Wolf Makes Major Health Appointments

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf has nominated Alison Beam to be Secretary of the state’s Department of Health.

Beam, currently Wolf’s deputy chief of staff, is a graduate of the Drexel University of Law.  If confirmed by the state Senate, Ms. Beam would replace Dr. Rachel Levine, who has been nominated by President Biden to serve as Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Governor Wolf also has appointed Dr. Wendy Braund to be the state’s Interim Acting Physician General.  Dr. Levine currently serves in that capacity as well.  Dr. Braund, currently the COVID-19 response director in the state’s Department of Health, earned a master’s degree in public health from Johns Hopkins and an M.D. from the Penn State College of Medicine.

Learn more about the two nominees from this news release from the Wolf administration.

2021-01-25T06:00:23+00:00January 25th, 2021|Pennsylvania Department of Health and COVID-19|Comments Off on Wolf Makes Major Health Appointments

COVID-19 Update: April 13, 2020

The following is the latest COVID-19 information from Pennsylvania state and federal regulators, legislators, and others as of 4:00 p.m. on Monday, April 13.

Pennsylvania Update

Governor Wolf

  • Last week Governor Wolf signed an executive order to facilitate the targeted distribution of COVID-19 personal protective equipment and supplies among Pennsylvania health care providers. The Department of Health has published an FAQ on this executive order.  The state also has published a survey for health care providers to complete to help it identify current resources.  All covered entities – including hospitals – are required to report inventories of the specified supplies, equipment, and pharmaceuticals by 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, April 16.  The state will update and direct completion of the survey in the future as needed.
  • Governor Wolf today announced that he and the governors of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware, and Rhode Island will create a multi-state council to “…develop a fully integrated regional framework to gradually lift the states’ stay at home orders while minimizing the risk of increased spread of the [COVID-19] virus.” See the governor’s announcement here.

General Assembly

Harrisburg, PA capital buildingOver the weekend, House Speaker Michael Turzai changed the House of Representatives’ session schedule to hold a non-voting session day today and a voting session day tomorrow in an effort to enable Republicans to move forward with relief efforts for businesses related to the COVID-19 crisis.  There has been speculation that if a quorum is present the Speaker may seek to suspend temporary House rules permitting remote voting to ease the passage of Republican-sponsored relief measures for businesses affected by limits on their ability to operate during the COVID-19 emergency.  The House also has canceled its session for Wednesday and Thursday of this week.

Both the House and Senate are scheduled to return to session on May 4.

Daily Department of Health COVID-19 Briefing

  • In the past few days the number of newly reported COVID-19 cases has declined slightly, leading Department of Health Secretary Levine to declare that “social distancing is working.” The new case increase, she explained, is now linear rather than exponential, although she warned that Pennsylvania may not yet have reached its peak.
  • 1179 health care workers have been diagnosed with COVID-19, which is about four percent of the total state case count.
  • 1688 residents of 215 long-term-care facilities have tested positive as well.
  • Currently 2205 people are in hospitals to be treated for COVID-19 and 665 of them are on ventilators.
  • Across the state, 44 percent of acute-care beds and 38 percent of ICU beds remain unoccupied and nearly 70 percent of ventilators are available for use.
  • The state still lacks testing supplies so only those who are symptomatic are being tested. Secretary Levine hopes to do population-based testing in the future but does not expect to be able to do it in the near future.
  • Serology testing is not available at this time.
  • Governor Wolf spoke to Vice President Pence this morning and reports that the state will be receiving a shipment of N95 masks later this week.
  • Eventually the state hopes to follow up on those who have been discharged from hospitals after being treated for COVID-19 but is not doing that now.
  • While there have been published reports of people who seem to have recovered from COVID-19 suffering relapses, Pennsylvania has not seen any such cases yet.
  • When asked if the state planned to take any additional measures to help hospitals, Secretary Levine pointed to the health care provider money in the federal CARES Act and the $450 million loan program Governor Wolf announced last week.
  • During her Saturday briefing, Secretary Levine said that Philadelphia and southeastern Pennsylvania have enough acute-care beds, ICU beds, and ventilators right now.
  • She also said there could be a surge in southeastern and northeastern Pennsylvania over the next week, with possible surges in western and southeastern Pennsylvania coming later.

