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Some States Face Double Loss: No Medicaid Expansion Plus DSH Cut

When passed in 2010, the Affordable Care Act called for significant cuts in future Medicare disproportionate share hospital payments (Medicare DSH) based on the expectation that hospitals would have far fewer of the uninsured patients such payments helped subsidize.  They would have fewer uninsured patients because of the reform law’s Medicaid expansion provisions and enhanced access to affordable health insurance.
But then the Supreme Court made Medicaid expansion optional instead of mandatory for states.
Today, 25 states have chosen either not to expand their Medicaid programs or have not decided what to do, but their hospitals still face the prospect of a future loss of Medicare DSH revenue without the full expected decline in the number of uninsured patients they serve.
Doctor giving patient an ultrasoundPennsylvania is one of those states that has not yet expanded its Medicaid program, although state officials are currently negotiating a possible expansion with the federal government; the Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania (SNAP) supports such an expansion.  In the meantime, the state’s safety-net hospitals continue to face the prospect of a future loss of Medicare DSH revenue.
The loss of such revenue would threaten any provider, but safety-net hospitals appear to be especially at risk, as the New York Times reports in the article “Cuts in Hospital Subsidies Threaten Safety-Net Care.”  Learn about the challenges some hospitals and their low-income patients face as they await the loss of some Medicare DSH revenue without the expected increase in Medicaid patients in this Times article.

2013-11-15T06:00:52+00:00November 15th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Some States Face Double Loss: No Medicaid Expansion Plus DSH Cut

PA Facing Loss of Federal Medicaid Funds

Pennsylvania stands to lose $325 million in federal Medicaid matching funds next year.
The reduction comes as a result of a decline in the state’s federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) of 1.7 percentage points that takes effect as of October 1, 2014.
Pennsylvania State KeystoneDepartment of Public Welfare Secretary Beverly Mackereth is asking federal officials to review their calculation of the state’s matching rate.
Read about the anticipated loss of federal Medicaid funds and how it might affect recipient benefits and provider payments in this Philadelphia Inquirer article.

2013-11-14T06:00:15+00:00November 14th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on PA Facing Loss of Federal Medicaid Funds

ACA Drives Rise in Medicaid Enrollment

While some aspects of implementation of the Affordable Care Act continue to struggle with technical problems, one aspect is moving ahead effectively:  enrollment in Medicaid is on the rise.
More than 400,000 newly eligible people in just ten states have enrolled in Medicaid since October 1.  The ten states are among the 25 that have decided to expand their Medicaid programs in accordance with provisions of the federal health care reform law.  Other states either have chosen not to expand their programs or are still undecided about expansion.
Pennsylvania is one of the states that has not expanded its Medicaid program but state officials are currently negotiating a possible expansion with the federal government.  The Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania supports such an expansion.
The Congressional Budget Office projects that nine million people will join the Medicaid ranks through Affordable Care Act expansion provisions in the coming year.
For more about the increase in Medicaid enrollment and how it is being accomplished despite some of the reform law’s early technical problems, see this Washington Post article.

2013-11-13T06:00:03+00:00November 13th, 2013|Affordable Care Act, Health care reform, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on ACA Drives Rise in Medicaid Enrollment

CMS Offers Guidance on Medicare “Two-Midnight Rule”

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has published an FAQ to give providers guidance on the application of its so-called two-midnight rule governing when certain medical situations qualify for patient admission and when they should be classified as Medicare outpatient observation status.  See that FAQ here.

2013-11-07T11:22:05+00:00November 7th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on CMS Offers Guidance on Medicare “Two-Midnight Rule”

PA Ambulatory Surgery Centers Grow in Numbers, Profitability

The number of ambulatory surgery centers in Pennsylvania grew in FY 2012, and along with that growth in numbers came a growth in profitability.
According to a new report by the Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council (PHC4), providers added 10 new facilities in FY 2012, raising the number to 281, and the average operating margin of the facilities rose from 24.94 percent to 25.83 percent.
For the latest data on ambulatory surgery centers in Pennsylvania, where they are, who they serve, how many procedures they perform, and who is paying for those procedures, find a PHC4 news release and the agency’s latest report here.

2013-11-04T06:00:00+00:00November 4th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on PA Ambulatory Surgery Centers Grow in Numbers, Profitability

Psych Bed Shortage Taxing Hospital ERs

The lack of psychiatric beds in Pennsylvania has contributed to a rise in the number of behavioral health patients turning to hospital emergency rooms for care.
Or so says the Pennsylvania Medical Society.
Hospital buildingPatients with nowhere else to turn often visit hospital ERs in search of help.
In response, the medical society hopes to create a tracking system to identify behavioral health and detoxification beds.
Learn more about this problem and physicians’ proposed response to it in this Central Penn Business Journal article.

2013-11-01T06:00:53+00:00November 1st, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Psych Bed Shortage Taxing Hospital ERs

SNAP Asks PA Delegation to Protect Safety-Net Hospitals in Budget Talks

As the congressional budget conference committee begins its work, SNAP has asked members of Pennsylvania’s congressional delegation to urge their colleagues serving on the committee to protect the state’s safety-net hospitals from any further Medicare and Medicaid cuts.
Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania logoIn the message, SNAP notes the significant Medicare and Medicaid cuts the state’s safety-net hospitals have already suffered and warns that further cuts could jeopardize access to care in communities across the commonwealth.
Read SNAP’s message to the Pennsylvania congressional delegation here, on the SNAP web site.

2013-10-30T06:00:36+00:00October 30th, 2013|Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania, Uncategorized|Comments Off on SNAP Asks PA Delegation to Protect Safety-Net Hospitals in Budget Talks

A Look at the Corbett Medicaid Proposal

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett’s “Healthy Pennsylvania” proposal calls for an expansion of the state’s Medicaid program as envisioned when the Affordable Care Act was passed three years ago.
Or does it?
Is it Medicaid expansion or is it something entirely different?  In the article “Pennsylvania Governor Talks Up Plan To Expand Medicaid His Way,” Kaiser Health News takes a look at how elected officials, advocates, and others are viewing the recent Healthy Pennsylvania proposal.  Find the article here.

2013-10-29T06:00:07+00:00October 29th, 2013|Affordable Care Act, Healthy PA, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on A Look at the Corbett Medicaid Proposal

Hospitals Complain About Low Medicaid Payments

Even as Pennsylvania considers a new approach to serving some Medicaid patients, hospitals are complaining about the inadequacy of the state’s Medicaid payments for outpatient services.
Health Benefits Claim FormThose payments, hospitals note, sometimes amount to only 30-40 percent of the cost of some outpatient services.
While Medicaid inpatient fees have been raised on several occasions over the years, outpatient fees have been the same for more than two decades.
Read more about the challenges Pennsylvania hospitals face in getting adequate reimbursement for Medicaid outpatient services in this Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article.

2013-10-25T06:00:26+00:00October 25th, 2013|Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Hospitals Complain About Low Medicaid Payments

Latest Edition of Health Law PA News

The Pennsylvania Health Law Project has released its latest edition of its Health Law PA News newsletter.
The September 2013 edition includes articles about the launch of the federal health insurance marketplace, the new Medicaid eligibility rules that took effect on October 1, Governor Corbett’s proposed Medicaid expansion, and more.
Find the latest Health Law PA News here.

2013-10-23T06:00:09+00:00October 23rd, 2013|Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Latest Edition of Health Law PA News
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