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Change Atop PA’s Department of Human Services

Teresa Miller is out and Meg Snead will be in as Pennsylvania’s new Secretary of the Department of Human Services.

In separate news releases the Wolf administration announced that Miller, who has led DHS since 2015, “will be moving on to a new opportunity outside Pennsylvania” and leave her job at the end of April and that she will be replaced by Meg Snead, who currently serves as the governor’s Secretary of Policy and Planning.

Snead’s nomination is subject to confirmation by the state Senate.

The Secretary of the Department of Human Services is important to SNAP members and Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals because the state’s Medicaid program is administered by that department’s Office of Medical Assistance Programs.

Learn more about Miller’s departure here and about Snead’s nomination here.

2021-03-25T06:00:37+00:00March 25th, 2021|Pennsylvania Medicaid, Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals, Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania|Comments Off on Change Atop PA’s Department of Human Services

COVID Drives Major Increase in PA Medicaid Enrollment

Medicaid enrollment in Pennsylvania has risen nearly 14 percent in the past year as rising unemployment resulting from COVID-19 drives people to turn to the state for health insurance.

As a result, Pennsylvania has added nearly 400,000 people to its Medicaid rolls in the past year.  Today, 3.2 million Pennsylvanians are enrolled in the state’s program, although among them are approximately 250,000 who would have been dropped from the program except for a federal requirement that the state not drop people from the program in exchange for a major increase in federal aid for the state’s program.

As a result of the increase, the state’s Department of Human Services, which runs its Medicaid program, has asked the legislature for nearly $1 billion in supplemental funding to help finance its services for this expanded enrollment through the rest of the state’s FY 2021 year.

Learn more about the past year’s increase in Medicaid enrollment, who the new enrollees are, and how the state is accommodating them in the Philadelphia Inquirer article “A huge spike in Medicaid enrollment in Pa. shows how devastating the coronavirus has been.”

2021-03-24T06:00:57+00:00March 24th, 2021|Coronavirus, COVID-19, Pennsylvania Medicaid, Pennsylvania Medicaid coronavirus, Pennsylvania Medicaid COVID-19|Comments Off on COVID Drives Major Increase in PA Medicaid Enrollment

MACPAC Issues Recommendations to Congress

The Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission has submitted its annual report to Congress on Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program.

The report includes recommendations for:

  • improving Medicaid’s responsiveness during economic downturns
  • addressing concerns about high rates of maternal morbidity and mortality;
  • reexamining Medicaid’s estate recovery policies
  • integrating care for people who are dually eligible for Medicaid and Medicare
  • improving hospital payment policy for the nation’s safety-net hospitals

MACPAC is a non-partisan legislative branch agency that “provides policy and data analysis and makes recommendations to Congress, the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the states on a wide array of issues affecting Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).”  Its mandate calls for it to address matters such as Medicaid and CHIP payment, eligibility, enrollment and retention, coverage, access to care, quality of care, and the programs’ interaction with Medicare and the health care system generally.

Because Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals care for so many more Medicaid and CHIP participants than the typical community hospital, MACPAC’s deliberations are especially important to them.

Learn more about MACPAC’s recommendations in its Report to Congress on Medicaid and CHIP.

2021-03-23T06:00:52+00:00March 23rd, 2021|Federal Medicaid issues|Comments Off on MACPAC Issues Recommendations to Congress

COVID-19 Update: Monday, March 22

The following is the latest COVID-19 information from Pennsylvania’s state government as of 2:30 p.m. on Monday, March 22.

Department of Health

  • The Department of Health has amended the state’s universal face coverings order to align with updated federal CDC guidelines.  The amended order went into effect at 12:01 a.m. on March 17, 2021 and will remain in effect until further notice.  The new state order addresses activities that fully vaccinated people can resume now, as low risk to themselves, while being mindful of the potential risk of transmitting the virus to others.  For further information, see the following resources:
  • The Department of Health has outlined temporary plans to get more COVID-19 vaccine to Pennsylvanians and improve transparency and technical resources online.  According to officials, “Starting the week of March 22, a focused network of 200-300 providers can expect to see more first doses of vaccine arriving and will be assured of a steady supply for the next several weeks.”  In addition:

The temporarily focused network of providers was selected following an extensive review, which included a survey of all providers and mapping out an initial view of the provider network to receive focused allocations of first vaccine doses over the next few weeks. Providers were selected based on:

  • geographic reach,
  • access for residents,
  • equity across demographics,
  • vaccine throughput, and
  • estimated demand.

