States Finding it Hard to Say No to Federal Medicaid Money

While many of the nation’s governors have ideological problems with many aspects of the Affordable Care Act, it appears that more of them are preparing to accept one major facet of the bill with which they particularly disagree:  Medicaid expansion.
When the law passed, the mandatory expansion of Medicaid eligibility was one of its most controversial aspects and encountered a great deal of resistance from many governors.  When the Supreme Court ruled last year that the mandate was unconstitutional, many governors indicated that they would decline the now-optional Medicaid expansion.
But as the time for implementing the Medicaid expansion draws closer, more governors are concluding that the lure of millions, and even billions, of “free” federal Medicaid matching dollars is too hard to resist.
In addition, some governors are concerned about appearances if they turn down the federal Medicaid money while a clause in the reform act would enable legal immigrants in their state to receive health insurance premium subsidies while other low-income residents remain ineligible for those subsidies and uninsured.
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett has not yet announced his decision on whether the state will expand its Medicaid program but appears to be leaning against such an expansion.  The Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania (SNAP) supports Medicaid expansion in the commonwealth.
Read about the challenges governors face in refusing the federal Medicaid money in this RealClearPolitics article and about the immigration twist on the issue in this Washington Post report.

2013-01-28T06:00:29+00:00January 28th, 2013|Health care reform, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania|Comments Off on States Finding it Hard to Say No to Federal Medicaid Money

Hearing Promotes Medicaid Expansion in PA

Democratic members of the state Senate Appropriations Committee held a hearing in Philadelphia to promote expansion of the state’s Medicaid (Medical Assistance) program.
Participating legislators took testimony from representatives of a number of organizations that support Medicaid expansion, which is an optional component of the Affordable Care Act.
The Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania (SNAP) supports Medicaid expansion in the state.
Governor Corbett has not yet announced his decision on Medicaid expansion but is thought to be leaning against it.  The General Assembly members who held the hearing are in the minority party in the state senate.
Read more about the hearing, the issues, and the testimony offered in thisHouse Chamber of the State House Philadelphia Inquirer article.

2013-01-25T12:06:55+00:00January 25th, 2013|Health care reform, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania|Comments Off on Hearing Promotes Medicaid Expansion in PA

PA Paves Way for Primary Care Pay Raise

The Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare has published a notice that it will increase the fees Medical Assistance pays for selected primary care services.
The pay raise, funded 100 percent by the federal government, is part of the Affordable Care Act.
For further information about the pay raise, which physicians qualify for it, and how they can receive the pay raise, see the notice here, in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
In addition, members of the Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania (SNAP) have received a detailed memo outlining the terms of the Medicaid primary care pay raise.  Members who have not seen the memo and others who would like a copy can request it at

2013-01-07T06:00:48+00:00January 7th, 2013|Health care reform, Pennsylvania Bulletin, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania|Comments Off on PA Paves Way for Primary Care Pay Raise

GAO Finds Problems With Medicaid DSH Payments

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) is now reviewing audits of states’ Medicaid disproportionate share payments (Medicaid DSH) to hospitals and is raising questions about states’ compliance with federal requirements for those payments.
Based on its analysis of state Medicaid DSH audits, GAO found that states are making Medicaid DSH payments to hospitals that exceed those hospitals’ uncompensated care costs and are inaccurately calculating those hospital uncompensated care costs.  The GAO also found that states are not always targeting their Medicaid DSH payments to the hospitals that provide the most uncompensated care.
States are required to submit audits and data as a condition of receiving Medicaid DSH funds from the federal government.  Currently, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is not acting on the information it receives but will begin doing so after a transition period that ends when 2014 audits are completed.  In anticipation of that time, GAO is reviewing the information CMS receives for state compliance with six federal standards for Medicaid DSH payments.
This data also may eventually be used to help implement the Medicaid DSH payment reduction mandated under the Affordable Care Act.
According to the report, Pennsylvania did not provide some of the required data, so in several instances in which the document provides specific information about individual state performance, it has nothing about Pennsylvania.  It does note, however, that in FY 2007, six hospitals in the state received Medicaid payments greater than their Medicaid costs.
Because Pennsylvania’s safety-net hospitals care for so many uninsured and low-income patients and receive higher Medicaid DSH payments than other hospitals, they are far more dependent on these payments than other hospitals and will need to watch this situation closely in the future.
Learn more about GAO’s examination of Medicaid DSH payments – why it is undertaking this review, what it found, and how its findings may be used in the future – in the report More Transparency of and Accountability for Supplemental Payments are Needed, which can be found here, on GAO’s web site.

2012-12-28T06:00:33+00:00December 28th, 2012|Health care reform, Medicaid supplemental payments, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on GAO Finds Problems With Medicaid DSH Payments

Medicaid Enrollment Down in Philadelphia Area

Health Benefits Claim FormMedicaid enrollment in southeastern Pennsylvania fell 10,000 people between June and September of this year, with most of that loss occurring in Philadelphia.
Read more about this change in Medical Assistance enrollment, and the HealthChoices plans in which active participants are enrolled, in this report from the Delaware Valley Healthcare Council.

