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Medicare Penalties Hurt Safety-Net Hospitals More, Some Argue

HospitalPenalties imposed on hospitals deemed to have excessive readmissions of Medicare patients may disproportionately target safety-net hospitals, some health care experts maintain.
Such penalties are part of Medicare’s hospital readmissions reduction program.
According to the recent New York Times article “Hospitals Question Medicare Rules on Readmissions,” “…health policy experts and hospital executives say the penalties, which went into effect in October, unfairly target hospitals that treat the sickest patients or the patients facing the greatest socioeconomic challenges.”  The article goes on to cite a recent report in the New England Journal of Medicine, noting that “Large academic medical centers and so-called safety-net hospitals are bearing the brunt of the new policy, and the authors warn that the penalties could make it even harder for hospitals struggling to care for those patients with the highest needs.”
Read the Times article here.

2013-04-05T06:00:29+00:00April 5th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Medicare Penalties Hurt Safety-Net Hospitals More, Some Argue

ER Overuse May be Overstated

The common perception that many hospital emergency rooms are significantly overused by people not suffering genuine medical emergencies may not be accurate according to a new report published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.Hospital building
According to the study “Comparison of Presenting Complaint vs. Discharge Diagnosis for Identifying ‘Nonemergency’ Emergency Department Visits,” many ER patients who turn out not to be suffering genuine medical emergencies present with virtually the same symptoms as patients who are suffering true emergencies.   This suggests that it may be unreasonable in at least some cases for patients to determine whether their medical problems genuinely require emergency assistancePennsylvania’s safety-net hospitals typically experience very high emergency room utilization.
Overuse of hospital emergency rooms is frequently cited as a major cause of rising health care costs.
Read more about these latest findings in this New York Times blog entry and find the JAMA study here.

2013-04-03T06:00:54+00:00April 3rd, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on ER Overuse May be Overstated

Medicaid Expansion Would Boost PA Economy and Pay for Itself, Report Says

A new study suggests that expanding Medicaid eligibility in Pennsylvania would create as many as 39,000 new jobs over the next seven years and generate enough new revenue to pay the state’s share of the expansion’s costs.
Or so says a new study by RAND Health.
According to the study, Medicaid expansion under the terms established by the Affordable Care Act would reduce Pennsylvania’s uninsured rate from the current 12.7 percent to 4.8 percent in 2016, spur $20 billion in economic growth by 2020, and generate more new tax revenue than the state would need to spend to pay its share of expansion’s cost once the federal share of expansion drops from 100 percent to 90 percent.
The Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania (SNAP) supports Medicaid expansion in the state.
Read more about the RAND Health report, and find a link to the study, in this Central Penn Business Journal article.

2013-04-01T06:00:54+00:00April 1st, 2013|Health care reform, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Medicaid Expansion Would Boost PA Economy and Pay for Itself, Report Says

Feds Offer New Carrot to Promote Medicaid Expansion

In their desire to persuade states to expand their Medicaid programs as called for in the Affordable Care Act, federal officials are now suggesting that states could use new federal Medicaid funds to enable Medicaid-eligible people to purchase private insurance.
Even though this was not envisioned in the  health reform law, the prospect of making greater use of the private sector appears to be appealing to many Republican governors who have otherwise been reluctant to commit their states to expanding their Medicaid programs.
Pennsylvania has no current plans to expand Medicaid eligibility, although there appears to be growing interest in doing so throughout the state.  Expansion would add approximately 500,000 people to the state’s Medicaid rolls, many of whom would be served by safety-net hospitals.  The Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania (SNAP) supports Medicaid expansion in the commonwealth.
Read more about how this idea came about, why many states find it appealing, how it would work, and what the potential challenges are in this New York Times article.

2013-03-27T06:00:31+00:00March 27th, 2013|Health care reform, Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania|Comments Off on Feds Offer New Carrot to Promote Medicaid Expansion

Immigrants Muddy Reform Calculus for Safety-Net Hospitals

Immigrants to the U.S. – legal and not – pose a special challenge in the health care environment of the future.
Legal immigrants will not be able to benefit from many of the Affordable Care Act’s provisions until they have resided in the U.S. for five years while undocumented residents will not benefit from the reform law’s Medicaid expansion at all.  Meanwhile, many of these individuals will continue to turn to health care providers, and especially to hospitals, when they are sick or injured.
But is this is a problem?  And if it is, how great a problem is it?  How many such individuals are there?
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has attempted to answer that question in a new report titled “State Estimates of the Low-Income Uninsured Not Eligible for the ACA Medicaid Expansion.”  Among the report’s findings, it notes that

Safety-net health care providers are likely to continue to be key providers for this population after health reform, and the need for safety-net care will not be spread evenly across states. The capacity of safety-net providers to fill this gap will need to be assessed. While all states will need to develop strategies for meeting the health care needs of these adults, the challenges will be particularly difficult for safety-net providers in states with large numbers of immigrants who will not be eligible for Medicaid.

