Report Says PA Medicaid Expansion Would Create Jobs, Foster Economic Activity

Expanding Medicaid as called for in the Affordable Care Act would extend health insurance to nearly 700,000 currently uninsured Pennsylvanians and create more than 41,000 new jobs in the state in 2016 according to a new  report.
Medicaid expansion also would result in $3.3 billion in new health care spending in Pennsylvania and generate $5.1 billion in new economic activity in 2016.
These are among the conclusions presented ind “Pennsylvania’s Economy Will Benefit From Expanding Medicaid,” a new report issued jointly by the Pennsylvania Health Access Network and the national advocacy group Families USA.
Learn more about the report and its analysis and find a link to the entire report here, on the web site of the Pennsylvania Health Access Network.

2013-02-22T10:25:57+00:00February 22nd, 2013|Health care reform, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Report Says PA Medicaid Expansion Would Create Jobs, Foster Economic Activity

The Proposed FY 2014 Pennsylvania State Budget: Part 1 of 7

The Big Picture

Last Tuesday, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett unveiled his proposed state FY 2014 budget.  Later that day, members of the Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania (SNAP) received a comprehensive memo outlining the governor’s budget proposal with an emphasis on the issues that matter most to the state’s 61 private safety-net hospitals.
Over the next seven business days, SNAP will present the highlights of the governor’s budget, again with an emphasis on Medical Assistance and other matters of special interest to Pennsylvania’s safety-net hospitals.
The following is a schedule of the remaining six parts of this overview:
Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania logo
Today:  the big picture underlying the proposed budget.
In this proposed budget, the Department of Public Welfare (DPW) projects a three percent increase in Medical Assistance enrollment and caseload in FY 2014.  Overall, the DPW budget calls for $14.2 billion in total spending on Medical Assistance – a decrease of less than half a percent from the current fiscal year’s available funding.
While some of the proposed changes in the budget are spending decisions, others reflect a reduction in the state’s federal medical assistance percentage, or FMAP (the rate at which the federal government matches state Medicaid spending), which will fall from its current 54.28 percent to an estimated 53.52 percent during FY 2014.  Consequently, in some cases, lower payments would reflect a reduced federal contribution rather than a state decision to reduce those payments.
The major themes of next year’s proposed Medical Assistance budget appear to be a continued state-wide expansion of the HealthChoices Medical Assistance managed care program and expanded access to community-based services for individuals with intellectual disabilities and the elderly.
The budget does not provide for the Medicaid expansion envisioned in the Affordable Care Act.  Governor Corbett has conveyed to the federal government that he will not expand Medicaid eligibility at this time but his document states that such expansion will be the subject of further analysis and public discussion.
Tomorrow:  The Major Medical Assistance Spending Categories

Handicapping Medicaid Expansion in PA

Will he or won’t he?
That question is still on the minds of many as Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett continues neither to declare that the state will expand its Medicaid program as provided for in the Affordable Care Act nor to confirm the suspicion of most observers that he will choose not to expand the program beyond its current 2.2 million recipients.
As of right now, 12 states appear to be undecided about Medicaid expansion.  The Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania (SNAP) supports Medicaid expansion.
For a closer look at the situation in Pennsylvania, including an account of which interest groups are for expansion and which are not as enthusiastic as one might expect, read this columnHarrisburg, PA capital building from the Central Penn Business Journal.

2013-02-01T06:00:35+00:00February 1st, 2013|Health care reform, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Handicapping Medicaid Expansion in PA

Pennsylvania Health Law Project Newsletter

The Pennsylvania Health Law Project has published its January 2013 newsletter.
Targeted to the very population that Pennsylvania’s safety-net hospitals serve, this month’s newsletter includes features on the benefits of Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid eligibility, and the uninsured in Pennsylvania.  It also includes links to articles and features relevant to the state’s low-income population and the health care providers who serve them.
See the Pennsylvania Health Law Project’s January 2013 newsletter here.

2013-01-31T06:00:57+00:00January 31st, 2013|Health care reform, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Pennsylvania Health Law Project Newsletter

PA Prepares to Boost Medicaid Primary Care Rates

Pennsylvania will soon begin paying primary care providers more for the services they deliver to their Medical Assistance patients.
Under the Affordable Care Act, state Medicaid programs are required to pay primary care providers Medicare-level fees for calendar years 2013 and 2014.  This policy was adopted as part of a broader effort to recruit more physicians to serve Medicaid patients at a time when Medicaid enrollment will increase significantly in most states.
Now, the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare (DPW) is presenting its plan for how it will go about implementing this federal requirement.
DPW has issued a new Medical Assistance Bulletin titled “Medical Assistance Program Fee for Select Primary Care Services and Physician Attestation Form” that identifies eligible providers and explains how they can go about receiving the enhanced payments.  That bulletin can be found here.  DPW also has issued an attestation form through which providers can assert their eligibility for the enhanced payments; that form, and directions for completing and submitting it, can be found here.

