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PA Chosen for Behavioral Health Services Demo

Pennsylvania will be one of eight states to participate in a new federal two-year Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic demonstration program.
samhsaAccording to the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the program is

designed to improve behavioral health services in their communities. This demonstration is part of a comprehensive effort to integrate behavioral health with physical health care, increase consistent use of evidence-based practices, and improve access to high quality care for people with mental and substance use disorders.

A federal spokesperson explained that

The demonstration program will improve access to behavioral health services for Medicaid and CHIP beneficiaries, and will help individuals with mental and substance use disorders obtain the health care they need to maintain their health and well-being.

The program is authorized under Section 223 of the Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014. Last year the federal government awarded 24 states planning grants under the law. Nineteen of those states applied to participate in the program and eight, including Pennsylvania, were ultimately chosen.
As part of its application, Pennsylvania designated ten sites for program implementation:

  • Berks Counseling Center, Berks County
  • Cen Clear Child Services, Clearfield County
  • Cen Clear Punxsy, Jefferson County
  • Community Council Health Systems, Philadelphia County
  • NHS Human Services, Delaware County
  • Northeast Treatment Centers, Philadelphia County
  • Pittsburgh Mercy, Allegheny County
  • Resources for Human Development, Montgomery County
  • Safe Harbor Behavioral Health of UPMC Hamot, Erie County
  • The Guidance Center, McKean County

According to the state, the programs at these sites will:

  • enhance access to behavioral health services for Medicaid and CHIP beneficiaries,
  • help individuals with mental health and substance use disorders obtain the health care they need to maintain their health and well-being,
  • allow individuals to have access to a wide array of services at one location, and
  • remove the barriers that too often exist across physical and behavioral health systems.

Learn more about the demonstration from this news release from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Learn more about Pennsylvania’s plans for its demonstration program from this news release from the state’s Department of Human Services.

2016-12-27T06:00:17+00:00December 27th, 2016|Pennsylvania Medicaid, Uncategorized|Comments Off on PA Chosen for Behavioral Health Services Demo

Feds Launch Medicare-Medicaid ACO Model

The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation has announced a new Medicare-Medicaid Accountable Care Organization Model that it says

…is focused on improving quality of care and reducing costs for Medicare-Medicaid enrollees. The MMACO Model builds on the Medicare Shared Savings Program (Shared Savings Program), in which groups of providers take on accountability for the Medicare costs and quality of care for Medicare patients. Through the Model, CMS will partner with interested states to offer new and existing Shared Savings Program ACOs the opportunity to take on accountability for the Medicaid costs for their assigned Medicare-Medicaid enrollees.

cmsIn this new model, the Innovation Center

… seeks to encourage participation from safety-net providers in Alternative Payment Models. Medicare-Medicaid ACOs that qualify as “Safety-Net ACOs” will be eligible to receive pre-payment of Medicare shared savings to support the ACO’s investment in care coordination infrastructure.

The Innovation Center envisions pursuing such undertakings with six states, which will be chosen on a competitive basis.
Learn more about the Medicare-Medicaid Accountable Care Organization model here, on the Innovation Center’s web site.

2016-12-22T14:27:49+00:00December 22nd, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Feds Launch Medicare-Medicaid ACO Model

Improving Social Conditions May Improve Health

A new study has found that interventions that address patient problems such as difficulty affording food, housing, and medicine may lead to better health for those patients.
jama internal medicineAccording to a new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, when the group Health Leads screened patients for unmet basic needs and helped address those needs, those patients showed significant improvement in blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
While not conclusive – the interventions did not improve blood glucose levels – the study suggests that the kinds of patients served by Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals, who often turn to such hospitals for care with significant socio-economic risk factors, would benefit from a broader array of services than hospitals alone typically provide.
Learn more by going here to view the JAMA Internal Medicine report “Addressing Unmet Basic Resource Needs as Part of Chronic Cardiometabolic Disease Management.”

2016-12-21T06:00:30+00:00December 21st, 2016|Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals|Comments Off on Improving Social Conditions May Improve Health

Uninsured Patients, Provider Taxes Hurt Adequacy of Medicaid Payments

While Medicaid payments now typically cover more than the cost of Medicaid services in many states, they do not cover the costs of caring for low-income patients after providers care for uninsured patients and pay Medicaid provider taxes, a new study has found.
According to a Health Affairs report,

After accounting for supplemental payments, we found that in 2011, disproportionate-share hospitals, on average, received gross Medicaid payments that totaled 108 percent of their costs for treating Medicaid patients but only 89 percent of their costs for Medicaid and uninsured patients combined. However, these payments were reduced by approximately 4–11 percent after we accounted for provider taxes and local government contributions that are used to help finance Medicaid payments.

health affairsBecause they are all disproportionate share hospitals, this is especially a challenge for Pennsylvania’s urban safety-net hospitals.
To learn more, go here to see the Health Affairs analysis “For Disproportionate-Share Hospitals, Taxes And Fees Curtail Medicaid Payments.”

2016-12-20T06:00:49+00:00December 20th, 2016|Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Uninsured Patients, Provider Taxes Hurt Adequacy of Medicaid Payments

Impact of “Repeal and Replace” on PA?

