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MACPAC Submits Annual Report to Congress

The non-partisan agency that advises Congress on Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program issues has submitted its annual report to Congress.
In that report, the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission offers an overview of historical federal spending on Medicaid, noting that Medicaid spending per beneficiary is growing slower than health care spending covered by Medicare and private insurance.
The MACPAC report also examines different approaches to Medicaid financing, including block grants, capped allotments, per capita limits, and more, reviewing the impact changes in Medicaid financing could have on care, state financing, providers, and state decision-making authority.
macpacIn addition, MACPAC looks at the more than 100 different tools used at the state level to assess the functional capabilities of individuals who may be eligible for Medicaid-funded long-term services and supports.
For a closer look at what MACPAC had to say about these and other Medicaid- and CHIP-related issues, go here for a news release accompanying its annual report and a link to that report.

2016-06-24T06:00:11+00:00June 24th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on MACPAC Submits Annual Report to Congress

Medicare Notification of Observation Care Requirement Set

Beginning on August 6, hospitals will be required to notify patients if they are under observation care and have not formally been admitted to the hospital.
The new policy, required by last year’s Notice of Observation Treatment and Implication for Care Eligibility Act, requires hospitals to provide a written notice to patients “in plain language” explaining that they have not been admitted to the hospital and how that might affect what they owe the hospital for the care they receive and their eligibility for follow-up services. Hospitals will be required to provide this information no more than 36 hours after the observation care has begun.
Hospital buildingMore than two million Medicare patients were hospitalized under observation status in 2014.
Learn more about the new policy, what it means, and some of the challenges it may pose in this Kaiser Health News article.

2016-06-23T06:00:08+00:00June 23rd, 2016|Medicare|Comments Off on Medicare Notification of Observation Care Requirement Set

SNAP Asks Legislature for Help With State Budget

The Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania has asked Pennsylvania’s General Assembly to restore all funding for Medicaid ob/nicu, burn center, and critical access hospital payments and not to increase current hospital assessments in Pennsylvania’s FY 2017 budget.
Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania logoIn SNAP’s view, maintaining vital Medicaid funding is critical to ensuring that hospitals in general, and safety-net hospitals in particular, can deliver quality health care services to the state’s growing Medicaid population while also investing in innovative ways to improve the quality and efficiency of health care for all Pennsylvanians.
See SNAP’s FY 2017 budget advocacy document here.

2016-06-22T06:00:53+00:00June 22nd, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on SNAP Asks Legislature for Help With State Budget

Medicaid Expansion Producing Benefits for Safety-Net Providers

Seeing fewer uninsured patients, safety-net hospitals in states that have expanded their Medicaid programs as provided for under the Affordable Care Act are finding themselves able to use money previously caring for the uninsured for things like more and better primary and behavioral health services, more staff, new or improved health centers and clinics, and better equipment.
HospitalThis conclusion is drawn in a new study from the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute based on interviews with leaders of eleven hospital systems and federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) in seven states: four that expanded their Medicaid programs and three that did not.
While Pennsylvania was not one of the states included in the study, it is one of more than 30 states that has expanded its Medicaid program.
To learn more about what the study revealed, go here to read Beyond the Reduction in Uncompensated Care: Medicaid Expansion is Having a Positive Impact on Safety Hospitals and Clinics.

2016-06-21T06:00:03+00:00June 21st, 2016|Affordable Care Act, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals|Comments Off on Medicaid Expansion Producing Benefits for Safety-Net Providers

SNAP Comments on Proposed Medicaid Observation Care Payment

The Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania has written to the state’s Department of Human Services about DHS’s proposal to establish a payment policy for hospital observation services covered by the state’s Medicaid fee-for-service program.
While SNAP has long supported the concept of a Medicaid fee-for-service rate for observation services and welcomes DHS’s decision to create such a rate and associated policies, it expressed a number of concerns about DHS’s proposal, including about:

  • Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania logothe proposed observation rate
  • the classification of observation care as an outpatient service
  • the manner in which the state proposes financing observation care
  • program integrity issues

To learn more about SNAP’s concerns, see its entire comment letter to DHS here, on the SNAP web site.

2016-06-20T06:00:37+00:00June 20th, 2016|Pennsylvania Medicaid, Pennsylvania Medicaid laws and regulations, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on SNAP Comments on Proposed Medicaid Observation Care Payment

Examining Medicare’s Skilled Nursing Facility Three-Day Inpatient Stay Requirement

The Congressional Research Service has prepared a new report that takes a look at the requirement that Medicare patients spend three days as hospital inpatients before Medicare will pay for post-discharge skilled nursing care.
Congressional_Research_Service.svgThe report reviews the current requirements for Medicare coverage of skilled nursing care, describes the role of hospital outpatient observation care in clouding the question of whether individual patients have spent three days in the hospital, and examines proposals for changing the three-day requirement. It also addresses the need for greater transparency in hospital decisions to classify patients as under observation status rather as inpatients, the need to educate patients about the impact of such classification decisions, and the potential impact of changing the current policy.
Go here to see the CRS report Medicare’s Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Three-Day Inpatient Stay Requirement.