2012-12-21T06:00:46+00:00December 21st, 2012|Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Medicaid Enrollment Down in Philadelphia Area

DPW Announces Fee Schedule Changes

The Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare has issued a Medical Assistance Bulletin detailing changes in the fee-for-service fee schedule.  The changes take effect immediately.
Read the bulletin with the changes hereBookshelf with law books.

2012-12-19T06:00:54+00:00December 19th, 2012|Medical Assistance Bulletin, Meetings and notices, Pennsylvania Medicaid laws and regulations, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on DPW Announces Fee Schedule Changes

PA Welfare Secretary Testifies About Medicaid Expansion

Declaring that “We in the commonwealth have never witnessed a law so vast, with such demands on state resources, and lack of federal guidance,” Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare Secretary Gary Alexander told the House Energy and Commerce Committee last week that while Pennsylvania has not ruled out expanding its Medicaid program in accordance with the Affordable Care Act, “Under the constraints of the health care reform law, I do not think we can afford the expansion.”
Mr. Alexander made these remarks at a hearing of the committee’s Health Subcommittee, which was taking testimony on the Medicaid expansion component of the 2010 health care reform law.
While the Kaiser Foundation on Medicaid and the Uninsured says that expansion would cost Pennsylvania $2 billion through 2022, the Corbett administration has put a $4 billion price tag on such expansion.
The Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania (SNAP) supports Medicaid expansion in the state.
Read more about Mr. Alexander’s testimony in this Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article and this Central Penn Business Journal article, which also includes a direct link to the secretary’s testimony.

2012-12-18T06:00:03+00:00December 18th, 2012|Health care reform, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania|Comments Off on PA Welfare Secretary Testifies About Medicaid Expansion

HHS Nixes Partial Medicaid Expansion

States must opt into the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion or opt out, the federal government has informed the nation’s governors.  They may not implement a partial expansion.
That was the message conveyed to governors by Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Services (HHS).
The Medicaid expansion, made mandatory in the 2010 health care reform law, has been the subject of much debate since the Supreme Court ruled the mandate unconstitutional in June and instead left the decision on whether to expand to the individual states.  Some governors have already declared that their states will expand their Medicaid programs, some have announced that they will not, and many still have not decided.
Pennsylvania is among the states that have not yet announced whether they will expand their Medicaid programs, although Governor Tom Corbett has signaled that he is reluctant to incur the additional costs that expansion would involve.  The Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania (SNAP) supports Medicaid expansion.
Read more about this latest decision from HHS in this Washington Post article and read an FAQ that HHS sent to governors regarding both Medicaid expansion and the operation of health insurance exchanges here.

2012-12-11T11:19:30+00:00December 11th, 2012|Health care reform, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania|Comments Off on HHS Nixes Partial Medicaid Expansion

Sneak Peek: PA Medicaid Costs to Rise $650 Million in FY 2014

In its mid-year budget briefing, the Corbett administration projects that Pennsylvania’s Medical Assistance costs will rise $650 million in the state’s 2014 fiscal year, which will begin on July 1, 2013.
The budget briefing also noted that the governor has directed state agencies to maintain level funding in their proposed FY 2014 budgets, that level funding essentially means a cut of seven to eight percent because of rising personnel costs, and that the governor “has reiterated that no new taxes will be part of the 2013-14 budget.”
Although the governor does not present his proposed FY 2014 budget for another two months, this raises the question of how the state might pay these increased Medicaid costs – or if next year’s budget might include payment cuts for the state’s Medicaid providers.
Cut would be particularly burdensome to Pennsylvania’s safety-net hospitals because of the especially high numbers of Medicaid patients they serve and their unusual dependence on Medicaid revenue.
Read about the mid-year budget briefing in this PA Independent article and find the budget briefing itself hereFinancial graphs.

2012-12-10T06:00:27+00:00December 10th, 2012|Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Pennsylvania state budget issues|Comments Off on Sneak Peek: PA Medicaid Costs to Rise $650 Million in FY 2014

Decision Time Looms for PA, Other States On Medicaid Expansion

The time for states to decide whether they will expand their Medicaid programs in accordance with the Affordable Care Act is fast approaching.
With the Medicaid expansion due to begin in 2014, thirteen states seem likely to opt out, 14 appear ready to expand, and the rest are still on the fence.
Among the major concerns of states still deciding are the cost of expansion and their concern that the federal government, currently scheduled to assume almost all of the cost of expansion, may at some point decide to shift more of expansion’s costs to state governments.
Pennsylvania is among the undecided states, but comments in recent months by Governor Corbett suggest that he is leaning against Medicaid expansion in the commonwealth.  The Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania (SNAP) supports that expansion.
Read more about the deliberations taking place in state capitals across the country, and the questions with which elected officials are wrestling, in this Washington Post articleHarrisburg, PA capital building.

2012-12-07T06:00:28+00:00December 7th, 2012|Health care reform, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Decision Time Looms for PA, Other States On Medicaid Expansion
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