Budget Brings Good News for PA Safety-Net Hospitals

The new state budget passed in Harrisburg last weekend restored cuts to key payments to Pennsylvania’s safety-net hospitals.
Harrisburg, PA capital buildingAlthough the budget proposed by Governor Corbett in February called for a four percent cut in fee-for-service hospital base rate payments, that cut was restored – as were mid-year cuts to OB/NICU, burn center, and trauma center payments, which were restored to their FY 2012 enacted levels.
In addition, the budget increased payments to critical access hospitals and restored payments to academic medical centers and physician practice plans.
The budget also restored funding for separate fee-for-service payments for normal newborn care, thereby rescinding at least for FY 2013 an expedited regulation promulgated by the Department of Public Welfare that would have eliminated payments for such services.
For further information about Pennsylvania’s FY 2013 Medical Assistance budget and its implications for Pennsylvania’s safety-net hospitals, please contact Michael Chirieleison, SNAP’s president, at 717-234-6970 or

2012-07-02T16:24:34+00:00July 2nd, 2012|Medicaid supplemental payments, Pennsylvania Medicaid laws and regulations, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Pennsylvania state budget issues|Comments Off on Budget Brings Good News for PA Safety-Net Hospitals

Court Affirms Reform Law, Changes Medicaid Provision

The Supreme Court has upheld the constitutionality of the 2009 Affordable Care Act – including the much-disputed mandate that everyone obtain health insurance.
The court’s only disagreement with the reform law was with its provision requiring states to expand Medicaid eligibility as a future condition of obtaining federal Medicaid matching funds.  The court ruled that expanding Medicaid eligibility should be optional and that states that choose not to expand their Medicaid programs would still receive the federal matching funds to which they have always been entitled.
In the wake of this decision, SNAP is very concerned about the interplay between the loss of the mandated Medicaid expansion and the Affordable Care Act’s requirement that Medicare DSH and Medicaid DSH payments be cut significantly in the coming years.  Those cuts were predicated on the Medicaid expansion adding as many as 20 million people to the ranks of the insured, which was expected to provide additional revenue to hospitals that would help offset a reduction in their Medicare DSH and Medicaid DSH revenue.
For now, all eyes will be on Pennsylvania state officials as they decide what to do in light of the greatly enhanced federal matching funds still available for states that choose to expand Medicaid eligibility.

2012-06-28T15:19:30+00:00June 28th, 2012|Health care reform, Medicaid supplemental payments, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Court Affirms Reform Law, Changes Medicaid Provision

Safety-Net Hospitals Await Medicaid DSH Cuts

Across Pennsylvania, safety-net hospitals are bracing for major cuts in their Medicaid disproportionate share (DSH) payments starting in FY 2014, when a provision of the Affordable Care Act requiring such cuts takes effect.
Under the Affordable Care Act, the number of uninsured patients hospitals treat is expected to decline as health insurance becomes more affordable and accessible, theoretically reducing hospitals’ need for Medicaid DSH revenue.  Under the reform law, federal spending on Medicaid DSH will be slashed $18 billion over six years.
Historically, Medicaid DSH has been viewed as a program to help hospitals that treat especially large numbers of uninsured and Medicaid patients.  The cut will be implemented, however, before it is clear how many currently uninsured people will purchase health insurance – and at a time when the number of Medicaid patients safety-net hospitals serve is expected to rise significantly, not fall, when the Affordable Care Act’s new criteria for Medicaid eligibility take effect.
The scheduled cut in Medicaid DSH payments is of particular concern to the Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania (SNAP) and Pennsylvania’s private safety-net hospitals.
Read more about the anticipated reduction of Medicaid DSH payments and its implications for safety-net hospitals in this CQ report presented by the Commonwealth Fund.

2012-06-13T06:00:48+00:00June 13th, 2012|Health care reform, Medicaid supplemental payments, Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania|Comments Off on Safety-Net Hospitals Await Medicaid DSH Cuts
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