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SNAP Warns State About Use of COVID-19 Survey Data

Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania logoOn Thursday SNAP wrote to Pennsylvania Department of Human Services Secretary Teresa Miller to point out challenges that arise in the potential use and interpretation of the data hospitals have reported to DHS in that agency’s survey of hospitals’ financial condition as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.  In the letter, SNAP cautioned against possibly inappropriate interpretations of some of this data and offered to work with DHS officials to address these concerns. 

See SNAP’s letter here.

2020-06-12T16:33:21+00:00June 12th, 2020|Coronavirus, COVID-19, Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania|Comments Off on SNAP Warns State About Use of COVID-19 Survey Data

COVID-19 Update: June 11, 2020

Coronavirus update for Thursday, June 11 as of 4:00 p.m.

Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania logoSNAP Advocacy

SNAP wrote to Department of Human Services Secretary Teresa Miller to point out challenges that arise in the potential use and interpretation of data hospitals have reported in DHS’s survey of hospitals’ financial condition as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.  SNAP cautioned against possibly erroneous interpretations of some of this data and offered to work with DHS officials to address these concerns.  See SNAP’s letter here.

Department of Human Services

DHS has published a report on its most recent stakeholder meeting.  Two passages in that report are of particular interest and relevance:

CARES Funding Update

Work continues to prepare for distribution of funds for providers from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. At this point, we are on pace to begin distributing one-time gross adjustment funds to intellectual disability and autism service providers beginning next week through July 1. Payments to nursing facilities and other long-term care facilities like personal care homes will begin in early July.

It is important to note that Act 24 of 2020 requires these funds to be expended by November 30, 2020 or returned to the commonwealth. Additionally, these funds must be used for COVID-19 related expenses. Providers will need to keep documentation to prove that these funds were used for their response to the COVID-19 pandemic in case of an audit. Further information about reporting requirements for these funds will be sent to providers in the coming weeks.

Regional Response Health Collaborative (RRHCP)

As we mentioned last week, Act 24 of 2020 establishes a Regional Response Health Collaborative (RRHCP), which essentially formalizes the existing Education Support and Clinical Coaching Program DHS established in partnership with the Jewish Healthcare Foundation and seven health systems to provide support to personal care homes, assisted living residences, and nursing facilities as they protect residents and staff from COVID-19.

The new RRHCP will be very similar but will operate under grant agreements, not a voluntary basis. The General Assembly allocated $175 million to be awarded among selected grantees for that purpose. In addition to this, funding from the CDC will also be available to the collaboratives to support testing in long-term care facilities to include asymptomatic staff and residents in facilities to bolster public health surveillance. Specifically, the collaborative will provide operations, management, and administrative support to protect residents in facilities from COVID-19. The collaboratives will promote health and stabilize the economy of the region by directly supporting COVID-19 readiness and response in facilities and improve the quality of care related to infection prevention and other priority health care conditions common to facilities. The network will also help long-term care facilities implement best practices in infection control, implement contact tracing programs in facilities, support clinical care through on-site and telemedicine services, provide remote monitoring and consultation with physicians, and enhance testing capability at facilities. Additionally, the collaboratives will provide alternate care arrangements for patients no longer requiring acute care but who are not ready to return to long-term care facilities.

We are close to issuing a Request for Applications to determine which health systems will be part of this partnership. This solicitation is available through eMarketplace, and applications are due by June 25, 2020.

Find the entire DHS meeting summary here.

Department of Health – by the numbers

  • Today’s new COVID-19 case and death counts are comparable to what they have been in recent days.
  • More than 19,000 residents and employees of long-term-care facilities have contracted COVID-19.
  • And residents of long-term-care facilities account for 69 percent of the 6113 COVID-19 deaths in Pennsylvania to date.
  • 950 Pennsylvanians are currently hospitalized for COVID-19 and 208 of them are on ventilators.
  • 40 percent of state hospitals’ acute-care beds, 39 percent of their ICU beds, 57 percent of their pediatric beds, and 30 percent of their pediatric ICU beds are currently unoccupied.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

CMS issued a news release explaining that nursing homes may not seize their residents’ economic impact payments (stimulus checks) authorized under the federal CARES Act.  This practice is prohibited and nursing homes that seize these payments from residents could be subject to federal enforcement actions, including potential termination from participation in Medicare and Medicaid.

