Supreme Court Decision Has Huge Medicaid Implications

When the Supreme Court rules on the challenge to the Affordable Care Act, its decision will have enormous implications for states, low-income and uninsured people, and health care providers.
Among the many features of the health care reform act on which the Supreme Court will rule is the single biggest expansion of eligibility since Medicaid was introduced in the mid-1960s.
As they await the court’s decision, many states already are laying the groundwork for the addition of between 15 million and 20 million people to the nation’s Medicaid rolls.
Pennsylvania’s safety-net hospitals have a considerable stake in the court’s decision because the planned Medicaid expansion could add as many as a half-million people to the state’s Medical Assistance rolls.
The New York Times has taken a closer look at the stakes in the court’s upcoming decision.  Read that Times article here.