemental payments, Pennsylvania Medicaid, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals|Comments Off on SNAP Thanks PA Delegation for Supporting Short-Term Medicaid DSH Cut Delay

CMS Adopts Methodology for Medicaid DSH Cuts

Medicaid DSH money will be allocated among states based on a new methodology under a regulation adopted this week by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

But it is not clear when that new methodology may actually be used.

Cuts in Medicaid disproportionate share hospital (Medicaid DSH) allotments to states were mandated by the Affordable Care Act based on the expectation that the law would greatly reduced the number of uninsured Americans.  While this has been the case, the decline in the number of uninsured has not been as great as expected.  For this reason, Congress has on several occasions delayed the required Medicaid DSH cut.

That cut is now scheduled to take effect next week, on October 1, but a continuing resolution to fund the federal government, passed last week by the House and now under consideration by the Senate, would delay that cut again – at least until November 22.

Should the cut be implemented, Pennsylvania would lose 40 percent of its Medicaid DSH allotment from the federal government in FY alone and that cut would rise to 80 percent a year from FY 2021 through FY 2025.  Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals view Medicaid DSH as an important part of their effort to care for the uninsured and underinsured residents of the low-income communities in which they are located.

Learn more about the new regulation governing the future allotments of Medicaid DSH money to the states and the prospects for Medicaid DSH allocation cuts being made anytime soon in the Healthcare Dive article “CMS finalizes Medicaid DSH cuts, but Congress could still delay” and see the regulation itself here.

2019-09-25T10:59:52+00:00September 25th, 2019|Affordable Care Act, DSH hospitals, Federal Medicaid issues, Medicaid supplemental payments, Pennsylvania Medicaid, Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals|Comments Off on CMS Adopts Methodology for Medicaid DSH Cuts

New Public Charge Rule Could Affect Immigrants, Providers

Legal immigrants may become reluctant to seek government-sponsored health care and providers may find themselves delivering more uncompensated care in the wake of the adoption of a new federal “public charge” regulation that seeks to define more narrowly the kinds of individuals who should be granted entry to the U.S. in the future.

The new Department of Homeland Security regulation, while focused on applicants for entry into the U.S., could have the unintended effect of discouraging legal immigrants from enrolling in Medicaid, CHIP, and other government programs and even lead them to disenroll from such programs out of a mistaken concern that participating in such programs could jeopardize their status as legal immigrants.  The Kaiser Family Foundation, in fact, estimates that two to three million people will leave Medicaid and CHIP because of the new regulation.

More than a quarter of a million interested parties responded to the proposed regulation, which was published last October, and since its release last week a wide variety of groups, ranging from the American Hospital Association and America’s Essential Hospitals to the American Council of Pediatrics, have noted the new regulation’s potential impact with alarm.  Hospitals, in particular, are concerned that if people disenroll from Medicaid and CHIP, they will end up providing more uncompensated care to patients who previously had health insurance through those two public programs.

This could be especially challenging for Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals that are located in communities with large numbers of low-income legal immigrants.

Learn more about the new public charge regulation and health care providers’ reaction to it in the Fierce Healthcare article “Healthcare industry groups warn final ‘public charge’ rule could impact immigrant health, drive up costs.”

2019-08-16T06:00:19+00:00August 16th, 2019|Federal Medicaid issues, Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals|Comments Off on New Public Charge Rule Could Affect Immigrants, Providers

CMS Introduces New Medicaid Opioid Management Guidelines

States must do more to monitor the prescription and use of opioids within their Medicaid programs, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services told them this week.

In a formal guidance letter to state Medicaid programs issued as part of implementation of the Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patients and Communities Act of 2018, CMS called on states to update their drug utilization programs, revise relevant portions of their state Medicaid plan, and introduce stronger practices for setting limits on the prescription of opioids and monitoring the use of opioids among patients for whom such drugs are prescribed.  These changes must include both prospective and retrospective drug utilization review.

The new requirements apply both to Medicaid fee for service and managed care programs and all of these steps must be completed by the end of calendar year 2019.

Learn more from the CMS guidance letter “State Guidance for Implementation of Medicaid Drug Utilization Review (DUR) provisions included in Section 1004 of the Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patients and Communities Act.”

2019-08-08T06:00:23+00:00August 8th, 2019|Federal Medicaid issues|Comments Off on CMS Introduces New Medicaid Opioid Management Guidelines

New Bill Would Address Social Determinants of Health

The federal government would provide funding to help address social determinants of health within Medicaid populations under a new bill introduced in the House of Representatives last week.