Resources to Consult

Pennsylvania Department of Human Services

Main COVID-19 Page

COVID-19 Provider Resources

Press Releases

Pennsylvania Department of Health

Main COVID-19 Page

PA Health Alert Network

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Main COVID-19 Page


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2020-06-12T06:00:30+00:00June 12th, 2020|Coronavirus, COVID-19, Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania|Comments Off on COVID-19 Update: June 11, 2020

SNAP Cautions Against Misinterpretation of State Survey Data (Letter)

SNAP wrote to PA Department of Human Services Secretary Teresa Miller to point out challenges that arise in the potential use and interpretation of data hospitals have reported in DHS’s survey of hospitals’ financial condition as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

2020-09-01T17:38:50+00:00June 11th, 2020|Advocacy|Comments Off on SNAP Cautions Against Misinterpretation of State Survey Data (Letter)

COVID-19 Update: June 10, 2020

Coronavirus update for Wednesday, June 10 as of 3:00 p.m.

Pennsylvania Update

General Assembly

Harrisburg, PA capital buildingThis week the General Assembly passed a concurrent resolution that seeks to end the governor’s COVID-19 emergency disaster declaration; on June 4 the governor extended that declaration for an additional 90 days.  During a press conference today, Governor Wolf said he will defend in court his right to veto the resolution.  The measure’s proponents believe the resolution, having passed both chambers, is effective and does not require the governor’s consideration.

Department of Health

The Department of Health has issued an order requiring hospitals to implement measures to protect their staff and patients.  The policies and procedures must, at a minimum, include distribution of respirators to hospital staff providing direct patient care to COVID-19-positive and suspected cases and hospital staff assigned to provide direct patient care in COVID-19 units.  Respirator distribution must occur prior to the beginning of the hospital staff member’s shift and respirators must be replaced as soon as practical if the hospital is notified by a staff member that their mask has become soiled, damaged, or otherwise ineffective.  The policies and procedures also must include access to testing upon request for staff members who have been exposed to patients with or suspected of having COVID-19, measures for notifying staff members who have been in contact with such patients, and a requirement that all hospital visitors over the age of two wear masks.  See a news release summarizing the order here.

Department of Health – by the numbers

  • Today’s new COVID-19 case and death counts are comparable to what they have been in recent days.
  • More than 5800 Pennsylvania health care workers have contracted COVID-19.
  • 986 Pennsylvanians are currently hospitalized for COVID-19 and 206 of them are on ventilators.
  • 40 percent of state hospitals’ acute-care beds, 39 percent of their ICU beds, 57 percent of their pediatric beds, and 30 percent of their pediatric ICU beds are currently unoccupied.

Department of Human Services

CMS has approved a section 1135 waiver request from DHS’s Office of Medical Assistance Programs.  The waiver permits the state to temporarily allow payments for section 1905(a) personal care services to be rendered by legally responsible individuals and gives the state the ability to modify deadlines for face-to-face encounters required for home health services.  These waivers will remain in effect until the official end of the current public health emergency.

DHS’s Office of Medical Assistance Programs has written to local education agencies participating in its School-Based ACCESS Program to inform them of temporary flexibilities in the program’s usual practices and requirements that it has authorized in response to the COVID-19 emergency.

DHS’s Office of Developmental Programs has published an announcement that provides additional guidance to individual support planning teams on the criteria for requesting a cap exception for the Person/Family Directed Support and Community Living Waivers.  It also has posted a  template for applying for such waivers.

Federal Update

Department of Health and Human Services

On Tuesday HHS announced that it will be distributing $15 billion to clinicians and facilities that participate in state Medicaid and CHIP programs and/or Medicaid and CHIP managed care organizations that have not yet received any general distribution grants from the Provider Relief Fund.

This funding is intended to supply relief to Medicaid and CHIP providers experiencing lost revenues or increased expenses due to COVID-19.  Examples of providers serving Medicaid/CHIP beneficiaries that may be eligible for this funding include pediatricians, obstetrician-gynecologists, dentists, opioid treatment and behavioral health providers, assisted living facilities, and other home and community-based services providers.

