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So far PA Safety Net Admin has created 1182 blog entries.

340B Déjà Vu: CMS Seeks to Collect Data From Hospitals

For the second time in four months, the federal government has announced its intention to collect data from hospitals and other providers on what they pay for the prescription drugs they purchase through the section 340B prescription drug discount program.

Last week the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services published a notice announcing its intention to collect this data.  Previously, health care interests sued CMS when it attempted in 2018 to reduce payments to providers for drugs purchased through the 340B program and the court ruled against CMS, maintaining that the agency did not have enough data on hospitals’ acquisition costs for the drugs to justify the proposed payment reduction.  The newly announced data collection effort seeks to rectify that shortcoming as the court considers CMS’s appeal of a similar decision in a lawsuit filed after CMS again proposed reducing 340B payments and was again rebuffed by the courts in 2019.

Under federal law, CMS must publish a notice declaring its intention to collect such data and seek input from stakeholders.  For this particular notice, stakeholders have until March 9 to respond.

CMS published a similar notice in September of 2019 announcing its intention to collect similar data.  That data collection never took place.

Most Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals participate in the 340B program and consider it a vital tool in serving the many low-income residents of the communities in which they are located.

To learn more about CMS’s 340B data collection effort, see the notice it published in the Federal Register and read the Becker’s Hospital Review article “CMS ready to survey 340B hospitals about drug acquisition costs.”

2020-02-13T06:00:33+00:00February 13th, 2020|340b, Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals|Comments Off on 340B Déjà Vu: CMS Seeks to Collect Data From Hospitals

Verma Responds to Medicaid Block Grant Critics

Last week the Trump administration unveiled its Healthy Adult Opportunity program, a new, optional, already-controversial approach to structuring state Medicaid programs.

Ever since, the program – essentially, Medicaid block grants – has been the subject of criticism from many public officials and health care stakeholders.

Now, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services administrator Seema Verma, who oversaw the development of Healthy Adult Opportunity, has responded to the program’s critics in an op-ed piece published in the Washington Post.  See her commentary “No, the Trump administration is not cutting Medicaid.

2020-02-12T06:00:12+00:00February 12th, 2020|Federal Medicaid issues|Comments Off on Verma Responds to Medicaid Block Grant Critics

Health Care Groups Rebel Against Proposed Federal Regulation, Program

The administration’s proposed Medicaid fiscal accountability regulation and its guidance encouraging states to implement Medicaid block grants have incurred widespread opposition among a variety of health care groups.

The Medicaid fiscal accountability regulation would, if adopted, impose new restrictions on how states raise their share of their Medicaid spending, potentially limiting state participation in Medicaid or necessitating tax increases to fill the funding gap if long-accepted financing tools are no longer available to them.

Bookshelf with law booksThe Medicaid block grant guidance offers states a blueprint for curtailing their Medicaid costs by imposing limits on that spending that they negotiate with the federal government.

Numerous health care groups have expressed reservations or direct opposition to one or both of the proposals.  Among them:

  • AARP
  • America’s Essential Hospitals
  • America’s Health Insurance Plans
  • American College of Emergency Physicians
  • American Health Care Association
  • American Hospital Association
  • American Medical Association
  • Association for Community Affiliated Plans
  • Association of American Medical Colleges
  • Coalition of Long-Term Acute-Care Hospitals
  • LeadingAge
  • National Alliance of Safety-Net Hospitals
  • National Association of State Budget Officers
  • National Association of Medicaid Directors
  • National Continuing Care Residents Association
  • National Governors Association
  • Private Essential Access Community Hospitals

Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania logoAmong the groups submitting formal comment letters to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services in response to the proposed Medicaid fiscal accountability regulation was the Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania.  See SNAP’s letter here.

