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Some PA Women Could Lose State Medical Benefits

The expiration of a state health program could leave about 90,000 low-income Pennsylvania women without the free family planning and women’s health benefits they currently receive.
A program called SelectPlan for Women offers limited health benefits to low-income women between the ages of 18 and 44 who are otherwise ineligible for Medicaid.  While there has been no formal announcement of the program’s termination, women’s health advocates have informally been told that such a termination is possible at the end of the year.
If the program expires, some of the women it currently covers will be eligible for Medicaid under the state’s Medicaid expansion to take effect on January 1 while others should be eligible for at least some subsidization of insurance premiums on the federal health insurance exchange.
The SelectPlan for Women, however, has no limits on visits, no co-pays, and no premiums.
Learn more about SelectPlan for Women, what it does, and why it may soon disappear in this Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article.

2014-10-30T06:00:59+00:00October 30th, 2014|Healthy PA, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Some PA Women Could Lose State Medical Benefits

State Releases Information on Primary Care Loan Repayment Program

Part of Governor Corbett’s Healthy Pennsylvania health care reform plan, introduced in the fall of 2013, was a program to help primary care providers pay off their education loans in exchange for a commitment to provide care in facilities that serve predominantly underserved communities and low-income patients.
Now, the state has released further information about the program, including what kinds of providers are eligible for assistance, how they may apply to participate, and how the facilities in which they work can be certified for eligibility.  Also available are application materials.
The deadline for primary care providers to apply is December 4.
Find a fact sheet about the program here and more information about the application process here.

2014-10-29T06:00:19+00:00October 29th, 2014|Healthy PA|Comments Off on State Releases Information on Primary Care Loan Repayment Program

The Candidates Talk Health Care

One of the issues in almost any major election is health care, and this year’s gubernatorial race in Pennsylvania is no exception.
With this in mind, the Central Penn Business Journal has published excerpts of Pennsylvania Physician magazine interviews with the candidates in next month’s election, Republican Governor Tom Corbett and his Democratic challenger, Tom Wolf.  In the article, the candidates share their views on some of this year’s more important health care issues, including Medicaid expansion, emergency care, the challenge of attracting more doctors to Pennsylvania, and more.
Find the article here.

2014-10-28T06:00:19+00:00October 28th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Candidates Talk Health Care

Medicaid Directors Weigh in On Managed Care Regulation

The nation’s state Medicaid directors have offered their perspectives to the federal government on how to modernize and regulate state Medicaid managed care programs.
In a paper entitled “Medicaid Managed Care Modernization:  Advancing Quality Improvement,” the National Association of Medicaid Directors urges the Centers for Medicare Services (CMS) to work with the states to develop quality reporting measures that are both useful and not overly burdensome.
Bookshelf with law booksThe association also asks CMS to leave decisions about accrediting requirements for state Medicaid managed care programs in state hands and not to establish a national quality rating system for Medicaid managed care plans.
The regulation of Medicaid managed care plans is especially important to Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals because they care for so many Medicaid patients and managed care has become the primary means through which the state’s Medicaid program serves those patients.
Learn more about Medicaid directors’ recommendations for improving and regulating state Medicaid managed care programs in this National Association of Medicaid Directors correspondence with the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services.

2014-10-27T06:00:19+00:00October 27th, 2014|Pennsylvania Medicaid laws and regulations, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Medicaid Directors Weigh in On Managed Care Regulation

New Video Explains PA Medicaid Expansion

The Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare has posted a new presentation video on its Healthy Pennsylvania Medicaid expansion program.  The video outlines how the program works, who is eligible to participate, what the benefits are, and more.  It offers useful information for hospital employees and other Pennsylvania health care providers who will soon see an influx of as many as 600,000 new Medicaid recipients in the state.
Find the video here, on the state’s Healthy PA web site.

2014-10-24T06:00:48+00:00October 24th, 2014|Affordable Care Act, Healthy PA, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on New Video Explains PA Medicaid Expansion

Corbett Signs Observation Status Notification Bill

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett has signed into law a bill that requires hospitals to inform patients when their stay in a hospital has been classified as observation status and not an inpatient admission.
House Chamber of the State HouseThe new law calls for hospitals to provide such notification when patients are under a hospital’s care for more than 23 consecutive hours; when they are in a bed and receiving meals outside of the emergency room; and when they have not formally been admitted.
Observation status poses considerable financial challenges to patients, leaving them vulnerable for charges for tests, medicine, and post-discharge nursing and rehabilitation care that would be covered by their insurance if they were inpatients but are not covered to the same degree if their stay has been classified as observation status (because insurers pay lower outpatient rates only for observation services).  Most people have been unaware of this distinction and have neither been told of their observation status nor apprised of the difference between that status and inpatient hospitalization.  This has especially been a problem for Medicare beneficiaries.
The bill was sponsored by Pennsylvania state representative Stan Saylor (R-York County).  See Rep. Saylor’s memo to his House colleagues outlining the rationale for his bill here and find the bill itself here.