The selection process took into account the ability to administer a high volume of first doses within seven days of delivery while maintaining equity across racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic lines as well as the ability to capture and report vaccine administration data within 24 hours. 

The temporarily narrowed network of vaccine providers is designed to reach people with different needs and preferences using a mix of provider types, including:

  • hospitals,
  • pharmacies,
  • Federally Qualified Health Centers, and
  • public health providers.

Learn more from a Department of Health news release.

That same March 19 news release states that

As proof that the pace of vaccinations is accelerating, yesterday the CDC ranked Pennsylvania number two in the nation for the number of doses administered per 100,000 residents over the past seven days.

Department of Health – by the numbers

  • The number of new COVID-19 cases has fallen significantly since November and December but the decline has ended and the daily numbers now generally are higher than they have been in recent weeks.
  • Despite the slightly rising number of new COVID-19 cases the daily death totals continue to decline.
  • For the week from March 12 through March 18 the state’s overall COVID-19 test positivity rate was 6.5 percent, up from 5.7 percent last week.
  • The numbers of Pennsylvanians hospitalized with COVID-19, in hospital ICUs with COVID-19, and on ventilators being treated for COVID-19 have all risen slightly in the past week.
  • Currently, 24 percent of adult ICU beds in the state are unoccupied, as are 21 percent of medical/surgical beds, 11 percent of pediatric ICU beds, 30 percent of pediatric beds, and 37 percent of airborne isolation units.
  • As of March 22 the state’s vaccine dashboard shows that nearly 1.4 million Pennsylvanians have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and more than 1.5 million have received both doses of a vaccine; the latter increase is 19 percent in the past week.  These numbers do not include Philadelphia, which operates its own COVID-19 vaccination program.  The vaccine dashboard shows vaccine totals by county.
  • Philadelphia’s Department of Public Health reports that as of March 20, 580,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered in the city:  419,000 first doses and 161,000 second doses.
  • Thus, while the state has completed vaccination of approximately 13.4 percent of its non-Philadelphia population, Philadelphia has completed vaccination of only about ten percent of its population.

Around the State

Department of Human Services

DHS has issued a Medical Assistance bulletin announcing the addition of CPT code M0245 for the use of the unapproved monoclonal antibody therapies bamlanivimab and etesevimab when administered together.  The medications have received emergency use authorization from the federal FDA.

Resources to Consult

Pennsylvania Department of Human Services

Main COVID-19 Page

COVID-19 Provider Resources

Press Releases

Pennsylvania Department of Health

Main COVID-19 Page

PA Health Alert Network

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Main COVID-19 Page


2021-03-23T06:00:08+00:00March 23rd, 2021|Coronavirus, COVID-19|Comments Off on COVID-19 Update: Monday, March 22

Wolf Administration Launches Regional Accountable Health Councils

The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services has announced the formation of five Regional Accountable Health Councils, part of Governor Wolf’s Whole-Person Health Reform plan.

According to a DHS news release, the RAHCs will “…lead efforts to address social determinants of health, reduce health disparities, and promote equity and value in health care” as part of “…a partnership between the Wolf Administration, Medicaid managed care organizations, hospitals and health systems, and community-based health and social service providers and organizations.”

The news release explains that

The RAHCs will provide opportunities for strategic health planning across the health care system and better collaboration between health care providers and social service organizations with the goal to develop strategies and partnerships addressing health needs and disparities in their communities. Five RAHCs were established to reach Southeast, Northeast, Northwest, Southwest, and the Lehigh/Capitol regions of Pennsylvania.

Each RAHC will include the payers at the managed care level; providers in hospitals, health systems, and smaller practices; and community-based organizations that help communities with food and housing insecurity as well as other social needs.

In addition, the DHS news release explains that the RAHC were established with five primary goals:

  • Promoting health equity and eliminating health disparities;
  • Identifying and mitigating regional social determinant of health needs;
  • Aligning value-based purchasing initiatives to achieve better care and better health at lower costs;
  • Supporting and steering population health improvement processes, including regional efforts to advance the integration of physical and behavioral health care; and,
  • Centering health improvement efforts in the communities where needs exist most.

