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IOM Weighs in on Social Determinants Training

If patients’ symptoms and conditions are the product of who they are, where they are from, and how they have lived, can better understanding those circumstances help providers serve those patients more effectively?
Increasingly the answer to that question has been yes, it can, and now, the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine and the Institute of Medicine have proposed an approach to training caregivers on the social determinants of health. Their new publication, A Framework for Educating Health Professionals to Address the Social Determinants of Health, notes that

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines social determinants of health as “the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age, and the wider set of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life.” These forces and systems include economic policies, development agendas, cultural and social norms, social policies, and political systems. Health inequities, “the unfair and avoidable differences in health between groups of people within countries and between countries” (WHO, 2015b), stem from the social determinants of health and result in stark differences in health and health outcomes. 

frameworkSNAP has long maintained that the socio-economic challenges their patients face – all important social determinants of health – make serving their low-income communities more challenging and more complex than the patients served by the typical community hospital in Pennsylvania today.
The report’s framework addresses such issues as diversity and inclusion, the importance of a diverse workforce, community participation, health professions education, and more. To learn more about how understanding the social determinants of health might lead to better care and healthier populations, go here to see the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine and the Institute of Medicine publication A Framework for Educating Health Professionals to Address the Social Determinants of Health.

2016-03-15T06:00:32+00:00March 15th, 2016|Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania, Uncategorized|Comments Off on IOM Weighs in on Social Determinants Training

GAO Looks at Supplemental Medicaid Payments

Following up its own 2012 report that identified more than 500 hospitals receiving supplemental Medicaid payments that resulted in Medicaid payment surpluses, the U.S. Government Accountability Office has taken a broader look at supplemental payments state Medicaid programs make to hospitals and how those payments are used.
gaoIn a limited study of hospitals in four states, GAO found that some hospitals used supplemental payments for purposes other than serving Medicaid patients and the uninsured – purposes such as ordinary operations, capital purchases, a poison control center, even a helicopter. GAO also found that hospitals were more likely to receive such payments if local funding was used to draw down federal Medicaid matching funds. In some places, hospitals with local governments willing to finance the payments were more likely to receive them than hospitals located in places without such local support.
The GAO recommended that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services take stronger steps to ensure that supplemental Medicaid payments are linked to the provision of Medicaid services and that CMS not permit states to make those payments contingent on local financing.
Learn more about why the GAO looked at supplemental Medicaid payments, what it learned, and what it recommended in the report Federal Guidance Needed to Address Concerns About Distribution of Supplemental Payments.

2016-03-09T06:00:15+00:00March 9th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on GAO Looks at Supplemental Medicaid Payments

Latest Edition of Health Law News

The Pennsylvania Health Law Project has released the latest edition of its newsletter.
phlpThe February edition includes features about Governor Wolf’s proposed FY 2017 Medicaid budget, the launch of a new “fast track” Medicaid enrollment program, the state’s plans for a new approach to providing managed long-term services and supports, and more.
Find the newsletter here.

2016-03-03T06:00:55+00:00March 3rd, 2016|Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Pennsylvania proposed FY 2017 budget|Comments Off on Latest Edition of Health Law News

SNAP Comments on Balance Billing Proposal

The Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania has submitted comments to the Pennsylvania Insurance Department addressing that department’s proposed Balance Billing Protection Act.
Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania logoWhile supporting the concept of addressing the problem of surprise balance billing for insurance-covered medical services, SNAP encouraged the Insurance Department to consider the potential market-influenced conditions that may be leading to balance billing; to foster greater transparency and better communication between consumers, insurers, and providers; to avoid any methodology for resolving reimbursement disputes that favors insurers over providers; and to require hospitals to participate in reimbursement dispute resolution only when hospitals are part of that dispute and not when they are only the site at which the disputed services were delivered.
SNAP also encouraged the Insurance Department to involve the state’s Department of Health in addressing this issue; to seek greater public input; and to look to balance billing efforts elsewhere for guidance.
Find the Pennsylvania Insurance Department’s proposed Balance Billing Protection Act here and read SNAP’s comments on that proposal here.

2016-03-01T11:06:30+00:00March 1st, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on SNAP Comments on Balance Billing Proposal

New Look at Preventive Care

The organization America’s Health Rankings issued a new report documenting the use of preventive health care services across the country.
The organization’s “Spotlight: Prevention”

…takes an in-depth look at the status of clinical disease prevention across the country and the inequities within subpopulations. The aim of this spotlight is to drive awareness and understanding about the roles of key clinical preventive services and interventions—Access to Health Care, Immunizations, and Chronic Disease Prevention—in improving the health of individuals and our communities.

