Wolf Administration Proposes New Human Services Initiatives for FY 2021

New human services efforts to support vulnerable populations are a major part of Governor Tom Wolf’s proposed $36.06 billion FY 2021 budget for Pennsylvania.

The proposed budget, presented to the state legislature earlier this week, includes the following new initiatives:

  • creating pathways to success in the workforce for low-income Pennsylvanians
  • increasing the minimum wage to $15
  • increasing Department of Human Services staffing to support licensing and oversight
  • supporting adults in long-term-care facilities
  • legal services for vulnerable populations
  • direct care worker comprehensive training
  • commitment to performance-based metrics, accountability, and transparency in services and licensing
  • supporting vulnerable populations through home- and community-based services and reducing waiting lists
  • prevention services to support at-risk families
  • improving food security while supporting agriculture

Go here to see DHS’s presentation of these initiatives.

In addition, the Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania has prepared a detailed memo describing the proposed FY 2021 budget’s implications for Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals and the state’s Medicaid program.  For a copy of this memo, use the “contact us” link in the upper right-hand corner of this page.

MA Bulletin Presents New PDL

Pennsylvania’s new Medicaid preferred drug list is presented in an October 10, 2019 state Medical Assistance Bulletin.

Bookshelf with law booksThe Department of Human Services bulletin outlines the purpose of the new PDL, provides background information, and describes how the PDL was developed and will work.  In addition, it lists the past Medical Assistance Bulletins rendered obsolete by the new bulletin and describes the prior authorization procedures that will be employed when the new program takes effect on January 1, 2020.

Finally, the bulletin includes a comprehensive list of the prescription drugs on the new PDL.

See the October 10 PDL Medical Assistance Bulletin here.

PA Health Law Project Newsletter

The Pennsylvania Health Law Project has published its September 2019 newsletter.

Included in this month’s edition are articles about:

  • changes in federal “public charge” regulations and their implications for immigrants who are currently enrolled in Medicaid or considering applying to participate in the program;
  • the right of participants in programs sponsored by the state’s Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs to continue receiving services while they appeal denials of services or reductions of services;
  • changes in the application process for state-paid home and community-based services; and
  • the continued implementation of the Community HealthChoices program of managed long-term services and supports for low-income seniors.

Go here for articles about these and other subjects.

2019-10-10T06:00:31+00:00October 10th, 2019|Pennsylvania Medicaid, Pennsylvania Medicaid laws and regulations, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on PA Health Law Project Newsletter

PA Senate to Take Up Medicaid Work Requirement

Undeterred by past defeats, members of PA’s state senate are again attempting to advance Medicaid work requirement legislation.

This time, the proposal to impose a Medicaid work requirement will add new flexibility to such a requirement, offering exemptions for individuals deemed “medically frail” and enabling individuals who do volunteer work, attend college, or who are actively looking for work to continue qualifying for Medicaid benefits.

Harrisburg, PA capital buildingThe proposal will be considered by the Senate Health and Human Services Committee.

The legislature has passed two Medicaid work requirement bills in the past but Governor Tom Wolf has vetoed them.

Learn more about this latest effort to establish a Medicaid work requirement in Pennsylvania in the PA Post article “Wolf, Republicans resume tug-of-war over Medicaid work requirements.”


2019-09-17T06:00:13+00:00September 17th, 2019|Pennsylvania Medicaid, Pennsylvania Medicaid laws and regulations|Comments Off on PA Senate to Take Up Medicaid Work Requirement

New Medical Assistance Bulletin Addresses Hospital Uncompensated Care

The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services has issued a new Medical Assistance Bulletin titled “Hospital Responsibilities Related to the Uncompensated Care Program and Charity Care Plans.”
According to the document,

The purpose of this Medical Assistance (MA) Bulletin is to remind hospitals of the requirements for the Hospital Uncompensated Care Program (Program) and reinforce the responsibility of hospitals to actively engage patients when determining eligibility for the Program.