RAHCs are also charged with drafting a Regional Health Transformation Plan for their region. These plans will build on needs assessments and stakeholder feedback regarding population health needs and opportunities for improving health equity in communities in their region. The plans will establish priorities, continue work already underway, and opportunities for further work to promote better health for individuals and families in their regions. These plans will also establish areas with significant health disparities known as health equity zones and identify strategies for address these disparities.

Learn more from this DHS news release.

2021-03-19T06:00:12+00:00March 19th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Wolf Administration Launches Regional Accountable Health Councils

House to Consider Extending Medicare Sequester Delay

The moratorium on the two percent sequestration of Medicare payments could be extended under a bill the U.S. House of Representatives may consider this week.

If adopted, the bill would extend the sequester delay for nine months, providing financial relief that many health care providers seek as they continue to deal with the financial challenges posed by COVID-19.

The sequester delay was implemented early in the pandemic as a means of providing additional Medicare revenue to hospitals and other health care providers at a time when many people were delaying seeking medical attention out of fear of contracting COVID-19.

Without action by Congress, the current delay of the Medicare sequester will expire at the end of March.

Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania logoSNAP has urged Congress to extend the Medicare sequestration delay on a number of occasions, doing so most recently in this February 5 letter to members of Pennsylvania’s congressional delegation.

Learn more about the latest effort to extend the Medicare sequester delay in the Fierce Healthcare article “House to vote later this week on bill to delay Medicare sequestration payment cuts.”

2021-03-18T06:00:32+00:00March 18th, 2021|Medicare, Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania|Comments Off on House to Consider Extending Medicare Sequester Delay

COVID-19 Update: Tuesday, March 16

The following is the latest COVID-19 information from the state and federal government as of 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 16.

Pennsylvania Update

Governor Wolf

  • Governor Wolf announced that he is easing some of the state’s restrictions on businesses that were imposed to mitigate against the spread of COVID-19.  Effective April 4, limits on participation will partially be eased for restaurants, bars, gyms, entertainment facilities (casinos, theaters, malls, personal service facilities), indoor facilities, and mass gatherings.  Mask and social distancing requirements will still apply.  Learn more from this Wolf administration news release.
  • Governor Wolf and members of the COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force announced a bipartisan effort to complete COVID phase 1A vaccinations first, set up mass vaccination clinics with regionally supplied plans to inform allocations, and vaccinate frontline workers.  Learn more from a Wolf administration news release.
  • The COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force created by Governor Wolf has announced subcommittees focused on key audiences and issues.  The new subcommittees are for aging, racial equity, business/workforce, and education, with subcommittee members representing stakeholders and advocates, state agencies, workers, academics, industry, and other interested parties.  Last week the task force announced a special initiative to vaccinate teachers, school staff, and child care workers.

Department of Human Services

Department of Health

  • Acting Secretary of Health Beam issued an order making March 31 the date by which all vaccine providers should have Phase 1A-eligible Pennsylvanians’ vaccine appointments scheduled.  See the Department of Health announcement and the department’s order.
  • The same order also requires providers to make appointments with patients outside of their current patient network.
  • The Department of Health announced that beginning on Tuesday, March 16, a long-term indoor walk-in COVID-19 testing site will open in Dauphin County.  Testing will be available daily from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. every Tuesday through Friday and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. every Saturday until Saturday, April 10, with the opportunity to extend past that date based on need.  The testing site is located at Strawberry Square, 320 Market Street in Harrisburg.
  • The Department of Health announced that beginning on Tuesday, March 16, a rotating drive-through and indoor walk-in COVID-19 testing site will open in Blair County.  Testing will be available daily from 9 AM to 6 PM, every Tuesday through Saturday, until Saturday, April 3, with the opportunity to extend past that date based on need.  Go here for information about the different sites and their hours of operation.
  • The Department of Health has issued updated quarantine recommendations for persons exposed to COVID-19.  The update includes information both for individuals who are and who are not fully vaccinated.
  • The Department of Health has updated work restrictions for health care workers who have been exposed to COVID-19 to clarify its post-exposure recommendations for exposures that occur outside of health care settings.
  • The Department of Health, Department of Human Services, and Department of Aging have jointly urged Pennsylvania long-term-care facilities to implement the new guidance for nursing home visitation established by the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).  Go here to see the joint announcement from the three state agencies and go here to see the new federal guidance.