Learn more about why these groups object to these two new policy developments in articles in Axios (“A little-noticed Medicaid proposal could have huge consequences”), Bloomberg Law (“Trump Plan to Tame State Medicaid Finance Schemes Sees Pushback”), Health Affairs (“Proposed Rules On Medicaid Financing Miss Mark And Threaten Access”), Healthcare Dive (“Payers, providers urge CMS to scrap rule targeting supplemental Medicaid payments”), Healthcare Finance News (“Providers, payers, others speak out against federal proposals for Medicaid funding”), McKnight’s Long-Term Care News (“Providers rally against proposed Medicaid supplemental payment rules that threaten ‘major financial burdens’”), McKnight’s Senior Living (“CMS proposal would be ‘major financial burden’ for CCRCs, residents, organizations say”),  and U.S. News & World Report (“Governors Warn Trump Rule Could Lead to Big Medicaid Cuts”)

2020-02-10T06:00:34+00:00February 10th, 2020|Federal Medicaid issues, Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania|Comments Off on Health Care Groups Rebel Against Proposed Federal Regulation, Program

Wolf Administration Proposes New Human Services Initiatives for FY 2021

New human services efforts to support vulnerable populations are a major part of Governor Tom Wolf’s proposed $36.06 billion FY 2021 budget for Pennsylvania.

The proposed budget, presented to the state legislature earlier this week, includes the following new initiatives:

  • creating pathways to success in the workforce for low-income Pennsylvanians
  • increasing the minimum wage to $15
  • increasing Department of Human Services staffing to support licensing and oversight
  • supporting adults in long-term-care facilities
  • legal services for vulnerable populations
  • direct care worker comprehensive training
  • commitment to performance-based metrics, accountability, and transparency in services and licensing
  • supporting vulnerable populations through home- and community-based services and reducing waiting lists
  • prevention services to support at-risk families
  • improving food security while supporting agriculture

Go here to see DHS’s presentation of these initiatives.

In addition, the Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania has prepared a detailed memo describing the proposed FY 2021 budget’s implications for Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals and the state’s Medicaid program.  For a copy of this memo, use the “contact us” link in the upper right-hand corner of this page.

Pennsylvania Health Law Project Newsletter

The Pennsylvania Health Law Project has published its January 2020 newsletter.

Included in this month’s edition are articles about:

  • the transition to a new Medicaid prescription drug list (PDL);
  • the rollout of a new electronic visit verification system for Medicaid-paid home health services; and
  • progress in the state’s effort to introduce major changes in its Medical Assistance transportation program (MATP).

Read about these subjects and more in the Pennsylvania Health Law Project’s January 2020 newsletter.

2020-02-05T06:00:12+00:00February 5th, 2020|Pennsylvania Medicaid, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Pennsylvania Medical Assistance|Comments Off on Pennsylvania Health Law Project Newsletter

PA Says No to Medicaid Block Grants

Pennsylvania is not interested in pursuing the new Medicaid block grants being offered by the administration, leading state officials said last week.

In a news release, Governor Wolf said that

I expanded Medicaid in Pennsylvania to allow for more than 700,000 people to have reliable health care access. Pennsylvania will not go backwards. I will not risk jeopardizing our progress by going along with another short-sighted, insensitive plan to cut Medicaid…

Department of Human Services Secretary Teresa Miller, who oversees the Pennsylvania Medicaid program that serves approximately 2.8 million people, echoed this sentiment:

Changing any part of Medicaid to a block grant structure is the federal government permitting states to grow health inequities experienced by the poorest Americans. This cruel policy will directly target people who have the most opportunity to see their life and circumstances improved by consistent access to necessary health care and will keep people trapped in the cycle of poverty.

Learn more about why Pennsylvania will not pursue a Medicaid block grant in the Wolf administration news release “Pennsylvania Will Not Participate in Trump Administration Scheme to Cut Medicaid.

2020-02-04T06:00:35+00:00February 4th, 2020|Federal Medicaid issues, Pennsylvania Medicaid, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on PA Says No to Medicaid Block Grants

SNAP Asks Feds to Withdraw Medicaid Financing Regulation

CMS should withdraw its proposed Medicaid fiscal accountability regulation, SNAP has suggested in a formal comment letter to the federal agency in response to a new regulation it proposed in November.

Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania logoAccording to the comment letter SNAP submitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services,

SNAP is concerned that this proposed regulation would inappropriately restrict the state’s ability to finance the non-federal share of the Medicaid program, would impose significant additional regulatory burdens – the cost of which would far outstrip their benefit – would inappropriately introduce subjectivity into the application of previously clear and objective regulatory standards, and is beyond the scope of the statutory authority granted to CMS.