Providers that believe they may be eligible for this funding may submit their annual patient revenue information to a new provider relief portal to seek a distribution equal to at least two percent of their reported gross revenues from patient care; that portal is supposed to be established today but was not up at the time this update was written.

Learn more from:

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Food and Drug Administration

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Resources to Consult

Pennsylvania Department of Human Services

Main COVID-19 Page

COVID-19 Provider Resources

Press Releases

Pennsylvania Department of Health

Main COVID-19 Page

PA Health Alert Network

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Main COVID-19 Page


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2020-06-11T06:00:55+00:00June 11th, 2020|Coronavirus, COVID-19|Comments Off on COVID-19 Update: June 10, 2020

COVID-19 Update: June 9, 2020

Coronavirus update for Tuesday, June 9 as of 4:30 p.m.

Pennsylvania Update

The Wolf Administration

The Wolf administration announced that the Department of Health, working with Quest Diagnostics, will open five new COVID-19 testing sites in Walmart parking lots in areas of the state with limited access to testing.  See the announcement here.

Department of Human Services

DHS’s Office of Developmental Programs has posted an announcement providing guidance to community and life-sharing home providers about how to apply the Department of Health’s new COVID-19 testing guidance.

Department of Health – by the numbers

  • The new COVID-19 case count remains in the general vicinity of where it has been for the past week but the death count, which had declined significantly in recent days, has returned to last week’s higher level.
  • With these latest deaths the state death total since the start of the pandemic has now climbed over 6000.
  • Nearly 5800 health care workers have now contracted COVID-19.
  • 1032 Pennsylvania’s are currently hospitalized with COVID-19; 224 of them are on ventilators.
  • 40 percent of state hospitals’ acute-care beds are currently unoccupied, as are 57 percent of pediatric beds, 39 percent of adult ICU beds, and 30 percent of pediatric ICU beds.  In addition, 66 percent of hospitals’ isolation rooms are unoccupied.

Department of State

The Department of State announced that it will count telemedicine services provided during the COVID-19 emergency toward the clinical experience requirements for licensure as a behavior specialist.

Federal Update

On Tuesday morning the Department of Health and Human Services announced that it will distribute $10 billion to hospitals located in COVID-19 hotspots that have cared for especially large numbers of COVID-19 patients.  It also will distribute $25 billion in CARES Act Provider Relief Fund money to safety-net providers, including $10 billion specifically for safety-net hospitals.  (Some of the language in this memo is taken directly from HHS’s news release.)

The $10 Billion Distribution to COVID-19 Hotspot Hospitals

On Monday HHS sent messages to all hospitals asking them to update information on their COVID-19 positive-inpatient admissions for the period January 1, 2020, through June 10, 2020.  This information will be used to determine a second round of funding to hospitals in COVID-19 hotspots and is due to HHS through its teletracking portal no later than 9:00 pm (eastern) on Monday, June 15.

The data reporting is similar to what hospitals previously submitted from the start of the pandemic to April 10.  The data to be reported will be cumulative, through June 10.  At this point, HHS has not decided what the threshold will be to receive payments; it will make this decision after it receives the data.

There is one major difference between the next distribution and the previous one:  this time, HHS wants data submitted, and will make distributions based on, individual facilities and not Medicare provider numbers or tax identification numbers.  HHS has updated its Provider Relief Fund web page to reflect today’s developments; find that page here.  HHS also has made extensive changes in the Provider Relief Fund’s FAQ to reflect the planned distribution of funds to COVID-19 hotspot hospitals; those changes are identified within the FAQ, which you can find here.

The $10 Billion Allocation for Safety-Net Hospitals

HHS will distribute $10 billion in Provider Relief Funds to safety-net hospitals that serve vulnerable patients in recognition of “the incredibly thin margins these hospitals operate on.”  This payment is being sent directly to these hospitals via direct deposit.

These payments will be made to hospitals that serve a disproportionate number of Medicaid patients or provide large amounts of uncompensated care.  Qualifying hospitals will have:

  • A Medicare disproportionate payment percentage of 20.2 percent or greater.
  • Average uncompensated care of $25,000 per bed or more.  For example, a hospital with 100 beds would need to provide $2.5 million in uncompensated care in a year to meet this requirement.
  • Profitability of three percent or less, as reported to CMS in its most recently filed cost report.