Pennsylvania State MapThe report takes a state-by-state look the use of preventive services in the country today.
Find an introduction to “Spotlight: Prevention” go here and go here for a look at the status of prevention efforts in Pennsylvania based on such factors as patient age, gender, race, education, and income.

2016-02-29T06:00:45+00:00February 29th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on New Look at Preventive Care

Hospitals Not Using Observation Status to Avoid Readmissions Penalties

Hospitals are not moving returning patients to observation status to avoid incurring financial penalties under Medicare’s hospital readmissions reduction program, according to new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
new england journalSince that program’s inception, more than 3300 hospitals have reduced the rate at which they readmit Medicare patients within 30 days of their discharge from the hospital. A moderate increase in the classification of Medicare patients in observation status led some critics to suggest that observation status was being used to avoid penalties for readmissions.
The study disagrees, concluding that

we found a change in the rate of readmissions coincident with the enactment of the ACA, which suggested that the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program may have had a broad effect on care, especially for targeted conditions. In the long-term follow-up period, readmission rates continued to fall for targeted and nontargeted conditions, but at a slower rate. We did not see large changes in the trends of observation-service use associated with the passage of the ACA, and hospitals with greater reductions in readmission rates were no more likely to increase their observation-service use than other hospitals.

For a closer look at the study, the methodology employed, and its conclusions, go here to see the New England Journal of Medicine article “Readmissions, Observation, and the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program.” In addition, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services features a commentary about the study on its blog. Go here to see that commentary, titled “Reducing Avoidable Hospital Readmissions to Create a Better, Safer Health Care System.”

2016-02-26T06:00:17+00:00February 26th, 2016|Health care reform, Medicare, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Hospitals Not Using Observation Status to Avoid Readmissions Penalties

Do Return ER Visits Yield Better Outcomes?

Patients who visit hospital emergency rooms for care, return home, and then return to the ER within 30 days have better outcomes than those who are admitted to the hospital from the ER.
And their care costs less as well.
jama1This according to a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
What does this mean?
According to the study’s abstract,

These findings suggest that hospital admissions associated with return visits to the ED may not adequately capture deficits in the quality of care delivered during an ED visit.

To learn more about the study and its surprising findings, see this Fierce Healthcare article or go here for a link to the JAMA article “In-Hospital Outcomes and Costs Among Patients Hospitalized During a Return Visit to the Emergency Department.”

2016-02-25T06:00:57+00:00February 25th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Do Return ER Visits Yield Better Outcomes?

Cutting ER Visits: Harder Than Expected

The first two years of major expansion of access to health insurance under the Affordable Care Act did not produce the significant reduction in hospital ER visits that many expected.
Or so reports a new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
According to the CDC, even though eight million people gained health insurance under the health reform law in 2013 and 2014, ER visit rates changed little.
iStock_000000522737XSmallStill, the CDC survey found some progress: visits among Medicaid patients and the uninsured fell slightly, although Medicaid patents still frequent hospital ERs more than the privately insured.
Among those who did visit the ER, many said their primary care practice was not open at the time or that the ER was the only provider to which they felt they had access to care. In addition, many who made ER return visits reported doing so because of local government reductions of behavior health services options.
Because they are located in low-income communities, Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals typically have far more ER visits than the average hospital.
Learn more about changing rates of ER visits during the first years under the Affordable Care Act in this Fierce Healthcare article or go here to see the CDC report Reasons for Emergency Room Use Among U.S. Adults Aged 18–64: National Health Interview Survey, 2013 and 2014.

2016-02-23T06:00:12+00:00February 23rd, 2016|Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Cutting ER Visits: Harder Than Expected

PA Introduces Improvement to Medicaid Provider Enrollment

The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services has launched a new online portal to facilitate provider enrollment in the state’s Medicaid program.
PA-logoAccording to DHS officials, the new portal will enable the state to enroll providers electronically and automate the provider enrollment process. Under the new approach, documents previously transmitted by mail or fax will be uploaded to the portal, providers will be able to view the status of their application, and the time needed to review and process provider applications will be reduced.
Learn more about the new Medicaid provider portal from this state news release.

2016-02-22T06:00:00+00:00February 22nd, 2016|Pennsylvania Medicaid policy, Pennsylvania Medical Assistance|Comments Off on PA Introduces Improvement to Medicaid Provider Enrollment
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