SNAP Holds Legislative Breakfast

On Tuesday, June 2, the Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania held a legislative breakfast in Harrisburg to talk to members of the state legislature and their staffs about issues of importance to Pennsylvania’s safety-net hospitals and to present SNAP’s position on various aspects of Governor Wolf’s proposed FY 2016 budget.
Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania logoIn particular, SNAP addressed a number of proposed cuts in state Medicaid spending that would have an especially serious effect on Pennsylvania’s 41 private safety-net hospitals.
Among those who attended were numerous members of the state House and Senate from across the commonwealth:  Democrats and Republicans, members of leadership and key budget and health care committees, and individuals with a keen interest in the work being done by Pennsylvania’s safety-net hospitals.
During the meeting SNAP also unveiled a brief document outlining its position on the proposed FY 2016 budget and the Medicaid cuts it includes.  Find that document here.

2015-06-04T06:00:32+00:00June 4th, 2015|Proposed FY 2016 Pennsylvania state budget|Comments Off on SNAP Holds Legislative Breakfast

PA Health Law Project Releases Monthly Newsletter

The Pennsylvania Health Law Project has published its March 2015 newsletter.
Included in this edition are articles about the state’s changes in how it is expanding its Medicaid program; a look at Governor Wolf’s proposed FY 2016 Medicaid budget; and closer examinations of a proposed expansion of services for older adults and people with disabilities and the budget of the state’s Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.
Find the Pennsylvania Health Law Project’s latest newsletter here.

2015-04-15T06:00:19+00:00April 15th, 2015|HealthChoices PA, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Pennsylvania state budget issues, Proposed FY 2016 Pennsylvania state budget|Comments Off on PA Health Law Project Releases Monthly Newsletter

States Turning More to Providers to Fund Medicaid

States are relying more on provider taxes and other sources to raise their share of Medicaid funding, a new study by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) has found.
According to the GAO, state use of such funding rose 21 percent from 2008 to 2012.  Most of the money came from health care provider taxes, provider donations, intergovernmental transfers, and Medicaid certified public expenditures.
While the study examined the issue nation-wide it focused on Medicaid financing in three states:  California, Illinois, and New York.
Use of provider taxes is of special interest to Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals because it appears the state’s proposed FY 2016 budget may call for funding more of the state’s Medicaid program with proceeds from hospital provider taxes.
To learn more about how states are financing their share of their Medicaid programs and why this is of interest to policy-makers, see the recently re-released GAO report States’ Increased Reliance on Funds from Health Care Providers and Local Governments Warrants Improved CMS Data Collection and a newly published companion to the report titled Questionnaire Data on States’ Methods for Financing Medicaid Payments from 2008 through 2012.

2015-03-19T06:00:57+00:00March 19th, 2015|Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals, Proposed FY 2016 Pennsylvania state budget|Comments Off on States Turning More to Providers to Fund Medicaid

PA Governor Proposes New Budget With Medicaid Implications

Yesterday Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf presented his proposed FY 2016 budget to the state’s General Assembly.
Included in that budget are proposed spending levels for Medicaid, including supplemental payments and other programs that affect the state’s private safety-net hospitals.
The Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania has prepared a detailed memo outlining the budget’s broader themes and then details its potential implications for safety-net hospitals.  Hospital officials interested in requesting a copy of the memo can do so by hitting the “contact us” link on the upper right-hand corner of this screen.

2015-03-04T16:56:41+00:00March 4th, 2015|Proposed FY 2016 Pennsylvania state budget|Comments Off on PA Governor Proposes New Budget With Medicaid Implications
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