PA Medicaid Enrollment May Plummet in the Coming Months

As many as 500,000 Pennsylvanians are expected to come off the state’s Medicaid rolls after the formal COVID-19 public health emergency ends and state officials are permitted to reconsider the eligibility of the state’s 3.5 million Medicaid recipients for the first time in more than two years.

Since the pandemic’s start the state’s Medicaid enrollment has risen 20 percent; approximately 100,000 of the 500,000 new enrollees live in Philadelphia, where more than 750,000 of the city’s residents now receive their health care through the program.

When the pandemic began the federal government offered the states additional money to support their Medicaid programs; in exchange, the states needed to agree not to review recipient eligibility for the duration of the public health emergency.  When the pandemic ends, though, states will have one year to review the eligibility of all of their Medicaid recipients.  While the federal government has encouraged states to take the full year to complete this task, Pennsylvania Medicaid officials have indicated that they hope to complete the process in six months.  A bill in the state legislature would give Medicaid officials even less time, calling for the review to be completed within 60 days.

Learn more about what the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency may mean for enrollment in Pennsylvania’s Medicaid program in the WHYY report “Pennsylvanians on Medicaid risk losing health coverage when COVID emergency ends.”

2022-04-08T18:25:31+00:00April 12th, 2022|COVID-19, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Pennsylvania Medical Assistance|Comments Off on PA Medicaid Enrollment May Plummet in the Coming Months

PA Medicaid Enrollment Could Plunge

Hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvanians could lose their Medicaid coverage in the year after the COVID-19 public health emergency officially ends.

Health Benefits Claim FormThe state’s Medicaid rolls have grown by approximately 600,000 during the pandemic, and under the terms Congress set for states to receive additional federal funding to support their Medicaid programs, the state was prohibited from re-evaluating the eligibility of those receiving Medicaid and removing them from the state’s Medicaid rolls if they were found ineligible.  Once the pandemic officially ends, however, states will once again be able to review the eligibility of their Medicaid participants.  In Pennsylvania today, that amounts to approximately 3.4 million people.

The loss of Medicaid eligibility would be a major blow to those currently receiving care through the program and the providers that are being paid for the care they deliver to qualified recipients.  This could pose a special challenge for Pennsylvania’s safety-net hospitals, which care for disproportionately large numbers of Medicaid patients.

Learn more about the coming challenge of reviewing Medicaid eligibility in the WESA-FM report “As COVID-19 subsides, thousands of Pennsylvanians could lose Medicaid coverage.”

2022-03-08T16:19:56+00:00March 8th, 2022|Pennsylvania Medicaid, Pennsylvania Medicaid coronavirus|Comments Off on PA Medicaid Enrollment Could Plunge

COVID Drives Major Increase in PA Medicaid Enrollment

Medicaid enrollment in Pennsylvania has risen nearly 14 percent in the past year as rising unemployment resulting from COVID-19 drives people to turn to the state for health insurance.

As a result, Pennsylvania has added nearly 400,000 people to its Medicaid rolls in the past year.  Today, 3.2 million Pennsylvanians are enrolled in the state’s program, although among them are approximately 250,000 who would have been dropped from the program except for a federal requirement that the state not drop people from the program in exchange for a major increase in federal aid for the state’s program.

As a result of the increase, the state’s Department of Human Services, which runs its Medicaid program, has asked the legislature for nearly $1 billion in supplemental funding to help finance its services for this expanded enrollment through the rest of the state’s FY 2021 year.

Learn more about the past year’s increase in Medicaid enrollment, who the new enrollees are, and how the state is accommodating them in the Philadelphia Inquirer article “A huge spike in Medicaid enrollment in Pa. shows how devastating the coronavirus has been.”

2021-03-24T06:00:57+00:00March 24th, 2021|Coronavirus, COVID-19, Pennsylvania Medicaid, Pennsylvania Medicaid coronavirus, Pennsylvania Medicaid COVID-19|Comments Off on COVID Drives Major Increase in PA Medicaid Enrollment
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