Learn more about SNAP’s views on the proposed Medicaid fiscal accountability regulation and why SNAP believes CMS should withdraw it in SNAP’s formal comment letter.

2020-02-03T06:00:47+00:00February 3rd, 2020|Federal Medicaid issues, Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania|Comments Off on SNAP Asks Feds to Withdraw Medicaid Financing Regulation

SNAP Asks CMS to Withdraw Proposed Medicaid Fiscal Accountability Regulation (Letter)

SNAP asks the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to withdraw a proposed Medicaid fiscal accountability regulation that grants too much authority to federal regulators, limits states’ ability to finance their share of Medicaid spending, introduces ill-defined standards to the evaluation of state applications to modify their Medicaid programs, and imposes major new regulatory burdens on hospitals and state Medicaid programs.

2020-09-01T18:00:50+00:00January 31st, 2020|Advocacy|Comments Off on SNAP Asks CMS to Withdraw Proposed Medicaid Fiscal Accountability Regulation (Letter)

Supreme Court Lifts Public Charge Rule Ban

The U.S. can now reject visa and green card applicants based on their financial prospects after a new Supreme Court ruling this week.

This ruling has potential long-term implications for health care providers.

Last August a new Department of Homeland Security regulation took effect that authorized the federal government to reject immigrants’ applications for visas and green cards if their financial situation and employment prospects suggested that they might become a “public charge” and dependent on government safety-net programs like Medicaid and food stamps.  A number of groups sued to prevent the rule’s implementation and federal courts imposed an injunction against its enforcement but now the Supreme Court has lifted the last of these injunctions.

The Supreme Court’s ruling, however, did not address the merits of the public charge rule.  Instead, the court concluded that the lower courts that imposed the injunctions had overstepped their authority.  As a result, lower courts will continue to hear individual suits challenging the rule.  Meanwhile, the State Department and Department of Homeland Security will enforce it.

In 2019 the State Department rejected 12,000 visa applications.  In 2016, it rejected only 1000.

The public charge regulation poses a challenge to health care providers amid anecdotal evidence that some immigrants who already are in the U.S. legally and were enrolled in Medicaid withdrew from the program and others who also are in the U.S. legally and are eligible for Medicaid are choosing not to apply for benefits out of a mistaken fear that they or members of their families could be deported.  Over time these practices, if they continue, could leave health care providers with more unpaid bills and a greater uncompensated care burden as they care for individuals who are qualified for Medicaid but decline to enroll in the program and cannot pay their medical bills.

Implementation of the public charge regulation may prove especially challenging for Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals located in areas with large numbers of low-income immigrants.  These hospitals could be at risk for rising amounts of uncompensated care.

Learn more about the public charge issue, the Supreme Court’s decision, and what might happen next in the New York Times article “Supreme Court Allows Trump’s Wealth Test for Green Cards.”

2020-01-29T06:00:41+00:00January 29th, 2020|Federal Medicaid issues, Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals|Comments Off on Supreme Court Lifts Public Charge Rule Ban

Medicaid Transportation Program Defies Fixing

Pennsylvania is trying to fix its Medical Assistance Transportation Program – but that is proving harder than proponents of change envisioned.

For years, county governments ran their own programs, which provided free non-emergency transportation to doctor offices for Medicaid patients.  About 55,000 Pennsylvanians served by Medicaid use this program.

But with a growing trend among states of dividing a state into regions and awarding regional contracts to transportation brokers and amid objections from county governments, the General Assembly directed the state’s departments of Aging, Human Services, and Transportation to look into the matter.

And in the report those departments filed with the legislature, they say they do not know what to do.

Learn more about the challenges facing the Medical Assistance Transportation Program, the options, and the strengths and weaknesses of those options in the Philadelphia Inquirer article “Pennsylvania wants to fix its Medicaid transit program, but there’s no easy way to do it, report says.”

2020-01-10T06:00:02+00:00January 10th, 2020|Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Pennsylvania Medical Assistance|Comments Off on Medicaid Transportation Program Defies Fixing
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