SNAP Holds Legislative Breakfast

On Tuesday, June 2, the Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania held a legislative breakfast in Harrisburg to talk to members of the state legislature and their staffs about issues of importance to Pennsylvania’s safety-net hospitals and to present SNAP’s position on various aspects of Governor Wolf’s proposed FY 2016 budget.
Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania logoIn particular, SNAP addressed a number of proposed cuts in state Medicaid spending that would have an especially serious effect on Pennsylvania’s 41 private safety-net hospitals.
Among those who attended were numerous members of the state House and Senate from across the commonwealth:  Democrats and Republicans, members of leadership and key budget and health care committees, and individuals with a keen interest in the work being done by Pennsylvania’s safety-net hospitals.
During the meeting SNAP also unveiled a brief document outlining its position on the proposed FY 2016 budget and the Medicaid cuts it includes.  Find that document here.