According to the report, about two percent of Pennsylvania’s non-elderly adults are unauthorized or recent legal immigrants; three percent of the state’s low-income, non-elderly adults are unauthorized or recent legal immigrants; and six percent of the state’s low-income, uninsured, non-elderly adults are unauthorized or recent legal immigrants.
Many of these individuals will undoubtedly turn to Pennsylvania’s safety-net hospitals for medical services.
Find the report hereDoctor giving patient an ultrasound.

2013-03-26T06:00:04+00:00March 26th, 2013|Health care reform|Comments Off on Immigrants Muddy Reform Calculus for Safety-Net Hospitals

MACPAC Reports to Congress

The Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) has issued its March 2013 report to Congress.
The agency, created to advise Congress on Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) issues, offered two recommendations in its report.
First, it recommended that Congress authorize states to implement 12-month eligibility for adults enrolled in Medicaid and children enrolled in CHIP, in much the same manner as they now do for children enrolled in Medicaid.
And second, MACPAC urged Congress to fund permanently Transitional Medical Assistance (TMA), which enables families that become ineligible for Medicaid because they now earn more money than the program’s limit to retain their Medicaid eligibility for several additional months.
The MACPAC report also includes analyses of several issues involving services for dually eligible (Medicare and Medicaid) individuals.
Because Pennsylvania’s safety-net hospitals serve so many Medicaid, CHIP, and dually eligible patients, MACPAC’s recommendations and analyses can be especially important to them.
Find the MACPAC March 2013 report here.

2013-03-25T06:00:01+00:00March 25th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on MACPAC Reports to Congress

New Medicare Program Readmitted for Additional Work

Medicare’s new hospital readmissions reduction program has itself been readmitted for extra work after the federal government concluded that faulty calculations have resulted in inaccurate penalties and payments.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has announced that as part of a recent reexamination of hospitals’ performance under the program, more than 1200 hospitals were overpenalized and more than 200 will have to pay larger penalties than they were originally assessed.
The readmissions reduction program is being credited with a decrease in Medicare hospital readmissions across the country.  At the same time, however, a report in the New England Journal of Medicine suggested that the program will penalize hospitals that care for especially poor and sick patients.  MedPAC, the independent federal agency that advises Congress on Medicare reimbursement issues, recently expressed similar concerns.
Read more about the technical problems the program has encountered, the successes for which it is being credited, and the concerns that some people still have about it in thisHospital Kaiser Health News report.

2013-03-21T06:00:44+00:00March 21st, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on New Medicare Program Readmitted for Additional Work

DSH Losses Will Hurt Safety-Net Hospitals

Safety-net and other hospitals will suffer financially when Affordable Care Act-mandated cuts in Medicare disproportionate share hospital payments (Medicare DSH) and Medicaid DSH payments begin taking effect in FY 2014.
So concludes Moody’s, the bond-rating agency.
The losses will be especially harmful to hospitals in states that do not expand their Medicaid programs and to safety-net hospitals, Moody’s believes.
Currently, Pennsylvania has no plans to expand its Medicaid program as envisioned by the Affordable Care Act.
Hospitals face other specific challenges as well as a result of these cuts.
Read more about Moody’s assessment of the impact of future Medicare DSH and Medicaid DSH cuts in this reportFinancial graphs in Becker’s Hospital Review.

2013-03-20T06:00:57+00:00March 20th, 2013|Health care reform|Comments Off on DSH Losses Will Hurt Safety-Net Hospitals

Hospitals Weigh Potential Impact of Medicaid Expansion in PA

Medicaid expansion in Pennsylvania could help compensate hospitals for the care they are currently providing to uninsured patients.
And enhanced Medicaid payments made possible under the Affordable Care Act also could help hospitals with their Medicaid shortfalls:  the difference between what Pennsylvania pays hospitals for the Medicaid services they provide and the actual cost of those services.
So hospital executives around the state recently told the Johnstown Tribune-Democrat.
To learn more about how selected hospital executives view Medicaid expansion and why the Corbett administration has been reluctant so far to go ahead with that expansion, read the article “Small hospitals could gain from expansion” in this Johnstown Tribune-Democrat article.

2013-03-19T06:00:38+00:00March 19th, 2013|Health care reform, Pennsylvania Medicaid policy|Comments Off on Hospitals Weigh Potential Impact of Medicaid Expansion in PA

Bill Would Create New Residency Positions

Doctor listening to patientA new bill before Congress would create 15,000 new Medicare-sponsored medical residency spots – the first such new positions in 15 years.
Half of those slots would be for physicians training for careers in primary care.
The bill, which has bipartisan sponsorship, would cost between $9 billion and $10 billion over the next 10 years.
Medical residents play a major role in caring for low-income and uninsured patients in many Pennsylvania safety-net hospitals.
Read more about the possibility of new medical residency slots in this article from The Hill.

2013-03-18T06:00:44+00:00March 18th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Bill Would Create New Residency Positions
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