Department of Health – by the numbers

  • The number of new COVID-19 cases has fallen significantly since November and December but the decline has ended and the daily numbers are comparable to what they were a month ago.
  • Today Pennsylvania’s total COVID-19 case count surpassed 970,000 – more than 7.5 percent of the state’s population.The daily death toll, too, while much less than it was in November and December, has only declined modestly the past two weeks.
  • For the week from March 5 through March 11 the state’s overall COVID-19 test positivity rate fell to 5.7 percent, the same as last week.
  • The numbers of Pennsylvanians hospitalized with COVID-19 in hospital ICUs with COVID-19, and on ventilators being treated for COVID-19 has declined just slightly in the past week.
  • Currently, 22 percent of adult ICU beds in the state are unoccupied, as are 17 percent of medical/surgical beds, 15 percent of pediatric ICU beds, 29 percent of pediatric beds, and 37 percent of airborne isolation units.
  • As of March 16 the state’s vaccine dashboard shows that nearly 1.2 million Pennsylvanians have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and 1.3 million have received both doses of a vaccine; the latter increase is 30 percent over the past six days.  These numbers do not include Philadelphia, which operates its own COVID-19 vaccination program.
  • The vaccine dashboard shows vaccine totals by county.
  • Philadelphia’s Department of Public Health reports that as of March 16, 526,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered in the city:  380,000 first doses and 146,000 second doses.

Department of General Services

The Department of General Services announced that the state Capitol building will reopen to the public on March 22.  It closed to the public on December 10 amid rising numbers of COVID-19 cases.

Pennsylvania State MapAround the State

Resources to Consult

Pennsylvania Department of Human Services

Main COVID-19 Page

COVID-19 Provider Resources

Press Releases

Pennsylvania Department of Health

Main COVID-19 Page

PA Health Alert Network

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Main COVID-19 Page


Federal Update

White House

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

  • CMS announced that it is increasing Medicare payments for administering COVID-19 vaccines.  Effective for COVID-19 vaccines administered on or after March 15, 2021, the national average payment rate for physicians, hospitals, pharmacies, and many other immunizers will be $40 to administer each dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.  This represents an increase from approximately $28 to $40 for the administration of single-dose vaccines and an increase from approximately $45 to $80 for the administration of COVID-19 vaccines requiring two doses.  The exact rate will depend on the type of entity furnishing the service and will be geographically adjusted.  Resources that provide additional information about this increase include:
  • CMS has issued a correction notice making changes in the telehealth list finalized in the Medicare physician fee schedule rule that affects providers that bill for evaluation and management services as part of those telehealth visits.  The notice explains that CMS “inadvertently included” CPT codes 99221, 99222, and 99223 in the table that represents the Category 3 temporary additions to the telehealth list through the end of 2021 or the year in which the COVID-19 public health emergency ends.  These are evaluation and management codes for initial hospital care (30, 50, 70+ minutes).  This does not affect the ability of providers to bill for these services during the public health emergency.
  • CMS has released a fact sheet that outlines how the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 – the COVID-19 relief bill – affects the health care marketplace, the cost of health insurance, and access to subsidized insurance made available through the Affordable Care Act.  Find that fact sheet here.
  • CMS has introduced an infographic presenting its new guidance for visiting nursing homes.  This infographic is available in English and Spanish.
  • In recent days CMS has issued two dozen section 1135 waivers to give states greater flexibility to serve their Medicaid beneficiaries during the COVID-19 public health emergency.

HHS COVID-19 Stakeholder Calls

HHS’s Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response sponsors COVID-19 Clinical Rounds Peer-to-Peer Virtual Communities of Practice that are interactive virtual learning sessions that seek to create a peer-to-peer learning network in which clinicians from the U.S. and abroad who have experience treating patients with COVID-19 share their challenges and successes.  These webinar topics are covered every week:

  • EMS:  Patient Care and Operations (Mondays, 12:00-1:00 PM eastern)
  • Critical Care:  Lifesaving Treatment and Clinical Operations (Tuesdays, 12:00-1:00 PM eastern)
  • Emergency Department:  Patient Care and Clinical Operations (Thursdays, 12:00-1:00 PM eastern)

Go here for information about signing up to participate in the sessions and go here for access to materials and video recordings of past sessions.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Food and Drug Administration

2021-03-17T06:00:08+00:00March 17th, 2021|Coronavirus, COVID-19|Comments Off on COVID-19 Update: Tuesday, March 16

COVID-19 Update: Wednesday, March 10

The following is the latest COVID-19 information from Pennsylvania’s state government as of 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 10.

