Insurance Commissioner Explains Why PA Rejected Health Exchange

Writing in the Pottstown Mercury, Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Michael Consedine has outlined why the Corbett administration chose not to develop the health insurance exchange that is one of the centerpieces of the 2010 Affordable Care Act.
Mr. Consedine’s explanation mirrors that offered last month by Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett:  the federal government did not provide enough information and guidance to enable the state to develop its own exchange.  (Go here for a summary of Governor Corbett’s op-ed piece and a direct link to that piece.)
As a result of this decision, Pennsylvania will use a health insurance exchange developed for it by the federal government.
Read Mr. Consedine’s guest column in the Pottstown Mercury here.

2013-01-03T06:00:13+00:00January 3rd, 2013|Health care reform, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Insurance Commissioner Explains Why PA Rejected Health Exchange

Corbett Explains ‘No’ Decision on Health Exchanges

In an op-ed piece in Sunday’s Philadelphia Inquirer, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett presented the reasons he decided to let the federal government develop the state’s health insurance exchange ­– a key part of the Affordable Care Act – instead of having his own administration develop the exchange.
Read Governor Corbett’s op-ed piece here.

2012-12-24T11:08:31+00:00December 24th, 2012|Health care reform|Comments Off on Corbett Explains ‘No’ Decision on Health Exchanges

PA Faces Decision on Insurance Exchanges

Pennsylvania must inform the federal government by November 16 whether it intends to create a state health insurance exchange as envisioned in the Affordable Care Act.
If the state decides not to create its own exchange, the federal government will create an exchange for it.
While some observers believe the state has intentionally not invested a great deal of time and effort in developing the exchange – or spent any of the $33 million the federal government gave it for this purpose – state officials insist that they are moving ahead with the work but have been hampered by a lack of direction from the federal government.  In August, state insurance commissioner Michael Consedine wrote to U.S. Health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius seeking such direction but has not yet received a response.
Other states are in the same situation as Philadelphia – so many states, in fact, that many observers believe the federal government will extend the deadline for states to declare their intentions.Read more about this situation and what it means for Pennsylvania in this Allentown Morning Call article.

2012-11-13T06:00:49+00:00November 13th, 2012|Health care reform|Comments Off on PA Faces Decision on Insurance Exchanges
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