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The Challenges Facing Pennsylvania’s Safety-Net Hospitals

With the arrival of a new governor and the start of a new legislative session, the Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania (SNAP) has prepared a series of four papers for leaders of the new Wolf administration and legislative and committee leaders and staff.
Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania logoThe second of those four papers describes the major health care and health policy challenges safety-net hospitals face.  Those challenges include:

  • the distinct patients safety-net hospitals serve
  • inadequate payments for Medicaid services
  • the large numbers of uninsured and underinsured patients safety-net hospitals serve
  • threats to vital state Medicaid supplemental payments, such as Medicaid disproportionate share payments (Medicaid DSH
  • continuing change and reform in the health care system, including the delivery of care and how safety-net hospitals are paid for their services

The first paper, “What is SNAP?”, was an introduction to the Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania:  what safety-net hospitals are, where they are located, whom they serve, and how they differ from other acute-care hospitals in the state.
Find both SNAP papers here.

2015-01-23T06:00:07+00:00January 23rd, 2015|Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania|Comments Off on The Challenges Facing Pennsylvania’s Safety-Net Hospitals

Healthy Pennsylvania Medicaid Benefits Posted

Bookshelf with law booksThe Pennsylvania Department of Human Services has published materials describing Medicaid benefits under the state’s Healthy Pennsylvania Medicaid expansion.
A Medical Assistance Bulletin (#99-15-02) describing the “Interim Healthy Benefit Plan” can be found here and tables comparing the benefits packages under the “Healthy” (low risk), “Healthy Plus” (high risk), and Private Coverage Option plans (PCO) can be found here.

2015-01-22T06:00:53+00:00January 22nd, 2015|Healthy PA, Meetings and notices, Pennsylvania Medicaid laws and regulations|Comments Off on Healthy Pennsylvania Medicaid Benefits Posted

Problems Reported in Healthy PA Medicaid Enrollment

It appears some people may be having trouble taking advantage of Pennsylvania’s “Healthy Pennsylvania” Medicaid expansion.
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that there is a backlog in processing applications, some people who are eligible to participate are getting rejected for coverage, and some who need drug and alcohol treatment services have been placed in plans that do not provide such coverage.
The state has acknowledged the problem with drug and alcohol coverage but notes that processing applications can take up to 45 days.  So far, the state estimates that 150,000 Pennsylvania households have applied for Medicaid coverage since the enrollment period started on December 1.
To learn more about the challenges Pennsylvania’s Medicaid expansion is encountering, see this Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article.

2015-01-16T06:00:04+00:00January 16th, 2015|Healthy PA, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Problems Reported in Healthy PA Medicaid Enrollment

What is SNAP?

With the arrival of a new governor and the start of a new legislative session, the Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania (SNAP) has prepared a series of four papers for leaders of the new Wolf administration and legislative and committee leaders and staff.
Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania logoThe first paper, “What is SNAP?”, is an introduction to the Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania:  what safety-net hospitals are, where they are located, whom they serve, and how they differ from other acute-care hospitals in the state.
See “What is SNAP?” here, on the association’s web site.

2015-01-15T06:00:06+00:00January 15th, 2015|Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania|Comments Off on What is SNAP?

Will High Court Help Pave the Way to Higher Medicaid Payments?

In a case that could have nation-wide implications for health care providers, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear an appeal of a lower court decision that ordered the state of Idaho to raise Medicaid payments to providers serving the developmentally disabled because the state’s payments were too low.
While litigants in some states have used the courts in recent years to seek redress for what they believed were inadequate Medicaid payments, Supreme Court action on that matter could have national implications:  if the court supports the state of Idaho’s appeal of the order to raise fees it could limit the use of litigation in the future as a means of increasing payments and improving access to care for the Medicaid population.  If, on the other hand, the court rejects the Idaho appeal, it could potentially open the door to more such litigation, especially in states with Medicaid payments that do not even cover the cost of services providers deliver.
The outcome of this case will be of special interest to Pennsylvania’s safety-net hospitals because the state still underpays hospitals for much of the care they provide to their Medicaid patients.
To learn more about the Idaho case, similar litigation elsewhere, and the implications of the case about to go before the Supreme Court, see this Kaiser Health News report.

2015-01-14T06:00:35+00:00January 14th, 2015|Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals|Comments Off on Will High Court Help Pave the Way to Higher Medicaid Payments?

New Pennsylvania Health Law Project Newsletter

The Pennsylvania Health Law Project has released its latest newsletter.
The December edition includes articles about Medicaid benefits under Healthy Pennsylvania; the eligibility criteria for Medicaid; the continuation of the state’s General Assistance program for selected immigrants; and the process for some Pennsylvanians currently insured through the federal insurance marketplace to shift to Medicaid coverage instead.
Find the newsletter here.