Department of Health

  • The Department of Health issued guidance on the detection of multisystem inflammatory disease in adults (MIS-A) and instructions for providers to report suspect cases of MIS-A that meet all of the case definition criteria with onsets on or after January 1, 2021 by faxing a case report form to 717-772-6975 or the local health department or by emailing the form to
  • The Department of Health announced that it is establishing a COVID-19 testing site in Delaware County.  The site, requested by the county, is located in Upland and will be open Tuesday through Saturday until at least April 3, with the possibility that it will continue to operate after that point if the need remains.  See the Department of Health’s announcement about the testing site.
  • The Department of Health sent the following message to stakeholders via email:

On Thursday, March 11, 2021, the Special Pharmaceutical Benefits Program (SPBP) will be reinstating the early refill limit for drug claims that requires at least 75% of the previous medication dispensed to be utilized prior to refilling the medication covered by SPBP. For individuals with other drug coverage in addition to SPBP, the SPBP will default to the early refill limits allowed by the other prescription plan the client is enrolled in. The SPBP allows up to 100 day supply for medications prescribed at 1 pill per day, up to 50 day supply for 2 pills per day, and up to a 34 day supply for 3 or more pills per day. Early refill requests can be submitted to SPBP for review for vacation supplies, lost or stolen medications, wrong days’ supply previously submitted, or other similar requests. To request an early refill override, please call the SPBP customer service line.

For drug claim issues, pharmacies should contact the SPBP provider line at 800-835-4080.

For all other questions or enrollment issues, contact the SPBP customer service line at 800-922-9384.

  • The Department of Health posted the following information about nursing facility licensure renewals on its provider message board:

As the Proclamation of Disaster Emergency that was issued on March 6, 2020 was renewed on February 18, 2021, the Department Division of Nursing Care Facilities continues to perform surveys in the priorities that CMS has outlined.  The extension on licenses that was granted on March 31, 2020 continues.  Licenses will be issued as licensure surveys are able to be completed.

A license that was extended will be renewed upon completion of a license renewal survey and all requirements are met, the renewed license will be in effect from the month that the survey was completed for the next year. For example, if the facility license would have expired on April 31, 2020, and pursuant to the Department’s guidance was extended and the renewal survey was completed on February 5, 2021  the renewed license the facility receives will reflect a renewal term from the month the survey was completed for the next year or February 1, 2021 to February 1, 2022.

The process may be different for Provisional Licenses.  For a provisional license the license will be effective from the date that the previous provisional license ended.