Hospital Emergency Loan Program

Late last week Governor Wolf announced a $450 million Hospital Emergency Loan Program.  The state’s Department of Community and Economic Development, which is administering the program, describes it as follows:

The Hospital Emergency Loan Program (HELP) was established to provide critical working capital bridge financing to hospitals located within the Commonwealth that are adversely impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. The loan funds are intended to provide a short-term financing solution for hospitals until federal grant funding through the Coronavirus Aid Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act is received by the hospitals. The program is administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) through the Pennsylvania First Program (PA First).

Go here for a more detailed description of the program and go here to apply for a loan.

Children’s Health Insurance Program

The state’s CHIP program has announced changes in its program requirements that seek to ease access to CHIP and keep families enrolled in CHIP during the duration of the COVID-19 emergency.

Pennsylvania Hospitals and the CARES Act

Pennsylvania Senator Pat Toomey’s office reports that the state’s hospitals will receive $1.2 billion of the $30 billion now being distributed by the federal government to hospitals and health care providers.  The $30 billion comes from $100 billion that the CARES Act designated for health care providers.  A second round of funding is expected.

Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry

The Wolf administration has issued a news release summarizing the new federal unemployment compensation benefits established under the CARES Act, including eligibility and payment information.

Federal Update

Department of Health and Human Services

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Department of Labor

Food and Drug Administration

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National Institutes of Health

Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission

  • MACPAC has written to CMS administrator Seema Verma to express its concern that the manner in which CMS has chosen to distribute $30 billion of the $100 billion designated in the CARES Act for hospitals and health care providers “…does not account for the real and pressing concerns of safety-net providers that are on the frontlines of serving the nation’s poorest and most vulnerable people…” MACPAC also asks Ms. Verma to “…ensure that safety-net providers, including hospitals considered deemed disproportionate share hospitals (DSH) for the purpose of Medicaid payment…children’s hospitals, and other providers serving Medicaid and other low-income patients have access to federal funds made available through the CARES Act without delay.”  See the MACPAC letter here.

Resources to Consult

Pennsylvania Department of Human Services

Main COVID-19 Page

COVID-19 Provider Resources

Press Releases

Pennsylvania Department of Health

Main COVID-19 Page

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Main COVID-19 Page


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2020-04-14T06:00:15+00:00April 14th, 2020|Coronavirus, COVID-19, Pennsylvania Department of Health and COVID-19, Pennsylvania Department of Health coronavirus|Comments Off on COVID-19 Update: April 13, 2020

PA Introduces Testing for Coronavirus

Pennsylvania’s Department of Health now has the capacity to test for coronavirus and can perform six such tests a day.

Until Monday, the state needed to send any samples it wanted tested to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, which meant a two- to three-day wait for results.  State turnaround will be 24 hours.

One by one, states are developing this capacity and hospitals and health systems, too, will no doubt be doing the same in the coming weeks.  First, though, their testing must be approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration.  Until then, they will have to rely on the state lab in Chester County.

Learn more about Pennsylvania’s new ability to perform coronavirus tests in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review article “Pennsylvania Health Department begins testing for coronavirus.”

2020-03-04T13:00:36+00:00March 4th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on PA Introduces Testing for Coronavirus

PA Launches Prescription Drug Monitoring Program

Pennsylvania’s Department of Health has launched its much-anticipated prescription drug monitoring program.
Previously operated by the state’s office of the attorney general but assigned to the state’s Health Department through 2014 legislation, the program requires those authorized to prescribe controlled substance prescription drugs to collect and submit information to the PDMP each time they do so within 72 hours. That information is then stored in a database that is available to health care professionals to help them identify patients who may have problems with controlled substances or may even be going from provider to provider to gain additional prescriptions.
department of healthThe state Health Department has created a web site for the program that includes FAQs about how the PDMP works for those who prescribe and dispense controlled substances. Visit that web site here.

