Number of Uninsured Children Grows in PA

The number of uninsured children in Pennsylvania grew, but just slightly, between 2016 and 2019.

That’s according to a new study from the Center for Children and Families at Georgetown University’s Health Policy Institute.

According to the study, the uninsured rate among children in Pennsylvania rose from 4.4 percent in 2016 to 4.6 percent in 2019 while the number of uninsured children rose from 126,000 to 128,000 during that same period of time.

Learn more about the changes in Pennsylvania, national trends, and why these numbers have grown in the Georgetown study “Children’s Uninsured Rate Rises by Largest Annual Jump in More Than a Decade.”

2020-10-15T06:00:00+00:00October 15th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Number of Uninsured Children Grows in PA

PA Uninsured Rate Declines

Pennsylvania’s uninsured rate has fallen to 6.4 percent, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
That’s less than half the state-wide rate of 13 percent in 2011 and 2012.
wolfSince that time the state’s Medicaid expansion has added 670,000 Pennsylvanians to the ranks of the insured, with others purchasing insurance through the federal health insurance marketplace.
Learn more about the decline in the number of uninsured Pennsylvanians in this news release from the office of Governor Tom Wolf.

2016-10-19T09:30:43+00:00October 19th, 2016|Pennsylvania Medicaid, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on PA Uninsured Rate Declines

Parts of Central PA Feature High Uninsured Rate, Low Access to Care

Five counties in central Pennsylvania currently suffer from a high rate of uninsured residents and limited access to medical care.
According to an assessment commissioned by three mid-state hospitals, one out of every 3.5 residents in the surveyed counties lack health insurance, compared to one in 10.4 Pennsylvanians overall.
The assessment covered Cumberland, Dauphin, Lebanon, Perry, and northern York counties.
Read more about the assessment, and find a direct link to the assessment, in this Central Penn Business Journal articlePennsylvania State Map.

2012-09-18T10:35:01+00:00September 18th, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Parts of Central PA Feature High Uninsured Rate, Low Access to Care
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