2014-10-23T06:00:13+00:00October 23rd, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Corbett Signs Observation Status Notification Bill

Congressman Calls for Helping Safety-Net Hospitals by Improving Medicare Readmissions Program

Congressman James Renacci (R-OH) is again asking his House colleagues to support his proposal to adjust Medicare’s hospital readmissions reduction program – a program he maintains is especially harmful to safety-net hospitals.
Noting that in its current form the program penalizes hospitals that care for larger numbers of poorer, sicker patients and that this “jeopardizes the viability of hospitals that service this vulnerable population,” the congressman urges his colleagues to support his bill, H.R. 4188, the Establishing Beneficiary Equity in the Hospital Readmissions Program Act.
This bill calls for adjusting the program’s approach “to account for certain disparities in patient population…”
See Representative Renacci’s letter to House colleagues here.

2014-10-22T11:44:02+00:00October 22nd, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Congressman Calls for Helping Safety-Net Hospitals by Improving Medicare Readmissions Program

Increased Utilization by New Medicaid Patients Levels Off, Study Finds

Spikes in hospital emergency room and inpatient admissions attributed to patients who have recently obtained Medicaid coverage eventually taper off, according to a new study.
According to the study Increased Service Use Following Medicaid Expansion is Mostly Temporary:  Evidence From California’s Low Income Health Program, dramatic increases in ER use and hospitalizations among those newly insured by Medicaid eventually level off and should not especially tax either hospital capacity or state Medicaid budgets.
The study, performed by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, found that after pent-up demand for care among those who previously had limited access to services was satisfied, utilization dropped by more than two-thirds and then remained relatively constant.  Outpatient utilization remains generally stable, the study found.
These findings may be a glimpse into Pennsylvania’s future and what its hospitals will face when the state eventually expands its Medicaid program.
For further information about the study and its implications for hospitals and state Medicaid budgets, see this Kaiser Health News report.  To see the UCLA study itself, go here.

2014-10-16T11:53:50+00:00October 16th, 2014|Affordable Care Act, Health care reform, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Increased Utilization by New Medicaid Patients Levels Off, Study Finds

Insurers Struggle to Find Providers to Participate in Healthy PA Medicaid Expansion

The insurers selected to participate in Pennsylvania’s Healthy PA Medicaid expansion program are having a hard time persuading hospitals and doctors to join their provider networks.
Citing low Medicaid reimbursement rates, providers have been reluctant to work with the chosen insurers.
The state selected nine insurers to offer Medicaid coverage to approximately 600,000 new recipients beginning on January 1, but now, one of those insurers has withdrawn from the program and another is considering reducing the geographic region it intends to serve.
Originally, the Corbett administration said it hoped to have at least three insurance options in each of the nine regions created for the Medicaid expansion program.  Now, it appears that two carriers per region is a more realistic expectation.
Read more about the challenges insurers are encountering in lining up participating providers, and how that problem could affect the overall Medicaid expansion effort, in this Pittsburgh Tribune-Review article.

2014-10-10T06:00:53+00:00October 10th, 2014|Affordable Care Act, Health care reform, Healthy PA, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Insurers Struggle to Find Providers to Participate in Healthy PA Medicaid Expansion

Teaching Hospitals Pitch More Residencies

With the country facing a physician shortage and the number of medical residencies capped by the 1997 Balanced Budget Act (because Medicare and Medicaid provide the primary funding for the residencies), teaching hospitals need an additional 4000 residency slots a year.
This was the message conveyed recently to a gathering of congressional aides co-sponsored by the Association of American Medical Colleges.
This issue is of interest to Pennsylvania’s safety-net hospitals, some of which are teaching hospitals.
Such an increase would cost $10 billion over the next ten years.
Learn more about the case for more residency slots in this Kaiser Health News article.

2014-10-09T06:00:10+00:00October 9th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Teaching Hospitals Pitch More Residencies
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