Department of Health – by the numbers

  • The number of new COVID-19 cases has fallen significantly since November and December but the decline has leveled off this month.
  • The daily death toll, too, is much less than it was in November and December but has leveled off this month.
  • The governor’s weekly COVID-19 early warning dashboard shows that for the week from February 26 through March 4 the state’s overall COVID-19 test positivity rate fell to 5.7 percent; it was 6.3 percent the week before that.  This marked the 11th consecutive week the rate fell.
  • 22 counties have positivity rates of less than five percent and no counties have positivity rates greater than 20 percent.
  • Five counties – one more than last week – are now considered to be in low levels of community transmission.  They are Cameron, Forest, Fulton, Potter, and Sullivan counties.
  • 33 counties are in moderate levels of community transmission:  Adams, Allegheny, Armstrong, Bedford, Blair, Butler, Cambria, Chester, Clarion, Clearfield, Crawford, Elk, Fayette, Franklin, Greene, Indiana, Jefferson, Juniata, Lawrence, Lebanon, McKean, Montgomery, Perry, Schuylkill, Snyder, Somerset, Susquehanna, Tioga, Venango, Warren, Washington, Westmoreland, and Wyoming.
  • 26 counties – the same number as last week – are still in substantial levels of community transmission:  Beaver, Berks, Bradford, Bucks, Carbon, Centre, Clinton, Columbia, Cumberland, Dauphin, Delaware, Erie, Huntingdon, Lackawanna, Lancaster, Lehigh, Luzerne, Lycoming, Mercer, Mifflin, Monroe, Montour, Northampton, Northumberland, Philadelphia, Pike, Union, Wayne, York.
  • This reflects movement among the counties.  Philadelphia, for example, in moderate community transmission last week, moved back into substantial community transmission this week.  Potter County, on the other hand, experienced a substantial level of community transmission last week but this week is in a low level of community transmission.
  • The numbers of Pennsylvanians hospitalized with COVID-19 and in hospital ICUs is declining modestly but the number on ventilators has held steady for the past week.
  • Currently, 22 percent of adult ICU beds in the state are unoccupied, as are 17 percent of medical/surgical beds, 10 percent of pediatric ICU beds, 23 percent of pediatric beds, and 36 percent of airborne isolation units.
  • As of March 10 the state’s vaccine dashboard shows that nearly 1.1 million Pennsylvanians have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and one million have received both doses of a vaccine.  These numbers do not include Philadelphia, which operates its own COVID-19 vaccination program.
  • The vaccine dashboard shows vaccine totals by county.
  • Philadelphia’s Department of Public Health reports that as of March 9, 422,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered in the city:  297,000 first doses and 125,000 second doses.

Department of Human Services

DHS’s Office of Long-Term Living distributed the following message to stakeholders via its listserv:

Continuation of the Appendix K Temporary Changes to the Community HealthChoices( CHC) Waiver, OBRA Waiver, and Act 150 Program

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved temporary changes to the OBRA and CHC 1915(c) waivers beginning March 6, 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Approval of these changes is covered under Appendix K, Emergency Preparedness and Response, which states may use during emergency situations to request amendments to their approved waivers.  These changes addressed potential staffing shortages and the need for service provision not included in approved service descriptions to ensure participant health and safety needs could be accommodated for the duration of the COVID-19 statewide emergency.   The Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) extended the same flexibilities to the Act 150 Program.   CMS approved an amendment to Appendix K which allowed some flexibilities to continue until March 5, 2021.      

In January 2021, OLTL submitted another amendment to request extension of the Appendix K flexibilities until 6 months after the end of the Public Health Emergency.  CMS has not yet approved the amendment; however, they recently instructed OLTL to assume that any previously approved flexibilities will continue to be approved in the interim.

Until further notice, the Appendix K flexibilities can continue in CHC waiver, the OBRA waiver, and the Act 150 program.  For additional details on the flexibilities, please go to the OLTL COVID19 Provider Resources web page to view the guidance updated for the CHC waiver on January 4, 2021 and updated for the OBRA waiver and Act 150 Program on January 15, 2021.

If you have questions about the information in this Listserv email, please contact the OLTL Provider Helpline at 1-800-932-0939.

Around the State

  • Last Sunday officials of the four counties surrounding Philadelphia – Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties – held a Zoom call with Pennsylvania’s acting health secretary to complain about what they insist is a continued shortchanging of their counties in the state’s distribution of COVID-19 vaccines.  The Philadelphia Inquirer tells the story.
  • Officials in Berks County, also near Philadelphia, feel they, too, are being shortchanged by the state in the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines and are unhappy that they were not included in the Sunday call with the Department of Health, according to the Reading Eagle.
  • Northampton County has launched a hotline to help seniors with limited access to the internet schedule appointments for COVID-19 vaccines, the Allentown Morning Call reports.
  • The number of vaccines administered weekly in Philadelphia has nearly doubled with the opening of a FEMA-operated site and should increase still further when five new city-operated sites open in the next two weeks, according to WHYY, which also notes that the city expects its supply of vaccines to continue to exceed its capacity to administer them “for the foreseeable future.”

Resources to Consult

Pennsylvania Department of Human Services

Main COVID-19 Page

COVID-19 Provider Resources

Press Releases

Pennsylvania Department of Health

Main COVID-19 Page

PA Health Alert Network

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 

Main COVID-19 Page


2021-03-11T06:00:12+00:00March 11th, 2021|Coronavirus, COVID-19|Comments Off on COVID-19 Update: Wednesday, March 10

COVID-19 Update: Thursday, March 4

The following is the latest COVID-19 information from Pennsylvania’s state government as of 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 4.