Recipients will receive a minimum distribution of $5 million and a maximum distribution of $50 million.

If your hospital meets the criteria for safety-net hospital payments you will receive them through direct deposit.  If you wish to receive hotspot payments, however, you must submit relevant data through HHS’s teletracking portal; the deadline for data submission is June 15 at 9:00 pm (eastern).

Resources to Consult

Pennsylvania Department of Human Services

Main COVID-19 Page

COVID-19 Provider Resources

Press Releases

Pennsylvania Department of Health

Main COVID-19 Page

PA Health Alert Network

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Main COVID-19 Page


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2020-06-10T06:00:15+00:00June 10th, 2020|Coronavirus, COVID-19|Comments Off on COVID-19 Update: June 9, 2020

COVID-19 Update: June 8, 2020

Coronavirus update for Monday, June 8 as of 2:30 p.m.

Pennsylvania Update

The Wolf Administration

Department of Health – by the numbers

  • The weekend’s COVID-19 new case count continued its downward trend while the death count declined significantly.
  • More than 5700 health care workers have contracted COVID-19.
  • 1174 people are currently hospitalized with COVID-19 and 257 of them are on ventilators.
  • The state has seen 20 confirmed cases of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C). Another 14 possible cases are currently being investigated.

Federal Update

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

CMS has updated its “COVID-19 Emergency Declaration Blanket Waivers for Health Care Providers” document.  Added since the last version are a new section, on page 14, on altered time lines for Medicare’s Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Model, along with two modifications:  one on page 10, addressing site-neutral payments for long-term care hospitals, and another on page 13, in support of care for patients in long-term care hospital patients.

CMS – Stakeholder Engagement Calls

CMS hosts recurring stakeholder engagement sessions to share information related to the agency’s response to COVID-19.  These sessions are open to members of the health care community and are intended to provide updates, share best practices among peers, and offer attendees an opportunity to ask questions of CMS and other subject matter experts.  Conference lines are limited so CMS encourages interested parties to join via audio webcast.

Calls recordings and transcripts are posted on the CMS podcast page here.

COVID-19 Office Hours Call

Office Hour Calls provide an opportunity for hospitals, health systems, and providers to ask questions of agency officials regarding CMS’s temporary actions that empower local hospitals and health care systems to increase hospital capacity, expand their workforce, and make greater use of telehealth.

Tuesday, June 9 at 5:00 (eastern)

Toll Free Attendee Dial In:  833-614-0820; Access Passcode: 4892554

Audio Webcast link:  Go here.

COVID Home Health and Hospice Call

Tuesday, June 9 at 3:00 – 3:30 PM (eastern)

Toll Free Attendee Dial-In:  833-614-0820; Access Passcode: 7359947

Audio Webcast Link:  Go here.

COVID Nursing Homes Call

Wednesday, June 10 at 4:30 (eastern)

Toll Free Attendee Dial-In:  833-614-0820; Access Passcode: 9782909

Audio Webcast Link:  Go here.

COVID Dialysis Organizations Call

Wednesday, June 10 at 5:30 (eastern)

Toll Free Attendee Dial-In:  833-614-0820; Access Passcode: 6553907

Audio Webcast Link:  Go here.

COVID Nurses Call

Thursday, June 11 at 3:00 (eastern)

Toll Free Attendee Dial-In:  833-614-0820; Access Passcode: 2863547

Audio Webcast Link: Go here.

Food and Drug Administration

National Institutes of Health

The NIH has issued a news release describing a study that identifies a potential approach to treating severe respiratory distress in patients with COVID-19.

Congressional Research Service

The Congressional Research Service has published a brief new report called “HIPAA, Telehealth, and COVID-19” that takes a high level look at the interplay among these three considerations from a legal perspective.

