Report on Public Health and Health Care

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has published a report summarizing its February workshop that explored the relationship between public health and health care.
According to the IOM, the workshop

… was designed to discuss and describe the elements of successful collaboration between health care and public health organizations and professionals; reflect on the five principles of primary care–public health integration (which can be applied more broadly to the health care–public health relationship): shared goals, community engagement, aligned leadership, sustainability, and data and analysis; and explore the “elephants in the room” when public health and health care interact: what are the key challenges and obstacles and what are some potential solutions, including strengths both sides bring to the table. The workshop presentations reflected on collaboration in four contexts: payment reform, the Million Hearts initiative, hospital – public health collaboration, and asthma control.

Because of the nature of the communities they serve and the work they do, Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals are often important parts of public health efforts throughout the commonwealth.
Find the IOM report Collaboration between Health Care and Public Health: Workshop Summary here.

2015-07-01T06:00:05+00:00July 1st, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Report on Public Health and Health Care

IOM Releases Graduate Medical Education Report

‘’…there is an unquestionable imperative to assess and optimize the effectiveness of the public’s investment in GME (graduate medical education).”
So says the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in its new report Graduate Medical Education That Meets the Nation’s Health Needs.
The IOM also calls for “significant changes to GME financing and governance to address current deficiencies and better shape the physician workforce for the future.”
The report notes that government today, mostly through Medicare, plays the primary role in financing graduate medical education.  It observes that while there is a common perception that the nation faces a shortage of physicians, simply increasing the number of residency slots that Medicare supports – a limit set in 1997 – without addressing geographic and specialty distribution issues will not solve the problem.
In the report, the IOM proposes six goals for improving GME financing.

  1. Encourage production of a physician workforce better prepared to work in, help lead, and continually improve an evolving health care delivery system that can provide better individual care, better population health, and lower cost.

  2. Encourage innovation in the structures, locations, and designs of GME programs to better achieve Goal 1.

  3. Provide transparency and accountability of GME programs, with respect to the stewardship of public funding and the achievement of GME goals.

  4. Clarify and strengthen public policy planning and oversight of GME with respect to the use of public funds and the achievement of goals for the investment of those funds.

  5. Ensure rational, efficient, and effective use of public funds for GME in order to maximize the value of this public investment.

  6. Mitigate unwanted and unintended negative effects of planned transitions in GME funding methods.

To fulfill these goals, the report offers three specific recommendations:

  1. Investing strategically: Maintain Medicare GME funding at its current level, but modernize payment methods to reward performance, ensure accountability, and incentivize innovation in the content and financing of GME. The current Medicare GME payment system should be phased out.

  2. Building an infrastructure to facilitate strategic investment: Establish a two-part governance infrastructure for federal GME financing. A GME Policy Council in the Office of the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services should oversee policy development and decision making. A GME Center within the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services should function as an operations center with the capacity to administer payment reforms and manage demonstrations of new payment models.

  3. Establishing a two-part Medicare GME fund: Allocate Medicare GME funds to two distinct subsidiary funds—a GME Operational Fund to finance ongoing residency training activities and a Transformation Fund to finance development of new programs, infrastructure, performance methods, payment demonstrations, and other priorities identified by the GME Policy Council.

Graduate medical education is an important issue for the Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals that also are teaching hospitals.  The state’s Medicaid program is an important source of medical education funding for these hospitals as well.
To learn more about why the study was undertaken, what problems it sought to address, what the IOM learned, and what it proposed, follow this link to the IOM’s web site and the complete report as well as a report summary.

2014-08-01T06:00:22+00:00August 1st, 2014|Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on IOM Releases Graduate Medical Education Report
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