2013-01-29T06:00:39+00:00January 29th, 2013|Health care reform, Medical Assistance Bulletin, Pennsylvania Medicaid laws and regulations, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on PA Prepares to Boost Medicaid Primary Care Rates

States Finding it Hard to Say No to Federal Medicaid Money

While many of the nation’s governors have ideological problems with many aspects of the Affordable Care Act, it appears that more of them are preparing to accept one major facet of the bill with which they particularly disagree:  Medicaid expansion.
When the law passed, the mandatory expansion of Medicaid eligibility was one of its most controversial aspects and encountered a great deal of resistance from many governors.  When the Supreme Court ruled last year that the mandate was unconstitutional, many governors indicated that they would decline the now-optional Medicaid expansion.
But as the time for implementing the Medicaid expansion draws closer, more governors are concluding that the lure of millions, and even billions, of “free” federal Medicaid matching dollars is too hard to resist.
In addition, some governors are concerned about appearances if they turn down the federal Medicaid money while a clause in the reform act would enable legal immigrants in their state to receive health insurance premium subsidies while other low-income residents remain ineligible for those subsidies and uninsured.
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett has not yet announced his decision on whether the state will expand its Medicaid program but appears to be leaning against such an expansion.  The Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania (SNAP) supports Medicaid expansion in the commonwealth.
Read about the challenges governors face in refusing the federal Medicaid money in this RealClearPolitics article and about the immigration twist on the issue in this Washington Post report.

2013-01-28T06:00:29+00:00January 28th, 2013|Health care reform, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania|Comments Off on States Finding it Hard to Say No to Federal Medicaid Money

Hearing Promotes Medicaid Expansion in PA

Democratic members of the state Senate Appropriations Committee held a hearing in Philadelphia to promote expansion of the state’s Medicaid (Medical Assistance) program.
Participating legislators took testimony from representatives of a number of organizations that support Medicaid expansion, which is an optional component of the Affordable Care Act.
The Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania (SNAP) supports Medicaid expansion in the state.
Governor Corbett has not yet announced his decision on Medicaid expansion but is thought to be leaning against it.  The General Assembly members who held the hearing are in the minority party in the state senate.
Read more about the hearing, the issues, and the testimony offered in thisHouse Chamber of the State House Philadelphia Inquirer article.

2013-01-25T12:06:55+00:00January 25th, 2013|Health care reform, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania|Comments Off on Hearing Promotes Medicaid Expansion in PA

Greater Cost-Sharing in Medicaid’s Future?

States would be permitted to require greater cost-sharing from Medicaid recipients under a new regulation proposed by the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
The proposed regulation, which also addresses matters involving state Children’s Health Insurance Programs (CHIP) and health insurance exchanges, would permit states to impose increased co-pays for non-emergency use of hospital emergency rooms and for non-preferred prescription drugs.  The cost-sharing for non-emergency use of emergency rooms would be limited to eight dollars for Medicaid recipients with incomes between 100 percent to 150 percent of the federal poverty level but would have no limit for those whose income is beyond 150 percent of the federal poverty level.
Cost-sharing requirements of low-income patients pose a particular challenge for Pennsylvania’s safety-net hospitals.  Many of their Medicaid patients cannot afford larger co-payments and often leave the hospital without paying them, thereby increasing hospitals’ bad debt.
Interested parties have until February 13 to submit comments to CMS about the proposed regulation.
Read a CMS fact sheet on the proposed regulation and find a link to the regulation itself here, on the CMS web site.

2013-01-15T12:25:35+00:00January 15th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Greater Cost-Sharing in Medicaid’s Future?

PA Paves Way for Primary Care Pay Raise

The Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare has published a notice that it will increase the fees Medical Assistance pays for selected primary care services.
The pay raise, funded 100 percent by the federal government, is part of the Affordable Care Act.
For further information about the pay raise, which physicians qualify for it, and how they can receive the pay raise, see the notice here, in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
In addition, members of the Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania (SNAP) have received a detailed memo outlining the terms of the Medicaid primary care pay raise.  Members who have not seen the memo and others who would like a copy can request it at

2013-01-07T06:00:48+00:00January 7th, 2013|Health care reform, Pennsylvania Bulletin, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania|Comments Off on PA Paves Way for Primary Care Pay Raise

Insurance Commissioner Explains Why PA Rejected Health Exchange

Writing in the Pottstown Mercury, Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Michael Consedine has outlined why the Corbett administration chose not to develop the health insurance exchange that is one of the centerpieces of the 2010 Affordable Care Act.
Mr. Consedine’s explanation mirrors that offered last month by Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett:  the federal government did not provide enough information and guidance to enable the state to develop its own exchange.  (Go here for a summary of Governor Corbett’s op-ed piece and a direct link to that piece.)
As a result of this decision, Pennsylvania will use a health insurance exchange developed for it by the federal government.
Read Mr. Consedine’s guest column in the Pottstown Mercury here.

2013-01-03T06:00:13+00:00January 3rd, 2013|Health care reform, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Insurance Commissioner Explains Why PA Rejected Health Exchange
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