The Challenges Facing Pennsylvania’s Safety-Net Hospitals
With the arrival of a new governor and the start of a new legislative session, the Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania (SNAP) has prepared a series of four papers for leaders of the new Wolf administration and legislative and committee leaders and staff.
The second of those four papers describes the major health care and health policy challenges safety-net hospitals face. Those challenges include:
- the distinct patients safety-net hospitals serve
- inadequate payments for Medicaid services
- the large numbers of uninsured and underinsured patients safety-net hospitals serve
- threats to vital state Medicaid supplemental payments, such as Medicaid disproportionate share payments (Medicaid DSH
- continuing change and reform in the health care system, including the delivery of care and how safety-net hospitals are paid for their services
The first paper, “What is SNAP?”, was an introduction to the Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania: what safety-net hospitals are, where they are located, whom they serve, and how they differ from other acute-care hospitals in the state.
Find both SNAP papers here.