New Medicare Payments to Help With High-Need Patients

New Medicare payment practices that took effect on January 1 will improve payments to physicians who care for high-need patients in the hope that those enhanced payments will improve the care such seniors receive.
A medical doctor standing with a confident smileAmong those improved payments are:

  • payments to physicians for the time they spend working with specialists, families, pharmacists, caregivers, and others to coordinate services for seriously ill patients
  • improved payments for time spent coordinating seniors’ transitions between different care settings and home and connecting those patients with additional resources
  • separate payments to perform cognitive impairment assessments
  • payments for time physicians spend reviewing patient records and talking on the phone to patients and their caregivers
  • ayments for work physicians perform with their high-need patients’ behavioral health caregivers

Learn more about how Medicare is trying to improve care for its some of its highest-need, highest-cost patients in this Kaiser Health News report.

2017-01-05T06:00:05+00:00January 5th, 2017|Medicare|Comments Off on New Medicare Payments to Help With High-Need Patients

Medicare Proposes New Way to Pay Docs

Clinicians would be paid based more on the quality of care they provide than on the quantity of services they deliver under a new Medicare quality reporting and payment proposal released last week by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
The proposal, required by Congress last year as part of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act that constituted the final “Medicare doc fix” and spelled the end of the sustainable growth rate formula that constrained Medicare payments to physicians for more than a decade, would be phased in over a period of years, would end so-called meaningful use requirements for physicians, and would compensate most clinicians based on their performance on quality measures, some of them of their own choosing, in four categories – quality, advancing care information, clinical practice management, and cost – that would be part of a new Merit-Based Incentive Payment System.
iStock_000008064653XSmallClinicians who assume financial risk as part of what CMS is calling Advanced Alternative Payment Models – programs such as the Next Generation ACO model, the Comprehensive Primary Care Plus program, and tracks 2 and 3 of the Medicare Shared Savings Program – would participate in a separate quality reporting and payment program that would respond to the greater financial risks such providers shoulder with greater potential financial rewards.
Learn more about the latest Medicare proposal from the following resources:

2016-05-02T06:00:53+00:00May 2nd, 2016|Medicare|Comments Off on Medicare Proposes New Way to Pay Docs
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