Resources to Consult

Pennsylvania Department of Human Services

Main COVID-19 Page

COVID-19 Provider Resources

Press Releases

Pennsylvania Department of Health

Main COVID-19 Page

PA Health Alert Network

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Main COVID-19 Page


(To receive this daily update directly, sign up for our mailing list at

2020-06-09T06:00:45+00:00June 9th, 2020|Coronavirus, COVID-19|Comments Off on COVID-19 Update: June 8, 2020

COVID-19 Update: June 5, 2020

Coronavirus update for Friday, June 5 as of 2:30 p.m.

Pennsylvania Update

Department of Health

Pennsylvania State MapThe Department of Health and Department of Human Services have issued issued guidance for nursing homes, personal care homes, and other long-term and congregate care facilities as counties enter the green phase of reopening.  To prevent further COVID-19 outbreaks within these vulnerable populations, continuing restrictions in long-term and congregate care facilities will remain in place at least 28 days after an individual facility’s county enters the green phase.  Go here to see the Wolf administration’s announcement, here to see the guidance for nursing homes, and here to see the guidance for personal care homes, intermediate care facilities, assisted living residences, and other providers licensed by DHS.

Department of Health – by the numbers

  • Yesterday’s new case and death totals were slightly lower than those of the previous day.
  • The number of health care workers who have contracted COVID-19 now exceeds 5600.
  • 1174 Pennsylvanians are currently hospitalized with COVID-19 and 257 of them are on ventilators – the same figures as the previous day.
  • 45 percent of acute-care beds, 38 percent of ICU beds, and 24 percent of pediatric ICU beds are currently unoccupied, as are 53 percent of hospital isolation rooms.

Federal Update

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

In the past week CMS issued six section 1135 waiversto give states greater flexibility to serve their Medicaid beneficiaries during the COVID-19 public health emergency.  It issued waivers to Alaska (two waivers), Arizona, Mississippi, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Food and Drug Administration

Resources to Consult

Pennsylvania Department of Human Services

Main COVID-19 Page

COVID-19 Provider Resources

Press Releases

Pennsylvania Department of Health

Main COVID-19 Page

PA Health Alert Network

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Main COVID-19 Page


(To receive this daily update directly, sign up for our mailing list at


2020-06-08T09:43:54+00:00June 8th, 2020|Coronavirus, COVID-19|Comments Off on COVID-19 Update: June 5, 2020

COVID-19 Update: June 4, 2020

Coronavirus update for Thursday, June 4 as of 2:30 p.m.

Pennsylvania Update

SNAP Advocacy

Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania logoToday SNAP wrote to Pennsylvania senators Robert Casey and Pat Toomey to ask them to pursue legislation with five major COVID-19-related policy initiatives that Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals need:

  1. A 14-point increase in the federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP).
  2. An additional $100 billion for hospitals.
  3. Another delay in implementation of Affordable Care Act-mandated cuts in Medicaid disproportionate share (Medicaid DSH) allotments.
  4. Prevention of implementation of the Medicare fiscal accountability regulation (MFAR).
  5. Reduced interest rates and a longer payback period for Medicare payments advanced to hospitals through the CARES Act’s Accelerated and Advance Payment Program.

See SNAP’s letter here.

Governor Wolf

Governor Wolf announced that the Office of State Fire Commissioner will be working to enact recent legislation to provide $50 million in direct financial relief to fire and emergency medical service (EMS) companies hurt by the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak.  $6 million of this money is targeted for EMS companies.

Governor Wolf and Secretary of Health Levine signed amended yellow phase orders to include 10 counties (including Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia counties) moving to the yellow phase at 12:01 a.m. tomorrow, June 5 and signed amended green phase orders to include 16 counties moving to the green phase at 12:01 a.m. tomorrow.  With these orders, there are no counties in the red phase. In total, on June 5, there will be 34 counties in the green phase and 33 in the yellow phase.  See the announcement here.

Department of Health – by the numbers

  • Yesterday’s new case and death totals are very similar to those of the previous day.
  • The number of health care workers who have contracted COVID-19 now exceeds 5600.
  • 1174 Pennsylvanians are currently hospitalized with COVID-19 and 257 of them are on ventilators.
  • 45 percent of acute-care beds, 38 percent of ICU beds, and 24 percent of pediatric ICU beds are currently unoccupied, as are 53 percent of hospital isolation rooms.

