SNAP Warns of Challenges Ahead

As Pennsylvania lawmakers contemplate the state’s FY 2015 budget, the Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania has issued a new position paper reminding those officials of the challenges the state’s private safety-net hospitals face in the current environment and the need for adequate, stable funding as they tackle those challenges.
Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania logoAmong those challenges are low-income patients with distinct needs, major cuts in federal Medicare payments that especially target safety-net hospitals, and powerful economic forces marshaled by government, insurers, and others that seek to compel hospitals to deliver care in different ways, be paid differently for their efforts, align their incentives differently with other providers, and invest heavily in information technology.
Pennsylvania’s safety-net hospitals are prepared to do all these things, but to achieve such progress, they need financial stability and predictability: they need to know that their Medical Assistance funding will not be at risk as the state experiences various budget challenges.
Read SNAP’s perspective on these issues in its new position paper, “Pennsylvania’s Safety-Net Hospitals: The Need for Stable and Predictable Funding Amid Increasing Challenges,” which can be found here, on SNAP’s web site.

2014-06-30T06:00:31+00:00June 30th, 2014|Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Pennsylvania state budget issues, Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania|Comments Off on SNAP Warns of Challenges Ahead

Protect Uncompensated Care Payments, SNAP Tells State Officials

Although only 25 percent of the state’s acute-care hospitals, Pennsylvania’s private safety-net hospitals account for 45 percent of the $1 billion in uncompensated care those hospitals provide to uninsured Pennsylvanians every year.
And now, as the governor and legislature consider the state’s FY 2015 budget, the Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania is urging those officials to preserve state payments that help qualified hospitals with those uncompensated care costs and enable them to continue constituting the core of Pennsylvania’s health care safety net.
Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania logoTobacco Uncompensated Care Fund payments are supplemental state payments to hospitals that provide significant amounts of uncompensated care; they are underwritten by proceeds from the national master tobacco settlement of 1998 and matched by the federal government.  As lawmakers work on the state’s FY 2015 budget, SNAP is urging them to expend available FY 2014 funding already authorized for this purpose and not to use FY 2015 tobacco settlement funding for any purpose other than what was prescribed in Act 71 of 2013.
These views and background information on the role private safety-net hospitals play in caring for low-income, Medicaid-covered, and uninsured Pennsylvanians are addressed in a new SNAP position paper, “The Importance of Preserving Uncompensated Care Payments.”  Find that position paper here.

2014-06-27T06:00:37+00:00June 27th, 2014|Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Pennsylvania state budget issues|Comments Off on Protect Uncompensated Care Payments, SNAP Tells State Officials

Corbett Administration Announces Healthy PA MCOs

While the federal government has not yet announced whether it will approve the Corbett administration’s “Healthy Pennsylvania” Medicaid expansion plan, the administration continues to plan in anticipation of the proposal’s approval.
In May, the administration published a Request for Applications (RFA) from managed care organization interested in serving the state’s Medicaid expansion population through a private, market-driven approach to Medicaid expansion.
Now, the administration has announced that it has approved nine insurers as potential participants and will begin negotiating with those insurers.
Learn more about this latest action, including the criteria for qualifying to participate and a list of the selected insurers in the nine regions the state has established for Healthy Pennsylvania Medicaid expansion, in this news release from the governor’s office.

2014-06-24T06:00:44+00:00June 24th, 2014|Affordable Care Act, Healthy PA, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Corbett Administration Announces Healthy PA MCOs