2016-08-31T06:00:46+00:00August 31st, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on PA Launches Prescription Drug Monitoring Program

Price Transparency Report Released by PA Department of Health

The Pennsylvania Department of Health has published a report it commissioned on the state of health care price transparency in the commonwealth.
Health Benefits Claim FormThe report, prepared by the organization Catalyst for Payment Reform, seeks to

evaluate the level and robustness of health care price transparency in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania today and the opportunities to enhance it going forward. The report reviews and assesses the legal and regulatory landscape related to price transparency; identifies and compares the best practices of other states that are leading the country in enhancing price transparency; summarizes results from a CPR-conducted evaluation of consumer-facing transparency tools offered by health insurance plans; identifies gaps in price and quality transparency in the state; and lastly, provides actionable recommendations for furthering price transparency to the Commonwealth based on our research, as well as CPR’s expertise in this area.

Find the report here, in the “innovation” section of the web site of Pennsylvania’s Department of Health.

2016-08-24T06:00:23+00:00August 24th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Price Transparency Report Released by PA Department of Health

PA to Push for Value-Based Purchasing of Care

The Secretary of Pennsylvania’s Department of Health has issued a call for greater use of value-based purchasing of health care services in the state.
department of healthAt a conference hosted by the Pittsburgh Business Group on Health, Secretary Karen Murphy invited insurers and employers to work together to pursue a value-based approach to the purchase of health care that would reduce the cost of care while improving the results of the care patients receive.
To support this initiative, Secretary Murphy has created a new innovation center in the state’s Health Department and appointed a deputy secretary to lead this effort.
Learn more about the state’s intentions in this Pittsburgh Business Times article.

2015-09-18T06:00:48+00:00September 18th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on PA to Push for Value-Based Purchasing of Care

PA Introduces New ER Pain Treatment Guidelines

The Pennsylvania Department of Health and Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs have released new guidelines for the treatment of pain in hospital emergency rooms.
The guidelines, proposed by the Safe and Effective Prescribing Practices and Pain Management Task Force, were developed by the Pennsylvania College of Emergency Physicians and presented by a task force that included representatives of government, health care professions, and associations.
See a state news release about the guidelines here and download the guidelines themselves here.

2014-08-27T06:00:47+00:00August 27th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on PA Introduces New ER Pain Treatment Guidelines

State Mulls Shuttering Health Centers

Saying there are better ways to reach more people, Pennsylvania Department of Health officials are considering closing half of the state’s health centers, many of which serve rural parts of the state.
The state would then focus on better ways of reaching people with public health services.
Learn more about this potential policy initiative in this Harrisburg Patriot-News report

State Budget


2013-03-06T06:00:55+00:00March 6th, 2013|Proposed FY 2014 Pennsylvania state budget|Comments Off on State Mulls Shuttering Health Centers

The Proposed FY 2014 State Budget: Part 7 of 7

Department of Health

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett recently unveiled his proposed state FY 2014 budget.  The day he did, members of the Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania (SNAP) immediately received a comprehensive memHarrisburg, PA capital buildingo outlining the governor’s budget proposal with an emphasis on the issues that matter most to the state’s 61 private safety-net hospitals.
Over a seven-day period, SNAP has presented in this space the highlights of the governor’s budget, again with an emphasis on Medical Assistance and other matters of special interest to Pennsylvania’s safety-net hospitals.   In this final installment, SNAP takes a look at what that budget proposes for the state’s Department of Health.
The Department of Health’s budget calls for a number of spending cuts.  Among them, it calls for the complete elimination of funding associated with its diabetes, poison control centers, Tourette Syndrome, epilepsy support services, lupus, trauma coordination, ALS support services, and biotech research programs.  Together, this accounts for a $6.3 million cut in Health Department funding.
On the other hand, the department’s proposed budget includes $4 million in grants to clinics to improve access to primary care in medically underserved areas and $1 million in new money to support 24 additional loan repayment grants to enhance the recruitment of doctors to medically underserved areas.

2013-02-20T06:00:51+00:00February 20th, 2013|Pennsylvania state budget issues, Proposed FY 2014 Pennsylvania state budget|Comments Off on The Proposed FY 2014 State Budget: Part 7 of 7
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