2015-01-12T06:00:58+00:00January 12th, 2015|Healthy PA, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on New Pennsylvania Health Law Project Newsletter

Low-Income Patients Struggle With Diabetes Management

Low-income diabetics are more likely than others to struggle to manage their condition – even if they have health insurance.
According to a new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, “Increasing access to care may be insufficient to improve the health of patients with diabetes mellitus and unmet basic needs.”  The study defines those unmet needs as food insecurity, cost-related medication underuse, housing instability, and energy insecurity.
The study, “Material Needs Insecurities, Control of Diabetes Mellitus, and Use of Health Care Resources,” found that difficulty affording food led to more outpatient physician visits; trouble paying for medicine and underuse of medicine for that reason led to more emergency room visits and hospitalizations; and all of the material insecurities contributed to increased health care costs.
The study was based on observation of 400 patients served by community health centers in Massachusetts.  It found that 19 percent of those patients had trouble affording food, 28 percent had difficulty paying for medicine, 11 percent struggled to pay for someplace to live, and 14 percent had a hard time paying their utility bills.  Overall, nearly half had trouble managing their diabetes.
The study’s supports SNAP’s contention that low-income patients – patients served in disproportionate numbers by Pennsylvania’s safety-net hospitals – are fundamentally more challenging to treat than others and often lack the community and social supports needed to address their medical needs effectively.
Learn more about the study and its implications in this U.S. News & World Report article or find the study itself here, on the web site of JAMA Internal Medicine.

2015-01-08T06:00:45+00:00January 8th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Low-Income Patients Struggle With Diabetes Management

180,000 Pennsylvanians Turn to Exchange for Health Insurance

The federal government estimates that approximately 180,000 low- and moderate-income Pennsylvanians who earn too much to qualify for Medicaid have applied for health insurance through the federal health insurance exchange.
Nearly 80 percent of them are expected to qualify for some federal subsidies to help pay their premiums.  95,000 are first-time applicants.
Last year, 320,000 Pennsylvanians applied for insurance through the federal exchange.  About 60 percent did not have health insurance before doing so.
As a result, it appears as if more than 300,000 of the approximately 1.4 million Pennsylvanians who were uninsured at the time the Affordable Care Act’s insurance expansions took effect either now have such coverage or will soon have it.  This figure includes those newly eligible for Medicaid under the state’s Healthy Pennsylvania Medicaid expansion program.
Learn more about the various means through which previously uninsured Pennsylvanians are obtaining health insurance in this Harrisburg Patriot-News article.

2015-01-07T06:00:32+00:00January 7th, 2015|Affordable Care Act, Health care reform, Healthy PA|Comments Off on 180,000 Pennsylvanians Turn to Exchange for Health Insurance

100,000 Apply for Medical Assistance

As 2014 ended, Pennsylvania had received 100,000 applications for Medicaid coverage under the state’s Healthy Pennsylvania Medicaid expansion program.
Health Benefits Claim FormState officials estimate that approximately 600,000 adult Pennsylvanians are newly eligible for Medicaid under the program.  The 100,000 figure represents applications, not individuals; some applications are for families of varying size.  It is not yet known how many of the applicants are currently uninsured.
The state began accepting applications on December 1 for coverage to begin on January 1.  There is no deadline for applying.
Learn more about the applications the state is receiving in this Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article.

2015-01-06T06:00:19+00:00January 6th, 2015|Health care reform, Healthy PA|Comments Off on 100,000 Apply for Medical Assistance

Medicaid Pay Bump Gone in PA; Will it Affect Access?

The temporary increase in Medicaid provider fees for primary care services ended yesterday, leaving observers to wonder whether it will affect access to care for the nation’s growing Medicaid population.
The increase, mandated by the Affordable Care Act, raised Medicaid primary care rates to the same level as Medicare payments in the hope that more primary care providers would begin serving Medicaid patients in anticipation of significant growth in the Medicaid population.  Now that the two-year increase has ended, it is unclear whether providers who began serving Medicaid patients because of the increase will remain Medicaid providers and those who accepted more Medicaid patients will continue doing so.
Doctor listening to patientBecause of the relatively short duration of the increase, little research has been completed to determine whether the raise made a difference in access, but some states believe it did:  a number will use their own money to continue the raises, which during the two-year experiment were paid entirely by the federal government.
Pennsylvania is not among the states that will continue paying the enhanced Medicaid fees for primary care services.
Kaiser Health News has taken a look at this issue and the potential implications of the end of the Medicaid pay raise; see its report here.

2015-01-02T06:00:57+00:00January 2nd, 2015|Affordable Care Act, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Medicaid Pay Bump Gone in PA; Will it Affect Access?
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