SNAP Rallies PA Delegation to Oppose MFAR

A proposed federal Medicaid regulation could limit Pennsylvania’s ability to finance its Medicaid program and jeopardize supplemental payments to the state’s private safety-net hospitals, so SNAP has asked members of the state’s congressional delegation to sign a letter to CMS Administrator Seema Verma asking her to reconsider the potentially damaging Medicaid fiscal accountability regulation.

Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania logoIn its letter to members of the state’s congressional delegation, SNAP wrote on behalf of private Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals that

The proposed Medicaid fiscal accountability regulation (MFAR) would, if implemented, impose new limits on how states may raise their share of funds to support their Medicaid programs. If adopted, the commonwealth would face a serious challenge raising the money it needs to finance its share of the cost of its Medicaid program. In addition, MFAR would take a great deal of states’ Medicaid policy-making authority away from state governments and give it instead to the federal Department of Health and Human Services.

Two members of the state’s congressional delegation, Representatives Brendan Boyle (D-Montgomery/Philadelphia) and Mike Kelly (R-Butler/Crawford/Erie/Lawrence/Mercer), have written a bipartisan letter to be sent to CMS Administrator Seema Verma asking her to reconsider the troubling aspects of MFAR.  SNAP wrote to members of the state’s congressional delegation asking them to sign onto the letter.

Go here to see the full SNAP letter to the delegation.


2020-03-03T06:00:10+00:00March 3rd, 2020|Federal Medicaid issues, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Uncategorized|Comments Off on SNAP Rallies PA Delegation to Oppose MFAR

Fitch: Medicaid Block Grants, MFAR Threaten States, Providers

Medicaid block grants and the proposed Medicaid fiscal accountability regulation (MFAR) pose new financial threats to providers and states, according to Fitch Ratings, the financial rating company.

MFAR poses the greater threat, Fitch believes, noting in a new analysis that it could

…reduce total Medicaid spending nationally by $37 billion and $44 billion annually…and by $23 billion to $30 billion for hospitals alone.  States, and to some extent providers, would respond to MFAR’s implementation with measures to mitigate the negative fiscal implications.

Bookshelf with law booksBlock grants, through what has been named the Healthy Adult Opportunity program, also pose a threat, with Fitch explaining that

Capping federal Medicaid contributions, even for a subset of beneficiaries, poses risks to state budgets and those entities reliant on state funding, including local governments and providers.  States would need to find revenue or cost savings, either in Medicaid or elsewhere, to offset reduced federal contributions.

Because Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals care for more Medicaid patients than the typical hospital, both proposed policy changes have a potentially greater impact on them.

Last month SNAP conveyed its opposition to the proposed MFAR regulation in a formal comment letter to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services in response to the regulation’s publication late last year.  Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf has already rejected the idea of using block grants in the state’s Medicaid program.

Learn more about the potential impact of the proposed Medicaid fiscal accountability regulation and Medicaid block grants in the Fitch Ratings analysis “Fitch Rtgs: Medicaid Changes Will Affect States, NFP Healthcare Providers.”

2020-02-20T06:00:08+00:00February 20th, 2020|Federal Medicaid issues, Pennsylvania Medicaid, Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals, Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania|Comments Off on Fitch: Medicaid Block Grants, MFAR Threaten States, Providers
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