Governor Wolf

Governor Tom Wolf and the COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force announced that Pennsylvania will use the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) single-dose COVID-19 vaccine to vaccinate teachers and school staff members.  Learn more from this news release from the governor’s office and a Department of Education web page on the new vaccination program.

Governor Wolf has signed House Bill 326, which permits the Pennsylvania National Guard, in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Department of Health, to develop plans for the establishment and operation of regional sites for community distribution and administration of pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and supplies, and vaccines for COVID-19.  See the Wolf administration’s announcement about the bill signing.

Department of Health

The Department of Health announced that its Regional Congregate Care Assistance Teams (RCAT) will continue to operate through May 31, 2021 rather than the anticipated end date of February 28, 2021.  The RCAT program is the successor to the state’s Regional Response Health Collaborative Program (RRHC), which expired at the end of 2020 and was created to bring together established hospitals and health systems with long-term-care facilities struggling with COVID-19 challenges.

Department of Health – by the numbers

  • The number of new COVID-19 cases has been remained steady in recent days, as has the daily death toll.
  • The numbers of Pennsylvanians hospitalized with COVID-19, in hospital ICU units because of COVID-19, and on ventilators because of COVID-19 continues to remain steady as well.
  • Currently, 22 percent of adult ICU beds in the state are unoccupied, as are 15 percent of medical/surgical beds, 12 percent of pediatric ICU beds, 24 percent of pediatric beds, and 37 percent of airborne isolation units.
  • As of March 4 the state’s vaccine dashboard shows that one million Pennsylvanians have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and 826,000 have received both doses of a vaccine.  These numbers do not include Philadelphia, which operates its own COVID-19 vaccination program.

Pennsylvania Revenue Collection

Pennsylvania General Fund revenue collections for February were $2.68 billion – $509.7 million or 23.4 percent above the Independent Fiscal Office’s (IFO) projections.  According to the IFO, the increase was largely due to a temporary shift in personal income tax collections.  Fiscal-year-to-date collections are $23.87 billion, which is $267.5 million or 1.1 percent above estimate.

Around the State

  • COVID-19 hospitalizations have fallen 25 percent in Allegheny County in the past week, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reports.
  • The TribuneReview also reports that “The Western Pennsylvania Regional Chief Medical Officer Consortium, made up of 12 hospital leaders in the region, released a letter Thursday endorsing the benefits of the newly-authorized one-dose [Johnson & Johnson] shot as a way to prevent covid-19.”  Among those who signed the letter were Dr. Donald Yealy from UPMC, Dr. Donald Whiting from Allegheny Health Network, and Dr. Carol Fox from Excela Health System.
  • The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has opened a mass vaccination site in Philadelphia.  The new site is expected to administer about 47,000 vaccines a week, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Resources to Consult

Pennsylvania Department of Human Services

Main COVID-19 Page

COVID-19 Provider Resources

Press Releases

Pennsylvania Department of Health

Main COVID-19 Page

PA Health Alert Network

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Main COVID-19 Page




2021-03-05T09:41:10+00:00March 5th, 2021|Coronavirus, COVID-19|Comments Off on COVID-19 Update: Thursday, March 4

Pennsylvania Health Law Project Newsletter

The Pennsylvania Health Law Project has published its February 2021 newsletter.

Included in this month’s edition are articles about:

  • the continuation of certain Medicaid protections, including continuous coverage, during the COVID-19 emergency;
  • COVID-19 vaccinations and state reimbursement for those vaccines;
  • the availability of Medicaid-covered remote and in-home adult daily living services;
  • Medicaid services for individuals between the ages of 18 and 20 who have chronic disabilities;
  • a new monthly webinar that will be offered by the state’s Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services; and
  • Pennsylvania’s selection of a vendor to operate its Resource Information and Services Enterprise (RISE-PA), the state’s planned resource and referral tool.

Read about these subjects and more in the Pennsylvania Health Law Project’s February 2021 newsletter.

2021-03-05T06:00:34+00:00March 5th, 2021|Coronavirus, COVID-19, Pennsylvania Medicaid, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Pennsylvania Health Law Project Newsletter
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