Better Medicaid Data Needed, Governors Say

States need better data to meet the needs of Medicaid recipients with complex medical needs, according to the National Governors Association (NGA).
national governors associationOne of the biggest costs in state Medicaid programs is “super-utilizers”: patients who consume a significant amount of health care services. Although relatively few in number, these patients account for a significant proportion of state Medicaid expenditures.
The group’s conclusion is based on the NGA Center for Best Practices’ experience working with seven states to find better ways to meet the needs of these patients with better but less-expensive care.
According to the report,

Before state leaders can begin to address their super-utilizer populations, they first need to understand who those patients are, how they use the health care system, and how the state might adapt its system to meet patient needs.

To do this, state Medicaid programs need more and better data so they can

  • understand the characteristics of complex populations
  • identify and target specific patients
  • ensure effective management and evaluation

Pennsylvania’s safety-net hospitals routinely serve significant numbers of such patients.
To learn more about the NGA’s recommendation and how it reached it, go here to see its report Using Data to Better Serve the Most Complex Patients: Highlights from NGA’s Intensive Work with Seven States.

2015-10-01T06:00:52+00:00October 1st, 2015|Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Better Medicaid Data Needed, Governors Say

DPW Launches “Open Government” Web Site

The Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare (DPW) has launched a new “transparency portal” on its web site through which the public can obtain a broad array of DPW information and data.
The available information includes facility and program audits, Medical Assistance fee schedules and payments, and individual provider reimbursement data.
The reimbursement data is especially broad, offering detailed information about state Medical Assistance payments to individual providers.
Read a DPW news release about the new DPW web site feature here and visit the site itself through this linkFinancial paperwork.

2012-06-01T14:58:49+00:00June 1st, 2012|Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Pennsylvania state budget issues|Comments Off on DPW Launches “Open Government” Web Site
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