2016-06-17T06:00:14+00:00June 17th, 2016|Medicare|Comments Off on Examining Medicare’s Skilled Nursing Facility Three-Day Inpatient Stay Requirement

Pennsylvania Health Law Project Releases Monthly Newsletter

The Pennsylvania Health Law Project has published the May 2016 edition of Health Law News, its monthly newsletter.
phlpIncluded in this edition are articles about a new federal managed care regulation and federal policy governing balance billing of dual-eligible (Medicare- and Medicaid-covered) individuals. The newsletter also takes a look at Pennsylvania one year after the state expanded its Medicaid program and offers an update on Community HealthChoices, the new program of managed long-term services and supports the state intends to implement.
Find the latest edition of Health Law News here.

2016-06-16T06:00:37+00:00June 16th, 2016|Pennsylvania Medicaid laws and regulations, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Pennsylvania Health Law Project Releases Monthly Newsletter

New MLTSS Program Delayed Six Months

The launch of Community HealthChoices, Pennsylvania’s new approach to the delivery of managed long-term services and supports for seniors eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid, will be delayed six months.
community healthchoicesThe program was scheduled to begin in southwestern Pennsylvania on January 1, 2017 but state officials recently announced that they have pushed back the start date to July 1, 2017.
In a message to interested parties, state officials wrote that

The decision to extend our start date builds on this approach and allows more time for the 420,000 Pennsylvanians who will ultimately benefit from CHC to understand the program adjustments that will occur, including how access to and receipt of home- and community-based services will be improved. We will continue to work with all stakeholders, such as the Area Agencies on Aging and Centers for Independent Living, on a robust CHC education and outreach effort to ensure that we reach as many consumers and caregivers as possible.

The time-frame for implementation in other parts of the state remains unchanged.
To learn more about what Community HealthChoices is and why its launch has been delayed, see this Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article.

2016-06-15T06:00:05+00:00June 15th, 2016|Pennsylvania Medicaid, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on New MLTSS Program Delayed Six Months

Hepatitis C Treatment Challenges PA’s Medicaid Program

The cost of treating Medicaid patients who suffer from hepatitis C is posing a challenge to Pennsylvania’s Medicaid program.
As new, more expensive, but more effective hepatitis C drugs reach the market, the state’s costs for treating Medicaid patients with the disease have doubled since 2013.
Meanwhile, the state continues to consider at what point in the progression of their hepatitis C Medicaid patients should be offered the most expensive drugs.
Prescription Medication Spilling From an Open Medicine BottleCurrent guidelines are evolving both in the state and nationally, with medical authorities and federal regulators weighing in with their views. Recently, an advisory committee to the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services offered its own recommendations for criteria for prescribing the most expensive drugs.
Learn more about the issue, the cost of treatment, and current Pennsylvania Medicaid policy on when hepatitis C patients must be offered the most expensive drugs and how that policy might be changing in this Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article.

2016-06-14T11:23:40+00:00June 14th, 2016|Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Pennsylvania Medical Assistance, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Hepatitis C Treatment Challenges PA’s Medicaid Program

Fewer People Skipping Care for Financial Reasons

Fewer Americans are choosing not to pursue medical care for financial reasons, according to new information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
According to the CDC’s National Health Interview Survey, 4.5 percent of the people surveyed reported not getting medical attention they needed for financial reasons in 2015, down from 6.9 percent in 2009 and 2010.
This suggests that the Affordable Care Act’s changes in providing access to health insurance are making a different in the ability of people to get the care they believe they need.
Happy medical team of doctors togetherPrior to the reform law’s passage, the proportion of people reporting that they chose not to seek care for financial reasons had been rising steadily since 1998.
This is good news for Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals, which often must deal with the medical and financial implications of serving especially large numbers of patients who, for financial reasons, have had limited and sporadic contact with the health care system over the years.
To learn more about the survey’s findings see this CQ HealthBeat report presented by the Commonwealth Fund and go here to see the CDC report Early Release of Selected Estimates Based on Data From the 2015 National Health Interview Survey.

2016-06-06T06:00:03+00:00June 6th, 2016|Affordable Care Act, Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals|Comments Off on Fewer People Skipping Care for Financial Reasons
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