COVID-19 Update: March 20, 2020
The following is a summary of the major COVID-19-related developments in Pennsylvania today as of 5:30 p.m. on March 20, 2020.
Pennsylvania Administration
Since yesterday, the Department of Human Services has issued the following four new guidance documents:
- Billing Guidance for Alternative Screening Sites Related to COVID-19
- Virtual Drop Ins Mental Health
- Revised Due Dates for Case Mix Index (CMI) Reporting, Cost Report Submissions, and Nursing Facility Assessment Payment Plan Requests
- Interim Guidance on Visitation in Nursing Facilities During COVID-19
We notified you last night that the governor issued an order to close all “non-life-sustaining businesses.” Below please find two resources for additional information.
- Any business that would like to seek a waiver to the mandate to close can send a request to this email address:
- In addition, questions about whether or not your specific business needs to close can be directed to:
At the Secretary of Health’s daily update she noted that the number of diagnosed COVID-19 cases in the state doubled in the past two days.
CMS approved Washington state’s 1135 waiver request. The approval letter can be found here.
In addition, CMS released two telehealth toolkits: one for general practitioners that is available here and another for end-stage renal disease providers available here.
Congress is preparing a combination bill to both combat the spread of the coronavirus and also provide economic stimulus to counteract the negative effects of the state of emergency. As Congress deliberates, SNAP weighed in today with Pennsylvania’s congressional delegation, asking for immediate financial support for hospitals, the elimination of the Affordable Care Act Medicaid DSH cuts, and a moratorium on new regulatory requirements on hospitals. Find a summary of the bill here and SNAP’s letter to the delegation here.
Resources to Consult
Pennsylvania Department of Human Services
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Pennsylvania Emergency Preparedness Guide
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Please let us know if you have any questions or need additional information or resources.