Medical Assistance Expands Use of Telemedicine

Pennsylvania’s Medical Assistance program has unveiled plans to make greater use of telemedicine in the future.
According to a news release from the governor’s office, the program will expand the types of medical specialists who may engage in telemedicine, remove the requirement that referring physicians participate in telemedicine consultations, and establish specific technologies for use in such consultations.
Learn more about this Medical Assistance initiative by going herePennsylvania State Keystone and reading the governor’s news release.

2012-05-23T13:22:36+00:00May 23rd, 2012|Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Medical Assistance Expands Use of Telemedicine

Medicaid Raises Doc Pay

Primary care physicians serving Medicaid patients will receive a raise in their fees for the next two years.
The raises, a temporary measure mandated by the Affordable Care Act, will be in effect for calendar years 2013 and 2014 and will raise Medicaid’s primary care physician fees to the same level paid by Medicare for comparable services.
The $11 billion needed to pay for this raise will come from the federal government.  States will not be required to provide matching funds.
Read a news release from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) about the new Medicaid primary care fee here, a CMS fact sheet here, and the newly proposed regulation hereDoctor listening to patient.

2012-05-10T10:13:00+00:00May 10th, 2012|Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Medicaid Raises Doc Pay

Newborn Pay Cut

Pennsylvania’s Medical Assistance program will no longer pay hospitals for care they provide to normal newborns delivered by patients who participate in the state’s fee-for-service program.
This policy change, which took effect on May 1, will have a greater impact on Pennsylvania’s safety-net hospitals than on other hospitals because safety-net hospitals are involved in far more Medicaid-covered deliveries than other hospitals – two-thirds of such births according to the recent SNAP report Pennsylvania’s Safety-Net Hospitals:  Vital Providers, Vital Employers, which you can find here.
The policy change governing how Medicaid will pay hospitals for the care they provide to normal newborns is described in greater detail in a May 4 Medical Assistance Bulletin, which you can read hereBookshelf with law books.

2012-05-07T06:00:56+00:00May 7th, 2012|Pennsylvania Medicaid laws and regulations, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Newborn Pay Cut

Medicaid Info

The April 2012 edition of the Pennsylvania Health Law Project’s monthly newsletter Senior Health News includes information about the state’s Medical Assistance Transportation Program, an increase in selected Medicaid co-pays, the expansion of the state’s HealthChoices program, and dual-eligibles.  Read about these issues and more hereGroup of healthcare workers, on the web site of the Pennsylvania Health Law Project.

2012-05-04T06:00:36+00:00May 4th, 2012|Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Medicaid Info
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