Department of Human Services/Office of Long-Term Living

Department of Aging

  • The Department of Aging has published guidance for the reopening and operation of adult daily living centers during the COVID-19 crisis in counties that have transitioned to the green phase.
  • The department has created an older adult daily living center reopening checklist for facilities reopening in green phase areas.
  • The department also has created a staff and participant COVID-19 wellness check screening tool for older adult daily living centers that are reopening.
  • The department also clarified that OLTL is requiring LIFE Centers to follow adult daily living center guidance for reopening.

Federal Update

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Department of Health and Human Services

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Food and Drug Administration

  • The FDA has introduced a new web-based resource, Testing Supply Substitution Strategies, that includes detailed information to help support labs performing authorized COVID-19 tests.
  • The FDA has updated the question-and-answer appendix in its guidance Conduct of Clinical Trials of Medical Products during COVID-19 Public Health Emergency with new information about compliance for electronic systems used to generate electronic signatures on clinical trial records.
  • The FDA has issued an alert to providers about the temporary absence of the “paralyzing agent” warning statement on the vial caps of the neuromuscular blocking agents vecuronium bromide and rocuronium bromide, both of which are often used for patients requiring medical ventilation.
  • The FDA has issued emergency use authorizations (EUAs) for five new commercial diagnostic tests for COVID-19. Find them here, here, here, here, and here.

Resources to Consult

Pennsylvania Department of Human Services

Main COVID-19 Page

COVID-19 Provider Resources

Press Releases

Pennsylvania Department of Health

Main COVID-19 Page

PA Health Alert Network

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Main COVID-19 Page


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2020-09-01T18:36:23+00:00June 5th, 2020|Coronavirus, COVID-19, Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals, Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania|Comments Off on COVID-19 Update: June 4, 2020

COVID-19 Update: June 3, 2020

Coronavirus update for Wednesday, June 3 as of 12:00 p.m.

Pennsylvania Update

Department of Health

The Department of Health has announced that nursing homes located in green counties will continue operating under restrictions for 28 days after the beginning of the green phase in those counties. Those facilities should continue to follow the department’s operations guidance updated on May 12.

The Department of Health issued an update to its dental health care guidance removing the prohibition on non-urgent and non-emergent dental procedures.

Department of Health – by the numbers

  • Yesterday’s new case and death figures were slightly lower than those of the previous day.
  • More than 18,300 long-term-care residents and workers have contracted COVID-19.
  • As have more than 5500 health care workers.
  • 1302 Pennsylvanians are currently hospitalized for COVID-19, with 257 of them on ventilators.
  • 45 percent of state hospitals’ acute-care beds, 38 percent of their ICU beds, and 24 percent of their pediatric ICU beds are currently unoccupied, as are 53 percent of their isolation rooms.

Federal Update

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Department of Health and Human Services

  • HHS has updated its CARES Act Provider Relief Fund FAQ.  See additions on pages 5, 14, and 20.  Providers should review these additions carefully.
  • HHS announced that the next deadline for submitting data to inform the agency’s distribution of its supply of remdesivir is Monday, June 8 at 8 p.m. (eastern).  HHS is requesting the same data as last month’s remdesivir request:  the number of currently hospitalized COVID-19 patients, and of those hospitalized, the number requiring placement in ICUs.  Hospitals should submit the data using the HHS TeleTracking web portal. ​
  • HHS has provided $250 million to help health care systems treating patients and responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.  According to an HHS news release, the money will support hospitals and other health care entities to train workers, expand telemedicine and the use of virtual health care, procure supplies and equipment, and coordinate across jurisdictions and facilities.  Most of this money is going to state hospital associations for distribution.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Food and Drug Administration

Department of Labor

The Department of Labor has issued an alert with information about how to keep stockroom and loading dock workers safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.  See an announcement about the alert and the alert itself.

Resources to Consult

Pennsylvania Department of Human Services

Main COVID-19 Page

COVID-19 Provider Resources

Press Releases

Pennsylvania Department of Health

Main COVID-19 Page

PA Health Alert Network

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Main COVID-19 Page


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2020-06-04T06:00:13+00:00June 4th, 2020|Coronavirus, COVID-19|Comments Off on COVID-19 Update: June 3, 2020
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