See the entire Bulletin here.

2018-01-08T06:00:47+00:00January 8th, 2018|Pennsylvania Bulletin, Pennsylvania Medicaid laws and regulations, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Pennsylvania Medical Assistance|Comments Off on New Medical Assistance Bulletin Addresses Hospital Uncompensated Care

Wolf Vetoes Medicaid Work Requirement

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf has vetoed a bill that included a requirement that certain Medicaid recipients either work or search for work.

 Learn more about the governor’s veto, and his reason for doing so, in this Associated Press news report.

2017-10-23T10:00:53+00:00October 23rd, 2017|Pennsylvania Medicaid, Pennsylvania Medicaid laws and regulations, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Wolf Vetoes Medicaid Work Requirement

Pennsylvania Health Law Project Newsletter

The Pennsylvania Health Law Project has published its May newsletter.

 Included in this edition are articles on new criteria for Medicaid coverage of high-cost hepatitis C drugs and the release of a draft of the state’s proposed Medicaid quality strategy; an update on Community HealthChoices, Pennsylvania’s new program of Medicaid managed long-term services and supports; an overview of Medicaid-covered behavioral health services; a summary of recent federal proposals with implications for the state’s Medicaid program; and a report on the nomination of Teresa Miller to lead the new Department of Health and Human Services that Governor Wolf has proposed establishing.

 Find the newsletter here.

2017-06-02T06:00:28+00:00June 2nd, 2017|Pennsylvania Medicaid, Pennsylvania Medicaid laws and regulations, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Pennsylvania Health Law Project Newsletter

Pennsylvania Health Law Project Newsletter

The Pennsylvania Health Law Project has published its February 2017 newsletter.
Included in this edition are stories about:

  • the potential implications of turning Medicaid into a block grant program
  • the governor’s proposed FY 2018 budget
  • a new federal requirement that hospitals must inform Medicare patients if they are designated as hospitalized under “observation status”
  • counseling services available through PA LINKs

Find the latest edition of PA Health Law News here.

2017-03-02T12:21:18+00:00March 2nd, 2017|Pennsylvania Medicaid laws and regulations, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Pennsylvania proposed FY 2018 budget|Comments Off on Pennsylvania Health Law Project Newsletter

Pennsylvania Health Law Project Newsletter

The Pennsylvania Health Law Project has published its October 2016 newsletter.
phlpIncluded in this edition are stories about problems older adults are encountering when they seek to enroll in the state’s Aging Waiver program; an update on the implementation of Community HealthChoices, the new state program of managed long-term services and supports for qualified seniors; upcoming Medicare changes and enrollment and application deadlines; coverage of diabetes testing supplies for dual eligibles; new state guidelines addressing access to treatment for mental health conditions and substance abuse disorders; and more.
Go here for the latest edition of PA Health Law News.

2016-11-03T06:00:54+00:00November 3rd, 2016|Pennsylvania Medicaid laws and regulations, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Pennsylvania Health Law Project Newsletter

Federal Medicaid Per Capita Spending Limits?

As they have in the past, some members of Congress have suggested of late that Medicaid might benefit from being transformed into a program with limited spending per capita: that is, such an approach would limit the amount of money the federal government would provide to states on a per capita basis.
Such an approach would almost certainly have serious implications for Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals.
What issues would need to be addressed to develop such an approach? What data would be needed?
gaoEarlier this year the chairmen of the Senate Finance Committee and the House Energy and Commerce Committee asked the U.S. Government Accountability Office to answer these and other questions. Now, the GAO has published its answers in a new report titled Key Policy and Data Considerations for Designing a Per Capita Cap on Federal Funding. Find that report here.

2016-09-16T06:00:12+00:00September 16th, 2016|Pennsylvania Medicaid laws and regulations, Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals|Comments Off on Federal Medicaid Per Capita Spending Limits?
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