With the president-elect and congressional leaders vowing to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, the question arises about how such actions might affect Pennsylvania.
Health Benefits Claim FormThat includes 680,000 Pennsylvanians who enrolled in the state’s Medicaid program after the reform law allowed for that program’s expansion, more than 400,000 people who signed up for insurance on the federal health insurance exchange, the state’s taxpayers who might be left with the bill for some or all of these costs if the reform law’s financial support were to disappear in the near future, and others.
The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review considers these and other questions and offers answers from some of those closest to the situation. See its story here.

2016-12-19T06:00:38+00:00December 19th, 2016|Affordable Care Act, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Impact of “Repeal and Replace” on PA?

New Approach to Helping Patients With Complex Needs

Five foundations have joined forces to pursue new approaches to serving patients with complex medical needs.
The Commonwealth Fund, the John A. Hartford Foundation, the Peterson Center on Healthcare, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and The SCAN Foundation engaged the Institute for Healthcare Improvement to identify promising ways of better serving patients with complex medical needs. Many such patients, the foundations believe, have adequate access to medical care yet struggle to find the coordination needed between medical, behavioral, and social services to stay well and avoid costly hospitalizations.
the-playbookThe group’s first public product is The Playbook, which it describes as

…a dynamic website that highlights the challenges facing adults with complex health and social needs and provides direction on how to meet those needs through a variety of resources that detail care models, policies, and more.

The Playbook offers a variety of resources to caregivers, such as an intensive outpatient care program toolkit, a quick reference to promising care models, recommendations for tailoring complex care management for high-need, high-cost patients, and more.
Serving patients with complex medical problems can be especially challenging for Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals because they often have so many such patients.
Find The Playbook here.

2016-12-16T06:00:46+00:00December 16th, 2016|Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals|Comments Off on New Approach to Helping Patients With Complex Needs

MedPAC Talks Payments

At public meetings in Washington, D.C. last week, members of the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission discussed the adequacy of current Medicare payments and whether they need updating in the next fiscal year.
new medpacAmong the payment areas MedPAC reviewed were inpatient services, outpatient services, physician and health professional services, ambulatory surgical center services, skilled nursing facilities, home health services, inpatient rehabilitation hospitals, long-term-care facilitiies, outpatient dialysis services, and hospices.
Find the issue briefs and presentations used to guide these discussions here, on MedPAC’s web site.

2016-12-13T06:00:37+00:00December 13th, 2016|Medicare|Comments Off on MedPAC Talks Payments

PA Improves Access to Contraceptives

Citing the challenges and risks associated with unplanned pregnancies that occur within two years of a delivery, Pennsylvania’s Medicaid program is making long-acting contraceptives more readily available to program participants.
Pennsylvania State MapBeginning on December 1, Medicaid will pay for long-acting contraceptives administered after delivery and also will increase payments to doctors who provide those contraceptives. Currently, those costs are generally borne by hospitals in the lump-sum payment Medicaid makes for deliveries.
Learn more about the state’s new policy for encouraging the use of contraceptives among Medicaid beneficiaries who have delivered babies in this Lancaster Online article.

2016-12-09T06:00:58+00:00December 9th, 2016|Pennsylvania Medicaid, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on PA Improves Access to Contraceptives

A Look at Medicaid’s Immediate Future

With a new president taking office in January who vows to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, it is not clear what will happen to Medicaid, which currently covers 73 million Americans.
reform-flagA new paper from the Kaiser Family Foundation looks at some of the major questions that will arise in the coming months, including:

  • How would ACA repeal affect Medicaid?
  • What would changes in the financing structure mean for Medicaid?
  • How could Medicaid be changed through administrative actions?

For this and more, go here to see the Kaiser paper “Key Medicaid Questions Post-Election.”

2016-12-08T09:21:04+00:00December 8th, 2016|Affordable Care Act|Comments Off on A Look at Medicaid’s Immediate Future

Integrating Medicaid Supplemental Payments into Value-Based Purchasing

New health care delivery and reimbursement systems and new federal regulations will result in changes in how states deploy their Medicaid resources through supplemental payments in the coming years.
A new Commonwealth Fund report describes the kinds of supplemental Medicaid payments states currently make to hospitals – such as disproportionate share and upper payment limit payments – and notes the differing degree to which individual states use such supplemental payments.
financeIt also describes how those supplemental payments may be restructured in the coming years to foster greater use of value-based purchasing and to reward achieving state-created quality goals through new delivery and reimbursement systems such as accountable care organizations, bundled payments, shared savings program, capitated arrangements, and shared risk.
Such changes have potentially serious implications for Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals – as SNAP members learned first-hand from state Medicaid director Leesa Allen when she met with them in November in Philadelphia to discuss the commonwealth’s plans for value-based purchasing and changes in Medicaid reimbursement.
Learn more about what the future may have in store for Medicaid supplemental payments in the Commonwealth Fund report Integrating Medicaid Supplemental Payments into Value-Based Purchasing.

2016-12-07T06:00:49+00:00December 7th, 2016|Medicaid supplemental payments, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Integrating Medicaid Supplemental Payments into Value-Based Purchasing
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