According to a legislative summary prepared by one of the bipartisan bill’s sponsors,

Economic and social conditions have a powerful impact on our health and wellness. Stable housing, reliable transportation and access to healthy foods are all factors that can make a difference in the prevention and management of many health conditions like diabetes, asthma and heart disease. Known as social determinants of health, a focus on these non-medical factors can improve health outcomes and wellbeing. States are increasingly looking to deploy social determinants of health interventions to manage costs and improve health outcomes within their Medicaid programs. However, one of the greatest challenges to high-impact interventions is the difficulty in navigating and coordinating fragmented and complex programs aimed at addressing healthcare needs, food insecurity, housing instability, workforce supports, and transportation reliability, among others.

To address these challenges, the bill would

help states and communities devise strategies to better leverage existing programs and authorities to improve the health and well-being of those participating in Medicaid. The legislation will provide planning grants and technical assistance to state, local and Tribal governments to help them devise innovative, evidence-based approaches to coordinate services and improve outcomes and cost-effectiveness.

Such legislation could be especially beneficial to the communities served by Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals, which generally can be found in low-income communities whose residents’ health is often shaped in large part by social determinants of health.

Learn more about the Social Determinants Accelerator Act by reading a summary of the bill’s key provisions and an FAQ on the bill.

2019-07-30T06:00:58+00:00July 30th, 2019|Federal Medicaid issues, social determinants of health|Comments Off on New Bill Would Address Social Determinants of Health

CMS Proposes Easing Medicaid Access Protections

States would have to do less to ensure access to Medicaid-covered services for their Medicaid population under a new regulation proposed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

In 2015, CMS required states to track their Medicaid fee-for-service payments and submit them to the federal government as part of a process to ensure that Medicaid payments were sufficient to ensure access to care for eligible individuals.  Now, CMS proposes rescinding this requirement, writing in a news release that

This proposed rule is designed to help streamline federal oversight of access to care requirements that protect Medicaid beneficiaries.  CMS anticipates that the proposed rule would, if finalized, result in overall cost savings for State partners that could be redirected to better serve the needs of their beneficiaries.

The proposed regulation itself explains that

While we believe the process described in the current regulatory text is a valuable tool for states to use to demonstrate the sufficiency of provider payment rates, we believe mandating states to collect the specific information as described excessively constrains state freedom to administer the program in the manner that is best for the state and Medicaid beneficiaries in the state.

CMS also notes that the current requirement applies only to Medicaid fee-for-service payments even though most Medicaid beneficiaries now receive care through managed care plans, the payments for which are not subject to the same process.

The agency adds that it intends to

…replace the ongoing access reviews required by current regulations with a more comprehensive and outcomes-driven approach to monitoring access across delivery systems, developed through workgroups and technical expert panels that include key State and federal stakeholders.

Because they care for so many Medicaid patients, the adequacy of the rates states pay for Medicaid services is especially important to Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals.

Learn more about CMS’s proposal in its news release on the subject or see the proposed regulation itself.  Learn about the process CMS intends to employ to replace its current approach to monitoring access to Medicaid services in this CMS informational bulletin.


2019-07-18T06:00:42+00:00July 18th, 2019|Federal Medicaid issues|Comments Off on CMS Proposes Easing Medicaid Access Protections

Medicaid DSH Delay Advances in Energy and Commerce Committee

Medicaid disproportionate share cuts would be delayed for two years under a proposal advanced last week by the Health Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

The Medicaid DSH cuts, mandated by the Affordable Care Act, have already been delayed three times by Congress and could be on their way to a fourth delay if the proposal advanced by the Health Subcommittee is endorsed by the Energy and Commerce Committee and works its way to the full House of Representatives, where such a proposal is thought to enjoy wide support.

The Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania supports this delay of Medicaid DSH cuts.  Earlier this year, SNAP asked members of the state’s congressional delegation to join a campaign in the House of Representatives to delay this cut.

Learn more about the possibility of another delay of Medicaid DSH cuts in the HealthLeaders article “House Panel Advances Surprise Bill Package.”


2019-07-16T06:00:31+00:00July 16th, 2019|DSH hospitals, Federal Medicaid issues, Medicaid supplemental payments|Comments Off on Medicaid DSH Delay Advances in Energy and Commerce Committee
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