SNAP Speaks Out on PA Budget Issues

In a series of three new position papers, the Safety-Net Association has laid out the case for why Pennsylvania needs to fund its Medicaid program adequately in the state’s upcoming 2015 fiscal year.
The first paper, “Pennsylvania Safety-Net Hospitals:  Economic Engines Driving Pennsylvania Communities,” documents the degree to which safety-net hospitals not only provide significant numbers of jobs but also offer higher wages than other hospitals and other Pennsylvania employers.
Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania logoThe second paper, “The Importance of Preserving Uncompensated Care Payments,” notes that Pennsylvania’s safety-net hospitals, just 25 percent of the state’s acute-care hospitals, provide nearly 50 percent of the $1 billion worth of uncompensated care hospitals in the state provide every year.  The state helps underwrite some of those costs through Tobacco Uncompensated Care fund payments – proceeds of the national tobacco settlement of 1998 – but that funding is now in jeopardy.
And the third paper, “The Need for Stable and Predictable Funding Amid Increasing Challenges,” outlines the enormous and at times conflicting pressures that government and others are exerting on hospitals and explains that while safety-net hospitals look forward to these challenges, they need stable and predictable Medicaid funding to help them rise to the occasion.
SNAP issues these papers as lawmakers in Pennsylvania struggle with an FY 2014 revenue shortfall of more than $500 million and an anticipated shortfall of another $880 million in the coming 2015 fiscal year.
See SNAP’s three new position papers here.

2014-06-20T06:00:20+00:00June 20th, 2014|Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Pennsylvania state budget issues, Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania|Comments Off on SNAP Speaks Out on PA Budget Issues

Late Budget for PA?

Pennsylvania’s constitution calls for the state to adopt a budget for the next fiscal year by June 30, the end of its fiscal year, but it is looking more and more as if the legislature and governor will miss that deadline this year.
Although budgets typically come easily when the same party controls the governor’s mansion and both chambers of the General Assembly, the state’s revenue shortfall, a structural deficit that will carry over into next year, and the introduction of additional issues into the budget process appear to be slowing progress toward adopting a spending plan for the state’s 2015 fiscal year.
To reinforce the notion that June 30 may come and go without a budget adopted, state Senate majority leader Dominic Pileggi recently told members of his Republican caucus to put their fourth of July celebration plans on hold because their work for the legislative season may not be done.
At stake for Pennsylvania’s safety-net hospitals is funding for the state’s Medicaid program.  The budget includes numerous items that may prove tempting for officials to prune in search of money to close the current revenue shortfall.  Most tempting may be millions in Tobacco Uncompensated Care Fund revenue frozen by the Corbett administration last year in response to an arbitrator’s decision to reduce the state’s proceeds from the national tobacco settlement.
Tobacco Uncompensated Care funds help underwrite some of the $1 billion in charity care Pennsylvania’s hospitals provide annually – more than 40 percent of it provided by the 25 percent of acute-care hospitals in the state that are safety-net hospitals.  The Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania (SNAP) is conveying its concern about the possibility of reducing this funding to legislators.
Learn more about the potential delay in adopting a state budget in this PA Politics report and this York Dispatch article.

Thousands in PA Await Word on Medicaid Eligibility

More than 60,000 Pennsylvanians are waiting to hear from the state about their application for Medicaid benefits.
The 60,000 are among more than 1.7 million people nation-wide who have applied for Medicaid are still waiting for a decision on their eligibility – some for as long as eight months.
More than half of those still waiting are in California while some live in states that, like Pennsylvania, have not expanded their Medicaid programs.
Health Benefits Claim FormThe delays have been attributed to problems transferring data received on the federal health insurance exchange to state governments, state programs overwhelmed with volume, technical problems in the states, and other reasons.
Many of those who still await word on their application for Medicaid benefits undoubtedly live in communities served by the state’s private safety-net hospitals.
Learn more about this problem, what is being done about it, and how it affects access to care in this Kaiser Health News article.

