SNAP Comments on Proposed Medicaid Observation Care Payment

The Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania has written to the state’s Department of Human Services about DHS’s proposal to establish a payment policy for hospital observation services covered by the state’s Medicaid fee-for-service program.
While SNAP has long supported the concept of a Medicaid fee-for-service rate for observation services and welcomes DHS’s decision to create such a rate and associated policies, it expressed a number of concerns about DHS’s proposal, including about:

  • Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania logothe proposed observation rate
  • the classification of observation care as an outpatient service
  • the manner in which the state proposes financing observation care
  • program integrity issues

To learn more about SNAP’s concerns, see its entire comment letter to DHS here, on the SNAP web site.

2016-06-20T06:00:37+00:00June 20th, 2016|Pennsylvania Medicaid, Pennsylvania Medicaid laws and regulations, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on SNAP Comments on Proposed Medicaid Observation Care Payment

PA Proposes Medicaid Observation Rate

Pennsylvania_Bulletin_logoUnder a newly proposed policy, Pennsylvania would pay hospitals and physicians an observation rate for Medicaid patients who are treated in their emergency departments but for whom they cannot make an immediate decision on the need for admission.
As described in a Pennsylvania Bulletin notice published last Saturday,

Observation services are a well-defined set of clinically appropriate and medically necessary services, which include short-term treatment, assessment and reassessment, that are furnished while a decision is made as to whether to admit an MA beneficiary to the inpatient hospital setting for further treatment or to discharge the MA beneficiary from the hospital outpatient setting. The Department is recognizing the need for observation services because a physician may not be able to initially determine whether an inpatient hospital admission is medically necessary.

The proposed policy, to take effect at the beginning of the state’s 2017 fiscal year (July 1, 2016), addresses and prescribes payments for hospitals and physicians, including new procedure codes.
According to the notice, Pennsylvania anticipates spending $10.229 million in state funds, and $28.28 million overall, for such services in FY 2017.
Interested parties have 30 days from the notice’s publication (May 14) to submit written comments about the proposed policy.
Find the Pennsylvania Bulletin notice introducing this proposed policy here.

2016-05-16T06:00:04+00:00May 16th, 2016|Pennsylvania Medicaid laws and regulations, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on PA Proposes Medicaid Observation Rate

No Observation Rate Yet for PA Medicaid

The Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare has published a notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin continuing its current payment methodology under the state’s Medicaid program but noting that it still has not developed an observation rate for the program.
Last year the state indicated that it wanted to establish such an observation rate, but it has not yet done so.  The new notice states that

The Department also announced its intent to establish an observation rate for hospital cases for which an inpatient admission is not medically necessary, but medical observation of a patient is required. The Department received multiple public comments concerning an intended observation rate. At this time, the Department plans to develop a payment policy and rates for observation services and will provide an opportunity for public comment in a future notice of intent.

At the time the state expressed an interest in developing an observation rate, the Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania wrote to the Department of Public Welfare expressing support for the concept.  Read SNAP’s letter here.
Find the entire Pennsylvania Bulletin notice here.

2014-05-19T06:00:51+00:00May 19th, 2014|Pennsylvania Bulletin, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on No Observation Rate Yet for PA Medicaid
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