CMS’s Verma Visits Western PA

COVID-19 was the primary subject on the minds of health care executives who met with Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Administrator Seema Verma in western Pennsylvania on Tuesday.

Among the issues discussed at a health care forum were the concerns of hospital administrators about rising COVID-19 case counts and their worries over the adequacy of supplies of available hospital beds, drugs, and personal protective equipment in the near future; steps like enhanced access to telehealth that CMS has made available for Medicare beneficiaries to help them during the pandemic; the work – and continued existence – of the Regional Response Health Collaboratives that support long-term-care facilities fighting COVID-19 outbreaks and the possibility that those collaboratives may expire in December; and more.

Learn more about Ms. Verma’s visit to Pennsylvania in the Pittsburgh Business Times article “Hospital, nursing home execs tell CMS administrator they need more help.”

2020-10-29T06:00:49+00:00October 29th, 2020|Coronavirus, COVID-19|Comments Off on CMS’s Verma Visits Western PA

Update on Regional Response Health Collaboratives

A recent Wolf administration news release offered an update on the work of the state’s Regional Response Health Collaboratives.

Pennsylvania State MapCreated in July to help long-term-care facilities address their struggles responding to the COVID-19 emergency, the state has six RRHCs led by 11 Pennsylvania health systems.  The RRHCs were created to provide clinical, operational, technical, and educational support to long-term-care facilities at a time when COVID-19-related deaths in such facilities accounted for more than 60 percent of all COVID-19 deaths state-wide.  With financial backing from the federal CARES Act, the RRHCs support nearly 2000 long-term-care facilities of different types at which more than 127,000 Pennsylvanians currently reside.

The RRHC program is scheduled to end on December 1.  State officials have asked the Trump administration for additional funding so the program can continue.

Learn more about the RRHCs, how they work, and what they do in this state news release.

2020-10-22T10:22:45+00:00October 22nd, 2020|Coronavirus, COVID-19|Comments Off on Update on Regional Response Health Collaboratives
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