2014-06-10T06:00:52+00:00June 10th, 2014|Affordable Care Act, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Thousands in PA Await Word on Medicaid Eligibility

Uncompensated Care Down in Medicaid Expansion States

Hospitals in states that chose to take advantage of the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion option are providing less charity care than hospitals in states that have not expanded their Medicaid programs.
So reports the Colorado Hospital Association after its survey of 465 hospitals in 30 states.
According to the survey, hospitals’ proportion of Medicaid patients increased in states that expanded their Medicaid programs and did not increase in states that did not expand their Medicaid program and uncompensated care fell in states that expanded their Medicaid programs but did not in other states.
Addressing the extent of these changes, the survey found that

The changes seen here are not only distinct, but also substantial. The Medicaid proportion of total charges increased over three percentage points to 18.8 percent in 2014 from 15.3 percent in 2013, representing a 29 percent growth in the volume of Medicaid charges. When compared to the first quarter of 2013, there was a 30 percent drop in average charity care per hospital across expansion states, to $1.9 million from $2.8 million. Similarly, total self-pay charges declined 25 percent in expansion states, bringing its proportion of total charges down to 3.1 percent from 4.7 percent. In contrast, the proportion of Medicare volume shows little variation through first quarter 2014.

Pennsylvania has not yet expanded its Medicaid program but is currently negotiating the terms of doing so with the federal government.
Find the complete Colorado Hospital Association report here.

2014-06-06T06:00:25+00:00June 6th, 2014|Affordable Care Act, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Uncompensated Care Down in Medicaid Expansion States

Feds Question PA’s MCO Gross Receipts Tax

The federal government is questioning Pennsylvania’s use of proceeds from its tax on Medicaid managed care organizations to draw down federal Medicaid matching funds.
Federal law permits some use of revenue from health care-related taxes to help finance the state’s share of Medicaid spending, but such taxes must be “broad-based” and a 2009 change in the law narrowed the definition of what constitutes a broad-based tax.
According to an audit performed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the Inspector General, Pennsylvania’s current tax on HealthChoices managed care organizations (MCOs)

…is impermissible because it is not broad based (the Gross Receipts Tax does not apply to all MCOs) and because it holds the Medicaid MCOs harmless as taxpayers…

According to the inspector general’s report, the state collected $1.76 billion in gross receipts tax revenue from its Medicaid MCOs between FY 2009 and 2011 and drew down federal Medicaid funds to match that revenue.
State officials disagree with the inspector general’s findings and have submitted their opposing arguments to the federal government.
The loss of gross receipts tax revenue would leave an enormous hole in the state’s financing of its share of Medicaid spending and could pose a considerable challenge for the state’s private safety-net hospitals because they serve so many Medicaid patients.
Find the inspector general’s report, including its findings and recommendations and the state’s response to them, here on the web site of the Office of the Inspector General.

2014-06-03T06:00:47+00:00June 3rd, 2014|Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Feds Question PA’s MCO Gross Receipts Tax

CMS to Examine How States Set Medicaid Managed Care Rates

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is launching an initiative to explore how states set the rates they pay managed care organizations to serve Medicaid patients.
The initiative consists of two parts:  first, CMS is examining the adequacy of the process states employ to set their rates – a process that affects the adequacy of the rates themselves; and second, it is drafting updated Medicaid managed care regulations.
Because Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals serve so many Medicaid patients, this effort could have a future impact on the payments they receive for serving these patients.
Learn more about this new undertaking in this Kaiser Health News report.

2014-05-29T06:00:25+00:00May 29th, 2014|Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on CMS to Examine How States Set Medicaid Managed Care Rates

No Observation Rate Yet for PA Medicaid

The Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare has published a notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin continuing its current payment methodology under the state’s Medicaid program but noting that it still has not developed an observation rate for the program.
Last year the state indicated that it wanted to establish such an observation rate, but it has not yet done so.  The new notice states that

The Department also announced its intent to establish an observation rate for hospital cases for which an inpatient admission is not medically necessary, but medical observation of a patient is required. The Department received multiple public comments concerning an intended observation rate. At this time, the Department plans to develop a payment policy and rates for observation services and will provide an opportunity for public comment in a future notice of intent.

At the time the state expressed an interest in developing an observation rate, the Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania wrote to the Department of Public Welfare expressing support for the concept.  Read SNAP’s letter here.
Find the entire Pennsylvania Bulletin notice here.

2014-05-19T06:00:51+00:00May 19th, 2014|Pennsylvania Bulletin, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on No Observation Rate Yet for PA Medicaid
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