Could Housing Support Help Medicaid Behavioral Health Patients?
Amid indications that assisting with permanent supportive housing can be a cost-effective, evidence-based way of helping to address the behavioral health needs of some Medicaid recipients, housing and behavioral health groups are beginning to take a closer look at how Medicaid resources might be used to help support such housing.
In a new report, the National Council for Behavioral Health examines the possibility of using Medicaid resources to finance the delivery of services in supportive housing for Medicaid beneficiaries facing behavioral health challenges.
The report examines the policy context for developing integrated permanent supportive housing options in state Medicaid programs; opportunities for Medicaid to finance and deliver housing-related services; and the implications for behavioral health authorities and providers.
For a closer look at the issue, its implications, and the means through which such resources might be brought to bear, go here to see the National Council for Behavioral Health report Using Medicaid to Finance and Deliver Services in Supportive Housing: Challenges and Opportunities for Community Behavioral Health Organizations and Behavioral Health Authorities.